
单词 navigation
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Henry the Navigator〕Prince of Portugal who established an observatory and school of navigation and directed voyages that spurred the growth of Portugal's colonial empire.航海家亨利:葡萄牙王子,他建立了一个航海学校和气象台并领导了那些推动葡萄牙殖民帝国发展的航行美国传统〔WAY〕The fog and heavy rain made navigation difficult. 有雾加上大雨使辨认方向很困难。朗文写作活用〔aeronautics〕The theory and practice of aircraft navigation.航空学:飞机航行的理论与实践美国传统〔application〕Geometry has practical application in aviation and navigation.几何学在航空和航海中有其实用性美国传统〔astrodome〕A transparent dome on the top of an aircraft, through which celestial observations are made for navigation.天文观测舱,领航舱:飞机顶部的一个透明圆顶形结构,航行时可通过它作天文观测美国传统〔cabotage〕Trade or navigation in coastal waters.沿海贸易,沿海航运:在海边水域进行的商贸活动或航运美国传统〔clearly〕Clearly, the early inhabitants of Australia had learnt complex techniques of navigation and mapping.显然, 澳大利亚的早期居民已学会复杂的航海和地图绘制技术。外研社新世纪〔conservancy〕Chiefly British A commission supervising fisheries and navigation.【多用于英国】 管理委员会:一个负责管理渔业及航运业的委员会美国传统〔drill down〕Many websites have some form of hyperlink navigation as you drill down.浏览层层网页时,你会发现很多网页都有超链接导航。剑桥高阶〔drill〕Navigation is good and there's a display to show how far you've drilled down.导航很好,可以显示你正在看哪一级信息。牛津高阶〔easy〕The St. Lawrence route is easy of navigation.圣劳伦斯这条水道容易航行。英汉大词典〔equipment〕The plane uses state-of-the-art navigation equipment.这架飞机用的是最先进的导航设备。牛津搭配〔flying〕The piloting or navigation of an aircraft or a spacecraft.航行:驾驶或引导飞机或飞行器美国传统〔fundamentals〕We quickly mastered the basic fundamentals of navigation.我们很快掌握了航海的基本要领。牛津搭配〔instrument flying〕Aircraft navigation by reference to instruments only.仪表飞行:飞机只借助仪表导航美国传统〔lighthouse〕A tall structure topped by a powerful light used as a beacon or signal to aid marine navigation.灯塔:上面装有大功率照明灯的一种高建筑,用作指示海上航行的信标或标志美国传统〔malfunction〕Shortly before the crash the pilot had reported a malfunction of the aircraft's navigation system.就在飞机坠毁前不久,飞行员曾报告说导航系统失灵。剑桥高阶〔mare liberum〕A navigable body of water, such as a sea, that is open to navigation by vessels of all nations.公海:一片对所有国家的船只开放的可航行水域,如海洋美国传统〔nautical〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of ships, shipping, sailors, or navigation on a body of water.船舶的,航行的,海员的,航海的:船舶的、航行的、海员的、航海的,或属于、关于船舶的、航行的、海员的、航海的,或具有其特征的美国传统〔navigate〕The expedition was wrecked by bad planning and poor navigation.这次探险因计划不周和导航不利而失败。柯林斯高阶〔navigation〕Navigation becomes more difficult further up the river.越往河的上游,航行就越困难。朗文当代〔navigation〕Navigation becomes more difficult further upriver.越往上游走,航行就越困难。韦氏高阶〔navigation〕Navigation in the shallow waters near the coast can be tricky.在靠近海岸的浅水区航行可能会比较麻烦。麦克米伦高阶〔navigation〕Navigation of the website is easy with a user-friendly help guide.有易学易用指南的帮助, 网站浏览就容易多了。外研社新世纪〔navigation〕A mouse or joystick makes navigation simpler.鼠标或游戏杆使查阅变得更简单。牛津搭配〔navigation〕Having used GPS navigation, it's hard to go back to using maps.用过 GPS 导航,就很难再像原来那样用地图导航了。牛津搭配〔navigation〕I don't mind driving if you're willing to do the navigation.你要是愿意导航,我不介意驾车。韦氏高阶〔navigation〕If you're going to be a good sailor/pilot, you need to master navigation.要想成为一名优秀的海员/飞行员,你就需要掌握导航技术。韦氏高阶〔navigation〕In the past, navigation depended on a knowledge of the positions of the stars.过去,导航在很大程度上依靠对星星位置的认识。