
音标: 英 [ˈkɔ:zətɪv] 美 [ˈkɔzətɪv]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 成为原因的
n. 使役动词

a. producing an effect


1. I think you're confusing correlation with causation.


2. Get you to accept that causation is complicated.


3. Trust me, correlation is not necessarily causation.

相信我 相关性不一定是因果关系

4. Straining too forcefully is very common causation for bursting a brain aneury*.


5. Well, we seem to have a chicken and egg problem here, and if you're trying to prove causation, that is not good news.

看起来我们遇到了 先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题 如果你们想要证明两者之间的因果关系 这可不是什么好消息

6. Far from automated systems the fall of the global financial economy, will result from simple causation principles in mathematics.

与自动化系统不同 全球金融经济的落败 可能源自数学中简单的因果原理

7. I'm sorry to tell you that is merely wishful thinking, and yes your job too is vulnerable; even if not directly threatened by automation; we are all affected by the mechani*s of causation.

很遗憾 那只是你的一厢情愿 没错 你的工作也不堪一击 即使不是直接受到自动化威胁 我们也被因果机制影响
