
单词 harvested
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FOREIGN〕Much of the wood harvested in the northwest is shipped overseas. 西北地区砍伐的木材大部分都被船运至海外。朗文写作活用〔busy〕The raspberries were harvested by industrious workers.辛勤的劳动者收获了山莓。美国传统〔coffee〕Brazil harvested 28m bags of coffee in 1991, the biggest crop for four years.1991年, 巴西的咖啡豆产量达2,800万袋, 为4年来最高。外研社新世纪〔coffee〕Brazil harvested 28m bags of coffee in 1991, the biggest crop for four years.1991年,巴西的咖啡豆产量达2,800万袋,为4年来最高。柯林斯高阶〔crop〕A record crop was harvested.获得了一次创纪录的收成。牛津搭配〔grain〕The fruits of cereal grasses especially after having been harvested, considered as a group.谷物:谷草果实的总称,尤指已收割后的美国传统〔grape〕The first grapes are harvested in mid-August.第一茬葡萄通常在 8 月中旬收获。牛津搭配〔harvesting〕In his new career as a restaurateur he has blossomed and harvested many awards.转行经营餐饮之后,他在事业上大获成功并获得了许多奖项。柯林斯高阶〔harvest〕Have you harvested your crops? It'll be rainy season.你的庄稼收割完了吗?快进入雨季了。21世纪英汉〔harvest〕He has harvested his own pay.他已得到了他应有的报应。21世纪英汉〔harvest〕In the US, winter wheat is harvested in the early summer.在美国,冬小麦一般在初夏收割。剑桥高阶〔harvest〕Many temperate lands are regularly harvested for berries.许多温带地区可按时采获浆果。英汉大词典〔harvest〕Our team harvested several awards.我队获得数奖。英汉大词典〔harvest〕She had her eggs harvested and frozen for her own future use.她的卵子已经采集下来,冷冻后以备她将来使用。牛津高阶〔harvest〕She has harvested the rewards/fruits of her labors.她的付出有了回报。韦氏高阶〔harvest〕The donor organ is harvested at the accident scene and rushed to a hospital.事故现场采集的捐献器官被迅速送往医院。剑桥高阶〔harvest〕The restaurateur has harvested many awards.这位饭店老板收获了很多奖赏。外研社新世纪〔harvest〕Timber is still harvested and milled locally.木材仍旧当地采伐,当地加工。麦克米伦高阶〔harvest〕We harvested what we could before the rains came.雨季到来之前, 我们把能收的庄稼都收了。外研社新世纪〔harvest〕Winter wheat is planted in the autumn and harvested in early summer.冬麦是秋天播种初夏收割。麦克米伦高阶〔hay〕The freshly harvested hay was taken into the hayloft.刚刚收割下来的干草送进了干草棚。牛津搭配〔manna〕A sweet granular substance excreted on the leaves of plants by certain insects, especially aphids, and often harvested by ants.某些昆虫,特别是蚜虫排泄在植物叶子上的发甜的粒状物质,经常被蚂蚁收获美国传统〔mechanically〕Most crops are harvested mechanically.大多数农作物都是机械收割的。剑桥高阶〔national forest〕A large expanse of forest that is protected by a government and may be harvested or hunted in only under controlled conditions.国有森林:被政府法令保护的具有相当大面积的林区。只有在监督的情况下才可能在其中种植或狩猎美国传统〔plant〕Zhoushan Islands is the underseas garden in which the oysters are planted, cultivated and harvested.舟山群岛是放养、培育并收获牡蛎的海底养殖场。21世纪英汉〔plough ... into〕After the vegetables have been harvested,peasants plough the loose leaves into the soil to enrich it.农民在收完蔬菜后把散叶子埋到地里来肥土地。21世纪英汉〔stover〕The dried stalks and leaves of a cereal crop, used as fodder after the grain has been harvested.禾茎饲料:谷类植物的收割后的干燥的茎与叶,用作饲料美国传统〔sustained yield〕The quantity of a resource harvested in this manner.持续收获中所获资源量美国传统〔time〕In times gone by, all crops were harvested by hand.在过去的时代里,所有的农作物都是手工收割的。剑桥高阶〔up〕The corn is up and ready to be harvested.玉米已长出,可以收割了。英汉大词典〔winter wheat〕Wheat planted in the autumn and harvested the following spring or early summer.冬小麦:秋天种植第二年春天或初夏收获的小麦美国传统In Mexico, hillside peasants use bullocks and horses to plough their fields and to carry the harvested crops.在墨西哥,山坡上的农民用阉牛和公马来犁他们的地和运收割的庄稼。剑桥国际In the US, winter wheat is harvested in the early summer.在美国,冬小麦一般在初夏收割。剑桥国际In times gone by, all crops were harvested by hand.在过去的年代中,所有的农作物都是用手工收割的。剑桥国际The stubble was burning on the harvested fields. 在收割后的田野上,剩下的根茬在燃烧。译典通

