
单词 addressed
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BYOD〕BYOD is here to stay, but security remains an issue that needs to be urgently addressed.自备工具是长期政策,但是因此带来的安全问题必须马上解决。剑桥高阶〔Colossae〕An ancient city of central Asia Minor. It was the site of an early Christian church to which Saint Paul addressed his Epistle to the Colossians.哥罗西:小亚细亚一古城,为早期圣保罗向哥罗西人传使徒书时的教堂所在地美国传统〔DETAIL〕For full details of this exclusive offer, just send in a stamped addressed envelope. 欲知有关这项独家优惠的详情,寄上贴有邮票写有姓名地址的信封即可。朗文写作活用〔IN CHARGE OF〕All questions must be addressed to the chair. 所有的问题都必须提交主席。朗文写作活用〔ON TIME〕The letters were all addressed and stamped, and there was still plenty of time to catch the post. 这些信都已写好地址贴上邮票,现在还有足够的时间赶上邮局的收信时间。朗文写作活用〔PERSONALLY/YOURSELF〕The letter had been delivered by hand, and was addressed to Mrs Zippie Isaacs. 这封信是有人亲自送来的,写给齐皮·艾萨克斯夫人。朗文写作活用〔Royal Highness〕Mary addressed the Prince as 'Your Royal Highness'.玛丽称呼王子为“殿下”。外研社新世纪〔TALK〕Rifkind addressed a news conference before leaving for Beijing yesterday. 昨天里夫金德在启程去北京之前,在一个新闻发布会上发表演说。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕Three Republican candidates addressed a group of 500 senior citizens concerning tax cuts. 三位共和党候选人就减税问题对500位年长者作了演讲。朗文写作活用〔Timothy〕Christian leader and companion of Saint Paul. Two epistles of the New Testament, ascribed to Paul, are addressed to him.提摩太:基督教领袖,圣保罗的同伴。《新约全书》中人们认为保罗所写的两封书信就是写给他的美国传统〔Titus〕Christian leader and companion of Saint Paul. An epistle of the New Testament, ascribed to Paul, is addressed to him.提图斯:基督教领袖,圣保罗的同伴。《新约全书》中一封被认为是保罗所写的书简是写给他的美国传统〔address oneself to〕It’s time we addressed ourselves to the business in hand.该是我们着手处理手头正事的时候了。21世纪英汉〔address oneself to〕She addressed herself to the leader.她是针对领导说的。21世纪英汉〔address oneself to〕She addressed herself to the task.她着手完成这项任务。21世纪英汉〔address to〕He addressed his remarks to the jury.他对陪审团讲话。21世纪英汉〔addressee〕The one to whom something is addressed.收件人,收信人美国传统〔address〕A number of issues are being addressed.有几件事情正在处理。麦克米伦高阶〔address〕Air pollution is one of the many problems being addressed by the scientists at the conference.空气污染是与会科学家们关注的诸多问题之一。韦氏高阶〔address〕All enquiries should be addressed to head office.所有询问应向总公司提出。麦克米伦高阶〔address〕Any questions should be addressed to your teacher.任何问题都应该向你的老师求教。牛津高阶〔address〕Applications should be addressed to the business affairs editor.申请应该提交给商务编辑。外研社新世纪〔address〕Applications should be addressed to: The business affairs editor.申请表应寄给;商务编辑。柯林斯高阶〔address〕Before the awards were given, the mayor addressed the crowd.颁奖开始之前市长向公众致辞。韦氏高阶〔address〕He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience.他向观众说了几句开场白。剑桥高阶〔address〕He addressed an audience of 10,000 supporters.他对一万名支持者发表了演说。朗文当代〔address〕He addressed himself to all of us.他是针对我们大家说的。英汉大词典〔address〕He addressed his comments to the chairman.他把意见说给主席听。牛津搭配〔address〕He addressed his remarks to Eleanor, ignoring Maria.他和埃莉诺聊了聊,而没搭理玛丽亚。柯林斯高阶〔address〕He addressed his remarks to Eleanor, ignoring me.他向埃莉诺说话, 对我置之不理。外研社新世纪〔address〕He addressed his remarks to the lawyers in the audience.