
音标: 英 [ɪn'demnətɪ] 美 [ɪnˈdɛmnɪtɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 赔偿, 保障, 补偿, 赦免, 保护
[经] 赔偿, 补偿, 赔偿金

n. protection against future loss
n. legal exemption from liability for damages


1. The government did not legislate for apology, compensation, or indemnity.

内阁没有为道歉 补偿和赔偿而立法

2. Um, she was to talk to us about life insurance, double indemnity.

她想劝我们办人寿保险 双重赔偿

3. She wants to talk to us about life insurance double indemnity.

她想劝我们办人寿保险 双重赔偿

4. Double indemnity means that in the case of accidental death, the insurance company promises to pay the beneficiary twice the face value.

双重赔偿是说 如果出现意外死亡的情况 保险公司将会给受益人 双倍保额的赔偿