剑桥高阶〔navigation〕Keep the navigation of your site really simple.把你的站点导航弄得真正简单些。牛津搭配〔navigation〕Make site navigation easy and intuitive.使网站导航既简单又直观。牛津搭配〔navigation〕Mechanics discovered problems with the plane's navigation system.机械师发现了飞机导航系统所出的问题。剑桥高阶〔navigation〕Moving at such speeds, navigation becomes critically important.在如此快的速度下行驶, 导航极为重要。外研社新世纪〔navigation〕Our new car has an onboard navigation system.我们的新车上配有车载导航系统。韦氏高阶〔navigation〕Pack ice around Iceland was becoming a threat to navigation.冰岛周围的浮冰群曾一度对船只航行构成威胁。柯林斯高阶〔navigation〕Pack ice around Iceland was becoming a threat to navigation.冰岛附近的大块浮冰曾对水上运输构成威胁。外研社新世纪〔navigation〕Rail and inland navigation together account for 30-50% of the total delivered cost.铁路与内陆运输共占到全部运送成本的 30% 至 50%。牛津搭配〔navigation〕The export of coal via the new navigations soon became an even more important trade.不久之后, 通过新运河出口煤炭就成为一项更为重要的贸易活动。外研社新世纪〔navigation〕The software is designed to simplify Web navigation.这个软件旨在简化网站导航。牛津搭配〔navigation〕The stars were used for navigation in the desert.在沙漠中用星星导航。牛津搭配〔navigation〕There are back and forward buttons for easier browser navigation.前进键和后退键的设置使得浏览器导航更加便捷。韦氏高阶〔navigation〕There has been an increase in navigation through the Panama Canal.经过巴拿马运河的船只有所增加。英汉大词典〔navigation〕We have streamlined our website for easier navigation.我们整理了网站,让浏览更顺畅。剑桥高阶〔navigation〕You can use the navigation bar at the bottom of the pictures to zoom in or out.你可用图片下方的导航条来放大或缩小图片。牛津搭配〔ne plus ultra〕In its day, the ship was the ne plus ultra of steam navigation.在当时,这艘船是蒸汽船航行最出色的例子。剑桥高阶〔on board〕The car comes with an on-board satellite navigation device.这辆车上装了卫星导航系统。剑桥高阶〔pilotage〕Aerial navigation by visual identification of landmarks.地标领航:用可视地标来进行飞机航行美国传统〔piloting〕Nautical Coastal navigation, as by reference to buoys and soundings.【航海】 地标领航:岸上导航,如以浮标和外景为参照物美国传统〔portage〕The carrying of boats and supplies overland between two waterways or around an obstacle to navigation.陆路搬运:船、货等由一水路到另一水路或绕过障碍物的陆上搬运美国传统〔quartermaster〕A petty officer responsible for the navigation of a ship.舵工:负责船只航行的低级官员美国传统〔sailing〕The skill required to operate and navigate a vessel; navigation.航海术:驾驶和航行一条船所需的技巧;航行术美国传统〔seamark〕A landmark visible from the sea, used as a guide in navigation.航海标识:在海上可看见的陆标,被用作导航标志美国传统〔ship〕A vessel of considerable size for deep-water navigation.海船:用于深海航行的一种体积较大的船只美国传统〔sudd〕A floating mass of vegetation that often obstructs navigation in tropical rivers.堵塞团块:经常阻碍热带河流的大块漂浮植物美国传统〔triangulation〕The location of an unknown point, as in navigation, by the formation of a triangle having the unknown point and two known points as the vertices.三角测量:通过以分别作(顶点)的两个已知点和一个未知点形成一个三角形,来求出或定位该未知点,如在航海中美国传统〔very〕They will be helped by the very latest in navigation aids.他们将会受益于最新的导航系统。柯林斯高阶In the past, navigation depended largely on the position of the stars.过去,航行在很大程度上依靠星星的位置。剑桥国际Shortly before the crash the pilot had reported a malfunction of the aircraft's navigation system.飞行员在飞机失事前曾报告说导航系统失常。剑桥国际The navigation lights are green on the starboard side of the ship and red on the port side.船右舷的航行灯是绿灯,左舷是红灯。剑桥国际There has been an increase in navigation through the Suez Canal. 通过苏伊士运河的船只增加了。译典通Very severe storms had caused difficulties in the navigation of the plane.极强的风暴造成飞机航行的困难。剑桥国际