他对听众中的律师们讲话。21世纪英汉〔address〕He likes to be addressed as "Sir" or "Mr Partridge".他喜欢被称为“先生”或“帕特里奇先生”。剑桥高阶〔address〕He never addressed her directly.他从不直接跟她讲话。牛津搭配〔address〕He now addressed himself eagerly to his porridge.这时他急切地喝起粥来。英汉大词典〔address〕I addressed the letter to him.我把信寄给他。21世纪英汉〔address〕I was surprised when he addressed me in English.他用英语跟我说话,我很诧异。牛津高阶〔address〕I've addressed the letter, but it still needs a stamp.我在信封上写好了地址,但还需要贴张邮票。韦氏高阶〔address〕In the book we addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics.在书中我们探讨了伦理问题。外研社新世纪〔address〕Marlowe now addressed himself to the task of searching the room.马洛现在正忙着在房间里搜寻。朗文当代〔address〕Most of the speaker's remarks were addressed to those with experience in the industry.演讲者大部分的话都是针对有经验的业内人士讲的。韦氏高阶〔address〕Next he addressed himself to the chairman.随后他对主席讲了话。外研社新世纪〔address〕She doesn't like being addressed by that name.她不喜欢人们用那个名字称呼她。外研社新世纪〔address〕So why did you open a letter that was addressed to me? 那你为什么要拆写给我的信呢?剑桥高阶〔address〕That letter was addressed to me.那封信是寄给我的。朗文当代〔address〕The Duchess should be addressed as Your Grace.公爵夫人应被称为“大人”。柯林斯高阶〔address〕The Duchess should be addressed as Your Grace.女公爵应该被称作“夫人”。外研社新世纪〔address〕The issue of funding has yet to be addressed.资金问题尚未得到解决。剑桥高阶〔address〕The judge should be addressed as ‘Your Honour’.对法官应该称“法官大人”。牛津高阶〔address〕The king was addressed as “Your Majesty.”国王被称呼为“陛下”。英汉大词典〔address〕The letter is addressed to Dr Williams.这封信是寄给威廉斯医生的。外研社新世纪〔address〕The letter was correctly addressed, but delivered to the wrong house.信上的姓名地址写得都对,但被错投到另一家去了。牛津高阶〔address〕The letter was returned because it had been addressed incorrectly.由于地址不对,信件被退回了。韦氏高阶〔address〕The letter was wrongly addressed.这封信地址写错了。21世纪英汉〔address〕The package is sealed; it just needs to be addressed.包裹已经封好,再写上地址就行了。韦氏高阶〔address〕The parcel was wrongly addressed.这个包裹上面的地址写错了。剑桥高阶〔address〕The president did not reply to my letter although I addressed it to him personally.尽管我直接致函总统,他却没有给我回信。牛津搭配〔address〕The president should be addressed as 'Mr. President'.对总统应该称“总统先生”。朗文当代〔address〕The prince should be addressed as ‘Sir' at all times.任何时候都应该称呼王子为“阁下”。麦克米伦高阶〔address〕The problem will only get worse if it is not addressed.如果不重点解决一下,这个问题只能恶化。21世纪英汉〔address〕There are some key issues that still need to be addressed.有些关键问题仍然需要处理。外研社新世纪〔address〕These concerns were not adequately addressed in the report.这些问题在报告中没有得到足够的关注。牛津搭配〔address〕This easy-to-read guide is addressed to those who meet the qualifications.这本容易读懂的手册是为那些合格的人准备的。英汉大词典〔address〕This letter is addressed to Alice McQueen.这封信是寄给艾丽斯·麦奎因的。麦克米伦高阶〔address〕Throughout the book we have addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics.整本书中我们都在探讨伦理观的问题。柯林斯高阶〔address〕Throughout the conversation, he addressed his remarks to my husband.整个谈话期间,他的话都是对着我丈夫说的。麦克米伦高阶〔address〕We were all addressed by surname.我们彼此都用姓来称呼。麦克米伦高阶〔appraisal〕Staff problems should be addressed through training and appraisals.职员问题应该通过培训和考核评定来解决。柯林斯高阶〔assemble〕She then addressed the assembled company(= all the people there).