
音标: 英 [θeft] 美 [θɛft]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 盗窃, 失窃, 盗窃罪, 赃物
[法] 盗窃行为, 偷窃, 失窃

n the act of taking something from someone unlawfully


1. Well, you joke, but theft is theft, my friend.

你隨便笑我 但偷就是偷 朋友

2. Grand theft auto, retail theft, evading a police officer.

盗窃车辆 盗窃商品 躲避警务人员

3. Apparently it's not theft, what you did.

显然 你的行为并不是盗窃

4. It's not theft if you own the company.

你是老板的话 那就不算偷了

5. She's out of town, so the theft wasn't reported.

她出城了 所以没有登记车辆丢失

6. Had some calls about some auto thefts there.


7. It is such a shame, but I've had to di*iss her for theft.

真可惜 但她偷东西 我不得不解雇了她

8. No, I've never been arrested for theft.

不 我从未因偷窃被逮捕过

9. Well, that could be the motive for the theft.

好吧 这可能就是盗窃的动机

10. You are under arrest for utility theft.

