“cry wolf”例句

单词 cry wolf
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cry wolf〕If you cry wolf too often, people will stop believing you.如果你常喊“狼来了”,人们便不会再相信你。剑桥高阶〔cry wolf〕News organizations have been warned not to cry wolf. If people hear too many warnings that turn out to be nothing, they won't listen to the important warnings when they come.新闻机构被警告不能发虚假警报。如果人们听了太多并未成为事实的警告,一旦真有重要警告时,他们就不会相信了。韦氏高阶〔wolf〕The trouble with crying wolf too often is that people stop believing you.经常喊“狼来了”的后果是人们不再相信你。外研社新世纪If you cry wolf too often, people will stop believing that you need help.如果你经常喊狼来了的话,当你真需要帮助时,人们便不会相信了。剑桥国际

