
音标: 英 [ɪˈspeʃəlɪ] 美 [ɛˈspɛʃəlɪ, ɪˈspɛʃ-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


adv. 尤其, 特别, 格外

r to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common
r in a special manner


1. Especially after what you did to him.


2. Especially after what I'm about to do.


3. We find that there's especially, in these parts of the genome, it's especially genes that are involved in your brain.

我们发现在这些区域的基因组主要是 与大脑相关的基因

4. But you say something like that to somebody, it hurts, especially somebody of her age, especially if you're you.

但你对别人说这样的话是会伤他们感情的 尤其是她这个年纪 尤其是由你来说

5. I need both of you here, especially you.

我需要你们俩留在这儿 尤其是你

6. Especially with the connection that you have.


7. No, I bloody don't, and especially not to you.

对 我当然不想 特别是不想输给你

8. But we're all banged up, you especially.

但我们都受伤了 特别是你

9. No more of this, especially not today.

别再忙这个了 尤其是今天

10. Especially after everything you did for me.

