“join with”例句

单词 join with
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔carrier-based〕Carrier-based planes joined with surface vessels.舰载飞机配合水面舰只。英汉大词典〔cog〕To join with tenons.用雄榫边接美国传统〔fandom〕Harry Potter fans have joined with members of fandoms from other popular books.哈利•波特迷们跟其他流行书籍爱好者会合在一起。剑桥高阶〔fill-in〕The French horns join with the xylophone to provide a fill-in phrase.法国号与木琴在一起奏出了一节插入的乐段。英汉大词典〔goal post〕One of a pair of posts often joined with a crossbar and set at each end of a playing field to form a goal.球门柱:两根立柱中的一根,常有一横木相连,在球场的每一端都设置一个用来构成球门美国传统〔honoured〕We are honoured to join with you in this celebration.我们很荣幸能参加你们这次庆祝活动。麦克米伦高阶〔insertion〕They joined with the monarchists to insert a clause calling for a popular vote on the issue.他们与君主主义者联手添加了一个条款,呼吁对该议题进行全民投票。柯林斯高阶〔integrate〕To join with something else; unite.合并;联合美国传统〔join with〕My husband joins with me in congratulating you.我与我丈夫一道向你祝贺。21世纪英汉〔join with〕We all join with the family in their sorrow.我们都十分同情该家庭的不幸。21世纪英汉〔join〕I'm sure everyone joins with me in wishing him a speedy recovery.我确信每个人都会和我一起祝愿他尽快康复。麦克米伦高阶〔join〕In the 14th century Poland joined with Lithuania to form a mighty realm, which included the entire Ukraine.14世纪时, 波兰与立陶宛联合起来, 组成了一个强大的王国, 把整个乌克兰都包括在内。外研社新世纪〔join〕In this point,I join with you.在这一点上,我与你意见一致。21世纪英汉〔join〕Parents have joined with health experts to produce a video for bereaved families.家长们和健康专家一起为痛失亲人的家庭拍摄了一段录像。朗文当代〔join〕Please will you all join with me in singing the national anthem.请大家和我一起唱国歌。牛津搭配〔join〕The police have joined with (= they have begun to work with) the Drug Enforcement Agency in trying to catch major drug traffickers.警方和缉毒队联手抓捕大毒贩。剑桥高阶〔join〕We all join with Mr. and Mrs. Brown in their sorrow.我们大家都很同情布朗先生和布朗夫人的不幸。英汉大词典〔join〕Will you join with me in buying a present for her? 你和我一起买件礼物送给她好吗?英汉大词典〔miter〕To bevel the edges of for joining with a miter joint.将端边切成斜角拼接美国传统〔mortar〕To plaster or join with mortar.用胶泥涂盖或连接美国传统〔ramshackle〕They joined with a ramshackle alliance of other rebels.他们和一个由其他反叛者草草拼凑成的同盟联起手来。柯林斯高阶〔ramshackle〕They joined with a ramshackle alliance of other rebels.他们和一个由其他反叛者草草组成的同盟联合起来。外研社新世纪〔speaker〕Please join with me in thanking our guest speaker tonight.请大家和我一起向今晚的特邀演讲人表示感谢。剑桥高阶〔stitch〕To fasten or join with or as if with stitches.缝:用针线来固定或连接美国传统〔tactical〕They gained a tactical advantage by joining with one of their competitors.他们与一个竞争对手联手,从而在策略上抢占了先机。韦氏高阶〔tenon〕To join with a tenon.用榫接合美国传统〔yoke〕To fit or join with a yoke.给…套上轭;用轭连结起来美国传统Each gamete contains one set of chromosomes, and can join with another gamete of the opposite sex to form a zygote.每个配子含有一套染色体,可以与异性的配子结合成合子。剑桥国际I'll rope (= join with a rope) my horse to your car and pull you out.我将用绳子把我的马与你的汽车系在一起,把你拉出来。剑桥国际Please join with me in thanking our guest speaker tonight.今晚请你和我一起向特邀演讲者道谢。剑桥国际The company has joined with two others in its industry to form a new corporation.公司与另外两家同业公司联合组建了一家新公司。牛津商务The police have joined with (= They have begun to work with) the drugs squad in trying to catch major drug traffickers.警察开始和缉毒队联手捉拿大毒贩。剑桥国际

