NCATNational Center for Appropriate Technology (Butte, MT)
NCATNoise Cancellation and Amplification Technology
NCATNational Center for Asphalt Technology
NCATNational Center for Academic Transformation
NCATNorthern College of the Arts & Technology (Melbourne, Australia)
NCATNigerian College of Aviation Technology
NCATNational Center for Advanced Technologies
NCATNational Center for Accessible Transportation (Oregon)
NCATNURBS-Based Cardiac-Torso
NCATNorth Carolina Agricultural and Technical University (Greensboro, North Carolina; also seen as NCATU)
NCATNational Carbon Accounting Toolbox (Australian Greenhouse Office)
NCATNew Center Asset Trust (Delaware)
NCATNetwork Config Audit Tool
NCATNaval Center for Acquisition Training
NCATNeuro-Cognitive Assessment Testing
NCATNormocephalic/Atraumatic (Head Not Injured)
NCATNetwork Capacity Assessment Tool
NCATNorth Country Artist Trails (British Columbia, Canada)
NCATNational Center for Applied Technology
NCATNet Censorship and Terrorism
NCATNew Caney Aquatic Team
NCATNational Centre for Anticoagulation Training (UK)
NCATNaval College Aptitude Test
NCATNetwork Comparison and Analysis Tool (Blue Cross)
NCATNanba City Air Terminal
NCATNetwork of Citizens Against Trafficking
NCATNewah Cultural Association of Texas
NCATNorthcentral Antenna Technologies, Inc (Dixon, IL)
NCATNeurocognitive Assessment Test