“elderly couple”例句

单词 elderly couple
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHEAT〕Authorities estimate at least 300 elderly couples were fleeced in the scheme. 官方估计至少有300对老年夫妇在这一阴谋中被骗。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕An elderly couple live next door. 隔壁住着一对老夫妻。朗文写作活用〔couple〕An elderly couple live (US lives) next door.一对老夫妻住在隔壁。剑桥高阶〔prowl〕Their fellow travellers are a mix of honeymooners, single girls on the prowl and elderly couples.他们的旅伴中有度蜜月的新人,有寻觅伴侣的单身女孩,也有老年夫妇。柯林斯高阶〔purchase〕They purchased the house from an elderly couple.他们从一对老夫妇手里买了那套房子。牛津搭配〔runaway〕The runaway car careered into a bench, hitting an elderly couple.那辆失控的车猛冲到一条长椅上,撞伤了一对老夫妇。柯林斯高阶An elderly couple live next door and they always complain about the noise when we have a party.一对老夫妻住在我隔壁,他们一直抱怨我们举行晚会时发出的噪音。剑桥国际The film opens with a succession of elderly couples waltzing round a church hall.电影开始是一连串上了年纪的夫妇在教堂大厅里面跳华尔兹。剑桥国际

