“myelin sheath”例句

单词 myelin sheath
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Schwann cell〕Any of the cells that cover the nerve fibers in the peripheral nervous system and form the myelin sheath.施万细胞:覆盖神经纤维的周边神经系统和形成髓神经鞘的细胞美国传统〔demyelinate〕To destroy or remove the myelin sheath of (a nerve fiber), as through disease.脱髓鞘:经由疾病而破坏或除去(神经纤维中的)髓鞘美国传统〔myelinization〕The process of forming a myelin sheath.髓鞘形成:形成髓鞘的过程美国传统〔myelin〕The myelin sheath around the neuron is damaged.神经元周围的髓鞘遭到破坏。剑桥高阶〔node of Ranvier〕A constriction in the myelin sheath, occurring at varying intervals along the length of a nerve fiber.郎飞氏结:髓磷脂叶鞘上的阻塞物,沿叶脉纤维长度长在不同间隔处美国传统〔unmyelinated〕Lacking a myelin sheath. Used of a nerve fiber.缺少髓鞘的。用来指一根神径纤维美国传统

