例句 COMPANY1 a company2 a very big company3 when a company operates in many different parts of the world4 relating to a company5 abbreviation for different types of companyRELATED WORDSpart of a company 公司的一部分 PART (4)when a company reduces its activities, costs etc 公司减少活动、成本等 REDUCE (4)see alsoBUSINESSMANAGERPOSITION/RANKJOBWORKWORK FOR SBIN CHARGE OF1 a company 公司 company /ˈkʌmpəni/ [countable noun] an organization, that produces goods or provides services in order to make a profit 公司 The company employs over 10,000 people worldwide. 那家公司在全世界雇用了一万多名员工。oil/insurance/phone etc company It is the second largest insurance company in Germany. 这是德国第二大保险公司。work for a company My father used to work for one of the big oil companies. 我爸爸过去在一家大石油公司工作。join a company start to work there 加入一家公司〔开始工作〕 Davis joined the company as vice-president of sales nine months ago. 九个月前,戴维斯加盟那家公司,任职销售副总裁。set up/start a company The company was set up in 1975. 该公司于1975年成立。 firm /fɜːʳm/ [countable noun] a company, especially one that provides services rather than producing goods, for example financial or legal services 公司〔尤指提供服务的公司〕 Hanson decided to start his own management consulting firm. 汉森决定创办自己的管理咨询公司。law/electronics/building etc firm She works for a law firm in Amsterdam. 她在阿姆斯特丹一家律师事务所工作。firm of lawyers/accountants etc Edward got a job with a firm of accountants in London. 爱德华获得一份伦敦会计师事务所的工作。join a firm start working for a firm 加入一家公司〔开始工作〕 Harris joined the firm in 1992. 哈里斯于1992年加入那家公司。 business /ˈbɪznɪs, ˈbɪznəs/ [countable noun] a company that sells or produces goods or provides services, especially one that employs only a small number of people or only one person 店,公司〔尤指拥有少量或仅仅一个雇员者〕 Jack's thinking of starting his own business. 杰克在考虑自己办公司。 Several small businesses have folded closed in recent months. 在最近几个月中,有数家小公司倒闭。manage/run a business Don and his wife run their own business. 唐和妻子经营自己的公司。set up/start a business Profits have slowly increased since we started the business three years ago. 自从我们三年前创建公司以来,利润有了缓慢增长。small business one that employs only one person or very few people 小公司 His oldest daughter, 31, owns a small printing business in Fresno. 他的大女儿31岁,在弗雷斯诺经营一家小印刷公司。family business one that was started by and employs members of the same family 家族企业 His sons have worked in the family business for years. 他的几个儿子已在家族企业里工作多年。 subsidiary /səbˈsɪdiəriǁ-dieri/ [countable noun] a company that is owned and controlled by a larger company 子公司;分公司 Sharp Electronics is the U.S. subsidiary of Japan's Sharp Corporation. 夏普电子公司是日本夏普集团的美国分公司。subsidiary company Relco plans to establish a subsidiary company in the UK with a capital of around $4m. 雷尔科计划以400万美元左右的资金在英国开设分公司。 dotcom /ˈdɒtkðmǁˈdɑːtkɑːm/ [countable noun] a company that sells its goods and services on the Internet 网络公司 Many dotcoms fail in their first year of trading. 许多网络公司开业第一年就倒闭了。 dotcom [adjective] Investment analysts are predicing another dotcome boom. 投资分析家预计网络公司还有一次繁荣。 start-up /ˈstɑːʳtʌp/ [countable noun] a small company that has just been started, often one concerned with computing or the Internet 〔与计算机技术或互联网业务有关的〕新成立的小公司 She works for a small internet start-up. 她在一家新成立的小网络公司上班。 start-up [adjective] start-up companies 新成立的小公司2 a very big company 很大的公司 multinational /ˌmʌltɪˈnæʃənəl◂/ [adjective only before noun] multinational company/corporation/business a very large company that has offices or factories in many different countries 跨国公司 The recording business is now controlled by multinational corporations. 