接着她向全体集合者讲话。牛津高阶〔betoken〕He addressed a few angry words to her that betokened hostility.他对她说了几句预示敌意的愤怒的话。21世纪英汉〔blvd.〕The letter was addressed to him at 1066 Sunset Blvd.那封信寄到了他在日落大道1066号的地址。韦氏高阶〔box number〕The letter was addressed to a box number in Whitehorse.这封信的收信地址是怀特霍斯的一个信箱号。外研社新世纪〔bulletin board〕Computer Science A system that enables users to send or read messages that are of general interest and addressed to no particular person.【计算机科学】 电子公告板,电子布告栏:可使用户发送或阅读信息的系统,其信息具有大众品味并且不发给特定的人美国传统〔c/o〕The letter was addressed to “John Smith c/o Merriam-Webster, Inc.” 这封信上写着“由梅里亚姆-韦伯斯特公司转交约翰·史密斯”。韦氏高阶〔care〕I addressed their letters in care of the bars and clubs where I'd known them.我把写给他们的信寄往我们结识时的酒吧和俱乐部,请它们代为转交。柯林斯高阶〔chair〕All questions must be addressed to the chair.所有问题都必须向主持人提出。麦克米伦高阶〔chair〕All questions should be addressed to the chair.所有问题都应当向主席提出。剑桥高阶〔circular〕Addressed or distributed to a large number of persons.供传阅的,流通的:宣扬或发送给大批人的美国传统〔congregation〕The priest addressed the congregation.神父向会众致辞。韦氏高阶〔conquest〕He addressed himself to the conquest of women.他成天忙于博得女人们的欢心。英汉大词典〔convention〕He addressed the annual Republican convention.他在共和党年会上讲了话。牛津搭配〔counsel〕The judge addressed counsel.法官向律师问了话。剑桥高阶〔curiosity〕He yielded to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his sister.他抑制不住好奇心,拆开了别人写给他妹妹的信。英汉大词典〔curiosity〕The letter wasn't addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity.那封信不是写给我的,然而我却出于好奇把它拆开了。牛津高阶〔démarche〕A statement or protest addressed by citizens to public authorities.声明:市民向公众权力机关递交的声明或抗议美国传统〔encyclical〕A papal letter addressed to the bishops of the Church or to the hierarchy of a particular country.教谕:罗马教皇对教会主教或特定国君主的教谕(通告)美国传统〔esquire〕It was addressed to Thomas Henning, Esquire.这封信是寄给托马斯•海宁先生的。外研社新世纪〔fair〕The message was addressed to me and I don't see why I should show it to you.—Fair enough.这条信息是写给我的, 我不明白为什么要给你看。——说得在理。外研社新世纪〔familiarity〕She addressed me with an easy familiarity that made me feel at home.她和我谈话亲切随和,使我不感到拘束。牛津高阶〔family〕I addressed it to Mr and Mrs Jones and family.我以此致琼斯伉俪及子女。牛津高阶〔first〕Enquiries about the post should be addressed in the first instance to the personnel manager.询问职位事宜应该首先咨询人事经理。剑桥高阶〔force the issue〕They would never have addressed the problem if that newspaper article hadn't forced the issue.若非报纸的那篇文章强行敦促,他们绝对不会着手处理这个问题。韦氏高阶〔freedom〕The student addressed the teacher with freedom.这学生对老师说话没有规矩。英汉大词典〔fruitfully〕These problems could be fruitfully addressed.这些问题可以得到有效的解决。韦氏高阶〔funereal〕He addressed the group in funereal tones.他用沉痛的语气向大家讲话。外研社新世纪〔funereal〕He addressed the group in funereal tones.他语气沉痛地对大家讲话。柯林斯高阶〔gathering〕The president addressed a gathering of local government officials.总统在当地政府官员的一次集会上演讲。牛津搭配〔general delivery〕The letter is addressed to general delivery.这封信寄往邮件候领处。韦氏高阶〔governor〕Governor William Livingston addressed the New Jersey Assembly.威廉·利文斯顿州长在新泽西州议会上发表了演说。柯林斯高阶〔governor〕Governor William Livingston addressed the New Jersey Assembly.威廉•利文斯顿州长在新泽西州议会发表了讲话。外研社新世纪〔greeting〕He addressed the members of the delegation with a formal greeting.