GTLGym, Tanning, Laundry
GTLGenomes to Life (US Department of Energy Office of Science)
GTLGLOCK Tactical Light (Smyrna, GA)
GTLGas to Liquids
GTLGrand Tourisme Legere
GTLGrand Tourisme Luxe
GTLGunning Transceiver Logic
GTLGeorgia Tech Lorraine (Georgia Institute of Technology; Metz, France)
GTLGunning Transceiver Logic (specialized local bus)
GTLGroup Term Life (payroll taxable benefit)
GTLGenetic Testing Laboratories (various locations)
GTLGoing through Life
GTLGas-To-Liquid technology (natural gas, synthesis gas)
GTLGem Trade Laboratory (Gemological Institute of America)
GTLGreen Tea Lemonade (drink)
GTLGermanium, Tin and Lead (conference series)
GTLGilway Technical Lamp
GTLGenetic Technologies Limited (Australia)
GTLGovernment Task Leader
GTLGlobal Tele-Systems Ltd (India)
GTLGunning Transistor Logic (JEDEC standard JESD8-3)
GTLGun-Target Line
GTLGround Team Leader
GTLGeneralized Transmission Line (equations)
GTLGlass Training Ltd (UK industry training body)
GTLGone to Lunch
GTLGame Theory and the Law
GTLGeomagnetic Tail Laboratory
GTLGreetings Telex Letter
GTLGaseous Tritium Light
GTLGross Trailing Load