
单词 concentrations
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chart〕The staff officers carefully charted the enemy's concentrations on the maps.参谋人员在地图上仔细标明敌军的集结地点。英汉大词典〔concentration〕Additives are expensive but are used in very low concentrations.添加剂很昂贵,但都以很低的浓度使用。朗文当代〔concentration〕An investigation found high concentrations of cancer-causing chemicals on the property.一项调查发现该建筑含有大量致癌的化学成分。麦克米伦高阶〔concentration〕Global ozone concentrations have dropped over the last decade.过去的十年里, 全球臭氧密度降低了。外研社新世纪〔concentration〕High concentrations of toxic elements were found in the polluted areas.在被污染地区发现了高浓度的有毒元素。剑桥高阶〔concentration〕The area has one of the world's greatest concentrations of wildlife.这个地区是世界上野生动物最为密集的区域之一。柯林斯高阶〔concentration〕The area has one of the world's greatest concentrations of wildlife.这个地区有世界最大的野生动物聚集地之一。外研社新世纪〔concentration〕The latest data showed that global ozone concentrations had dropped several per cent over the last decade.最新数据显示,过去10年来全球臭氧的浓度降低了几个百分点。柯林斯高阶〔concentration〕They detected high concentrations of pollutants in the water.他们检测到水中污染物的含量很高。韦氏高阶〔depth〕There are heavy concentrations of that fish at the lower depths.那种鱼大量聚集在深水。英汉大词典〔dichroism〕The property possessed by some solutions of showing different colors at different concentrations.二向色性:某些晶体在沿不同轴观看时,而呈现两种不同的颜色的性质美国传统〔euryhaline〕Capable of tolerating a wide range of salt water concentrations. Used of an aquatic organism.(水生生物)广盐性的:能够忍受各种浓度的盐水域。通常是用于水生有机物美国传统〔invade〕Concentrations of troops near the border look set to invade within the next few days.部队在边境附近集结,看来几天内必定会入侵。剑桥高阶〔irritatingly〕In heavy concentrations, ozone is irritating to the eyes, nose and throat.高浓度的臭氧会对眼睛、鼻子和咽喉有刺激作用。柯林斯高阶〔irritating〕In heavy concentrations ozone is irritating to the eyes, nose, and throat.高浓度的臭氧会引起眼睛、鼻子和喉咙发炎。外研社新世纪〔leapfrog〕Airborne troops can leapfrog enemy concentrations and hit from the rear.空降部队可以避开敌方的兵力集结点而从敌后发起攻击。英汉大词典〔osmotic pressure〕The pressure exerted by the flow of water through a semipermeable membrane separating two solutions with different concentrations of solute.渗透压力:当半渗透膜两侧溶液的浓度不同时,水从低浓度的一侧渗过半透膜流向高浓度一侧时产生的压力美国传统〔sitosterol〕Any of a group of sterols that occur in high concentrations in certain plants, such as yams, and are used in the synthesis of steroid hormones.谷甾醇:一组在某些植物如薯蓣属植物中含有的高浓度的甾醇和甾醇混合物,用于类固醇荷尔蒙的合成美国传统〔stenohaline〕Limited to or able to live only within a narrow range of saltwater concentrations. Used of aquatic organisms.狭盐性的:限于或只能生活于一定盐水浓度的范围内的。用于水生生物美国传统〔strongly〕In strong concentrations it can cause nausea and vomiting.浓度过高会导致恶心呕吐。柯林斯高阶Concentrations (=Groups) of police became apparent as they drove further into the town.当他们深入城里,一群群警察到处可见。剑桥国际Concentrations of troops near the border look set to invade within the next few days.部队在边境附近集结,看来几天内必定会入侵了。剑桥国际High concentrations of toxic elements were found in the polluted areas of the sea.在这个海洋被污染的地区中发现了高浓度的有毒元素。剑桥国际