他对代表团成员表示正式欢迎。韦氏高阶〔grown-up〕The child was clearly puzzled at being addressed in such a grown-up way.听到别人用这种成人的方式跟自己说话,那个孩子显然感到不知所措。牛津高阶〔had〕Had I known what the problem was, we could have addressed it.如果我当时知道问题出在哪里,我们就可以设法解决了。柯林斯高阶〔her〕This letter is addressed to her.这封信是写给她的美国传统〔her〕This letter is addressed to her.这封信是写给她的。英汉大词典〔inside〕I sent the money inside an envelope addressed to Ann.我把钱装在写有安的名字和地址的信封内寄出。朗文当代〔interlink〕The question to be addressed is interlinked with the question of human rights.将要谈到的问题与人权问题有关。柯林斯高阶〔invitation〕The invitation is addressed to your husband.邀请书是寄给你丈夫的。英汉大词典〔issue〕Dillon addressed the issue of child abuse in his speech.狄龙在他的演讲里谈到了虐待儿童的问题。朗文当代〔issue〕The real issue was never addressed.真正的要害问题根本没有被提及。柯林斯高阶〔italic〕She addressed them by hand in her beautiful italic script.她以漂亮的斜体字写上了收件人的姓名和地址。外研社新世纪〔italic〕She addressed them by hand in her beautiful italic script.她用漂亮的斜体字写明了收信人姓名和地址。柯林斯高阶〔jovial〕He addressed me in a jovial manner.他友好地跟我说话。朗文当代〔key〕The key may be a box number or a department to which the reply is to be addressed.索引标号可以是某一邮政信箱号码,也可以是某一指定接受回信的部门。英汉大词典〔letter〕The letter was addressed to me.这封信是寄给我的。牛津搭配〔level〕Can this problem be dealt with at/on a national level or must it be addressed at/on an international level? 这个问题能在国家层面解决呢,还是必须在国际层面解决?韦氏高阶〔mail〕There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.没有什么邮件, 只有一些寄给住户的普通垃圾邮件。外研社新世纪〔mail〕There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.除了寄给业主的常见垃圾信件之外,再没有其他邮件了。柯林斯高阶〔master〕Master Used as a courtesy title before the given or full name of a boy not considered old enough to be addressed as Mister. Master 少爷:用于年龄上还不足被称为“先生”的少年的名字前的敬称美国传统〔me〕The letter is addressed to me.这封信是寄给我的。英汉大词典〔me〕This letter is addressed to me.这封信是写给我的美国传统〔mistake〕I'm sorry, this letter is addressed to you – I opened it by mistake.对不起,这封信是给你的 — 我拆错了。朗文当代〔mistake〕This letter is addressed to someone else—there must be some mistake.这封信是给别人的,一定是搞错了。牛津高阶〔mount〕He mounted the platform and addressed the crowd.他登上讲台对人群发表演说。牛津高阶〔must〕All of these concerns must be addressed.所有这些问题都必须解决。外研社新世纪〔nixie〕A misaddressed or illegibly addressed piece of mail, therefore undeliverable.无法投递的邮件:地址不详或写错地址的邮件,因此无法投递美国传统〔no one〕No one can open mail except the person to whom it has been addressed.除收信人本人外,没人能打开邮件。柯林斯高阶〔notably〕It was a question of making sure certain needs were addressed, notably in the pensions area.问题是确保满足某些需求,尤其是养老金这块儿。柯林斯高阶〔notably〕It was a question of making sure certain needs were addressed, notably in the pensions area.问题是要确保处理好某些需求, 尤其是抚恤金方面的需求。外研社新世纪〔occupier〕The envelope was simply addressed to "The Occupier".信封上只写着“住户收”。剑桥高阶〔occupier〕The letter was addressed to the occupier of the house.这封信是写给这所房子的住户的。牛津高阶〔occupier〕There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.除了寄给住户的常见垃圾邮件之外, 没有其他信件。外研社新世纪〔open letter〕A published letter on a subject of general interest, addressed to a person but intended for general readership.公开信:一封关于一般话题并寄给一个人但又希望所有人都知道的信美国传统〔order of business〕A matter, such as a task, that must be addressed.