
单词 overheads
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕Restaurant prices have been put up to cover the ever-increasing overheads. 为支付越来越高的经营费用,餐厅都涨价了。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕The company's overheads were much lower this year owing to the closure of several offices nationwide. 由于全国各地有几家事务所停业,今年公司的经营费用降低了很多。朗文写作活用〔appropriate〕Vary your presentation, using handouts and overheads as appropriate.适当地使用讲义和投影,让你的陈述多些花样。麦克米伦高阶〔cost〕High overheads mean small profit margins.经费开销大意味着利润低。牛津高阶〔overheads〕We are having to cut our costs to reduce overheads and remain competitive.我们现在必须减少开支以降低营运费用, 保持竞争力。外研社新世纪〔overheads〕We are having to cut our costs to reduce overheads and remain competitive.我们现在必须减少开支以降低营运费用,保持竞争力。柯林斯高阶〔overhead〕Many businesses are moving out of New York because the overheads there are so high.许多企业正迁出纽约,因为那里的运营成本太高了。剑桥高阶〔overhead〕Their offices are in London so the overheads are very high.他们的办事处在伦敦,所以经常性开支非常大。朗文当代〔overhead〕Turn off the overheads when you leave.你离开时把吊灯关掉。英汉大词典〔overhead〕We need to reduce our overheads.我们需要减少经常性开支。剑桥高阶Cost of production is calculated as direct materials and labour plus a share of manufacturing overheads.生产成本是通过将直接材料费用和人工再加间接成本分摊额计算得出的。牛津商务Good overheads can really improve a presentation.好的幻灯片能很好地提升演示效果。牛津商务I'm preparing some overheads (= transparent sheets) for my presentation at the sales conference next week.我正为下星期的销售会议上的发言准备些投影片。剑桥国际If we cut our prices any further, we won't even cover our overheads.如果我们再进一步降低我们的价格,我们会连管理费也出不起的。剑桥国际The company cut its overheads by €2.4 million by making 500 staff redundant.公司通过裁减 500 员工削减了 240 万欧元的营业开支。牛津商务Under the full costing method, fixed overheads are allocated evenly to the units produced.根据全部成本法,固定管理费用会摊分到每一单位产品中。牛津商务We cut overheads by outsourcing non-core activities.我们通过将非核心业务外包出去来削减一般管理费用。牛津商务We have a system for allocating direct overheads between the different production units.我们拥有一套在不同生产单位之间摊销直接费用的制度。牛津商务We may need to close branches to reduce our overheads.我们可能需要关闭分支机构以减少日常开支。牛津商务We're looking at ways of reducing our overheads.我们正在寻求减少我们管理费的各种方法。剑桥国际