唱片业现在由跨国公司控制。 multinational [countable noun] the power of the big multinationals 大跨国集团的实力 corporation /ˌkɔːʳpəˈreɪʃən/ [countable noun] a large company that employs a lot of people, especially one that includes several smaller companies 〔尤指雇用许多人、拥有多家小公司的〕大公司 IBM is one of the biggest corporations in the world. 国际商业机器公司是世界最大的公司之一。 U.S. corporations sold nearly $6.2 billion in new stock in May -- the highest monthly volume in history. 5月份美国的大公司发行了价值62亿美元的新股——创月发行量历史新高。 conglomerate /kənˈglɒmərɪt, kənˈglɒmərətǁ-ˈglɑː-/ [countable noun] a very large business organization that consists of several different companies which have joined together 联合大企业〔即通过多家公司合并发展起来的商业组织〕 A vast American conglomerate has announced plans to buy the site at a cost of well over a billion dollars. 一家庞大的美国联合大企业已经宣布计划以远远超过十亿美元的价格购买这块地皮。 In the mid-1980s the big financial conglomerates muscled into the market. 20世纪80年代中期,一些庞大的金融联合大企业挤进了市场。 The German media conglomerate Kronstadt AG reported record earnings last year. 德国媒体联合企业集团喀琅施塔得公司报道,去年的利润创了纪录。3 when a company operates in many different parts of the world 一家公司在世界许多地方经营业务 globalization /ˌgləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃənǁ-bələ-/ [uncountable noun] when companies, especially from rich countries, employ people and trade in many different parts of the world 全球化 Globalization has brought very little real benefit to developing countries. 全球化给发展中国家带来的实际利益很少。 The history of capitalism has been a history of the globalization of production. 资本主义的历史是生产全球化的历史。 a demonstration against globalization 反对全球化的示威游行4 relating to a company 与一家公司有关的 company /ˈkʌmpəni/ [adjective only before noun] Company profits have more than doubled in the last four years. 在过去的四年里,公司利润增长了一倍多。 One of the benefits of the job is the use of a company car. 这份工作的好处之一是可以用公司提供的汽车。 A spokesman said company policy doesn't allow comment on mergers and acquisitions. 一位发言人说,公司政策不允许对并购发表评论。 corporate /ˈkɔːʳpərɪt, ˈkɔːʳpərət/ [adjective only before noun] relating to a large company 大公司的 Ad campaigns are used to both bolster sales and improve corporate image. 广告活动用于增加销量和改善企业形象两方面。 Fisher, 37, will be responsible for corporate planning. 费希尔37岁,将负责公司规划。 The company is moving its corporate headquarters from Philadelphia to New York. 该公司将把公司总部从费城搬到纽约。5 abbreviation for different types of company 各种公司的缩写 Ltd British /Inc. American the written abbreviations of ‘Limited’ and ‘Incorporated’ - used after the name of a company to show that it is legally established and that its owners are legally responsible for only a limited amount of money if the company gets into debt 有限公司〔用于公司名字后〕 Stevenson Securities Ltd 史蒂文森证券有限公司 Syquest Technology Inc. 赛快技术有限公司 Corp. the written abbreviation of ‘Corporation’ - used after the name of a large company, especially in the US 公司〔用于大公司名字后,尤用于美国〕 Federal Express Corp. 联邦快递公司 Co. /kəʊ/ the abbreviation of ‘Company’ 公司 Henry Butt and Co. Ltd 亨利·巴特有限公司 Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada 加拿大帝国人寿保险公司 plc /ˌpiː el ˈsiː/ the abbreviation of ‘Public Limited Company’ - used in Britain after the name of a large company that ordinary people can buy shares in 公共有限公司〔在英国用于上市公司名字后〕 Marks & Spencer plc 玛莎公共有限公司