议事:提请的事项,例如任务美国传统〔press〕The spokesman addressed an international press corps.这位发言人对国际记者团发表了谈话。牛津搭配〔properly〕Make sure the letter is properly addressed.一定要正确书写信上的地址。牛津高阶〔pulpit〕Rev. Dawson addressed the congregation from the pulpit.道森牧师在讲坛上向会众讲话。朗文当代〔purdah〕He addressed the women behind the purdah.他和帷幕后的女人们讲话。外研社新世纪〔question〕The question wh ich needs to be addressed is one of funding.需要面对的是资金问题。牛津高阶〔remark〕Who were those rude remarks addressed to? 那些无礼的言辞是针对谁的 ?牛津搭配〔remember〕Please remember to enclose a stamped addressed envelope when writing.请记得写信时在信封里放一个贴好邮票、写明地址的信封。柯林斯高阶〔residence〕The notice was addressed to her last known place of residence.通知寄到了她已知的最新住址。牛津搭配〔role〕He addressed the role of tradition in design.他论证了传统在设计中的作用。牛津搭配〔scaffold〕Moore ascended the scaffold and addressed the executioner.穆尔走上断头台,和刽子手说话。柯林斯高阶〔session〕The president addressed a closed session of Congress.总统在国会的一次秘密会议上作了发言。牛津搭配〔severity〕She addressed the man with great severity.她非常严肃地与男子说话。外研社新世纪〔solemn〕He addressed them all in very solemn tones.他用非常严肃的语气跟他们说话。牛津搭配〔spokeswoman〕The company's spokeswoman addressed the reporters.公司女发言人在记者面前发言。韦氏高阶〔stamped addressed envelope〕Enclose a stamped addressed envelope.附带一个贴有邮票并写好回寄地址的信封。外研社新世纪〔stamped addressed envelope〕Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope to get your test results.请附姓名地址邮资俱全的信封,以便把化验结果寄给你。牛津高阶〔stamp〕I have addressed the envelope but haven't stamped it.我在信封上已写好地址,但还没贴上邮票。英汉大词典〔store〕Complaints should be addressed to the store manager.投诉应该向商店的经理提出。麦克米伦高阶〔sweet nothings〕Endearments addressed to a lover.情话:对情人说的情意绵绵的话美国传统〔them〕This letter is addressed to them.信是寄给他们的美国传统〔thou〕Used to indicate the one being addressed, especially in a literary, liturgical, or devotional context.你:尤在文学、礼拜或祈祷文献中用于指代所强调之人美国传统〔touching〕He addressed the students touching future plans.他对学生们谈了将来的计划。21世纪英汉〔townspeople〕She addressed a meeting of townspeople.她向参加会议的城镇居民发言。剑桥高阶〔to〕Who's the letter addressed to? 这封信是寄给谁的?剑桥高阶〔urgency〕The refugee situation must now be addressed as a matter of urgency.难民境况现在必须作为紧急问题来处理。牛津搭配〔urgent〕He addressed us in an urgent manner.他很急切地想对我们说话。韦氏高阶〔us〕This letter is addressed to us.那封信是写给我们的美国传统〔vocative〕Abbr. voc.,v.Relating to or being a grammatical case used in Latin and certain other languages to indicate the person or thing being addressed.缩写 voc.,v.呼格的:关于或作为一种用于拉丁语和一些其它语言的语法情况,用于指示被称呼的人或物美国传统〔worshipper〕The Pope addressed an estimated half a million worshippers.教皇对50万左右的朝拜者讲话。麦克米伦高阶〔write〕If you would like a copy of our fact sheet, please write in, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.如要索取我们的资料页请来函,并附上贴了邮票写明地址的信封。朗文当代〔writ〕Law A written order issued by a court, commanding the party to whom it is addressed to perform or cease performing a specified act.【法律】 令状:由法院发布的书面命令,要求接受令状的团体做或不做令状指定的行为美国传统〔you-all〕You. Used in addressing two or more people or referring to two or more people, one of whom is addressed.你们,你们大家:你们,用于称呼或指代两个或多个人,其中一人是所称呼的人美国传统〔youse〕You. Used in addressing two or more people or referring to two or more people, one of whom is addressed.