
音标: 英 ['fɪlə(r)] 美 [ˈfɪlɚ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 装填者, 补白, 装填物
[计] 填充符

n. used for filling cracks or holes in a surface
n. 100 filler equal 1 forint in Hungary
n. copy to fill space between more important articles in the layout of a magazine or newspaper
n. the tobacco used to form the core of a cigar


1. It's just that his friends were the fillers.


2. But some turf is more carpetlike no fillers needed.

但有些草皮更像是地毯 无需填充物

3. Some are just extras, they're fillers, but some have powers.

有些是附加角色 填补空缺 但有些人是有能力的

4. They buy filler and stone from the quarry.


5. I haven't got enough filler but we'll try.

我的填充物不够 但我试试吧

6. But none of that undergrad filler bullshit.


7. Cocaine mixed with fillers plastic being one of them.

可卡因混着填充物 其中包括塑料

8. You literally did four minutes of filler and setup.


9. You know, it may be feelgood filler, but it does the trick.

你知道吗 这或许是令人愉悦的补白 但它确实奏效了

10. I would love a nice fruit plate, but with no honeydew filler.

我想吃水果盘 但不要加蜜汁