你们:你们。用于向两个或更多人讲话或者请教,其中一位已交谈过美国传统〔you〕The letter is addressed to both of you.信是写给你们俩的。朗文当代A man addressed me in a broad Australian accent.一个人带着很重的澳大利亚口音向我招呼。剑桥国际Complaints about the procedure of the meeting should be addressed to the chair.对会议程序有意见应当向主席提出。剑桥国际Enquiries about the post should be addressed in the first place (Br also in the first instance) (=in the beginning) to the personnel manager.有关那职位的咨询应该首先交人事部经理处理。剑桥国际He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience.他向听众讲了几句开场白。剑桥国际He addressed her by her pet name. 他用她的暱称称呼她。译典通He addressed himself to the main difficulty. 他著手解决主要的困难。译典通He likes to be addressed as ‘Sir’or ‘Mr Partridge’.他喜欢被称为‘先生’或‘帕特里奇先生’。剑桥国际Her speech was full of excuses and evasions and never properly addressed the issue.她的讲话满是借口和闪烁其辞,从没有真正针对问题而谈。剑桥国际It's a problem / question that hasn't as yet been addressed.那是一个尚未引起注意的问题。剑桥国际Mother addressed the envelope. 母亲在信封上写姓名地址。译典通Mother had one of her headaches and was only to be addressed in hushed tones.妈妈又发头痛病,只能放低声音同她说话。剑桥国际People who want to ensure that global issues are addressed, he said, should be voting for the Greens.他说,想要确保全球性问题被关注的人们应该选举格林一家。剑桥国际Please return the completed form, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.请将填好的表格连同贴有邮票的回邮信封寄回。牛津商务Please send a stamped addressed envelope (abbreviation sae, Am also self-addressed stamped envelope) (= an envelope with a stamp on it and the address of the person it is to be sent to) if you would like to receive the free fact sheet which accompanies this programme.如果你想得到伴随这一节目表的免费说明书的话,请寄一个贴好邮票并写上回信地址的信封。剑桥国际Please send a stamped addressed envelope with your application.请随申请信附上一个贴足邮票、写明你的地址的信封。剑桥国际She addressed (=wrote the name and details of where the person lived on) the letter and stuck a stamp on it.她在信上写好了地址,贴上了邮票。剑桥国际She addressed herself to all of them. 她是针对他们大家说的。译典通She addressed the meeting with fire and passion.她充满激情地在会上发言。剑桥国际She addressed the parcel wrongly. 她把包裹上收件人的地址写错了。译典通The Chairman addressed the meeting.主席向大会发表演说。牛津商务The envelope is addressed to Peter Jones, Esq. 信封上写的是寄给彼得.琼斯先生。译典通The envelope was simply addressed to ‘The Occupier’(= person living in the building).信封上只写明给‘居住者’。剑桥国际The former president addressed a large assembly. 前总统向众多的与会者讲了话。译典通The judge addressed counsel.法官向律师问了话。剑桥国际The letter was addressed to ‘The Personnel Manager’.这封信是寄给“人事经理”的。牛津商务The letter was addressed to “The Householder, 1 River Lane”.信封上写着“小河巷1号,户主收”。剑桥国际The letter's addressed to James Grafton Snr --it's for you , Dad.这封信是写给老詹姆斯·格拉夫顿的----爸爸,是给你的。剑桥国际The meeting was addressed by an expert in South American affairs.会上由一位南美事务的专家作演讲。剑桥国际The parcel was wrongly addressed.包裹上收件人的地址写错了。剑桥国际The prime minister addressed the audience of business leaders and economists.首相向在座的商界领袖和经济学家发表讲话。牛津商务The problem of where we will raise the funds for the scheme has not yet been addressed.我们将从何处为计划筹集基金的问题尚未研究。剑桥国际The senator addressed the gathering informally. 那位参议员非正式地向与会者发表演说。译典通This letter is addressed to my mother. 这封信是写给我母亲的。译典通Who is the letter addressed to? 这封信寄给谁?牛津商务

