
单词 physic
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔A level〕I took maths, physics and chemistry at A level.我参加了数学、物理、化学三科的高级程度考试。朗文当代〔A level〕She got an A in her A levels in maths, physics, and chemistry.在高级证书考试中,她的数学、物理和化学成绩都是A。韦氏高阶〔A level〕This problem should be easy enough for someone who's done physics at A level.对于参加过物理高级考试的人来说,这个问题是很容易的。剑桥高阶〔ADVANCED〕Bonner's research in particle physics was ahead of its time and widely misunderstood. 邦纳的粒子物理学研究在当时是超前的,遭到普遍的误解。朗文写作活用〔A〕I got an A in Physics.我物理得了A。外研社新世纪〔BAD AT DOING STH〕She's weak at mathematics, and this affects her physics results as well. 她的数学很差,这也影响到了她的物理成绩。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Professor Hawking's book is intended for the lay person who has an interest in the field of nuclear physics and astronomy. 霍金教授这本书的读者对象是对核物理学和天文学感兴趣的外行人。朗文写作活用〔LANGUAGE〕Books about physics are usually written in highly technical language. 物理学方面的书籍通常使用非常专门的语言。朗文写作活用〔S level〕She got an A in her S levels in math, physics, and chemistry.在特级证书考试中,她的数学、物理和化学成绩都是A。韦氏高阶〔STUDY〕His parents sent him to Moscow to study physics, chemistry, and mathematics. 他父母送他到莫斯科学习物理、化学和数学。朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕I don't think he majored in maths, I think it was applied physics. 我想他不是主修数学的,是主修应用物理学的。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕Archie's father is a retired physics professor. 阿奇的爸爸是个退休的物理学讲师。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Why do physics lessons always seem to drag? 为什么上物理课总是好像过得那么慢?朗文写作活用〔absolute〕He taught us that the laws of physics were absolute.他教导我们说,物理定律是确实存在的。牛津高阶〔absorb〕Physics To retain (radiation or sound, for example) wholly, without reflection or transmission.【物理学】 吸收:完全地吸收(辐射或声音),不反射或散射美国传统〔accelerate〕Physics To cause a change of velocity.【物理学】 使改变速度美国传统〔actuality〕Physics deals as much with possibility as it does with actuality.物理学既与可能性打交道,又与现实性打交道。麦克米伦高阶〔amplitude〕Physics The maximum absolute value of a periodically varying quantity.【物理学】 振幅:周期性变量的最大绝对值美国传统〔anisotropic〕Physics Having properties that differ according to the direction of measurement.【物理学】 各有异性的:根据不同方向的测量得到不同的性能美国传统〔applied〕Applied Physics.应用物理学柯林斯高阶〔arrangement〕By special arrangement the students of physics can take a course in the English department.根据特殊安排,物理系学生可在英文系修课。英汉大词典〔astatic〕Physics Having no particular directional characteristics.【物理学】 无定向的:具有无特定方向的特征美国传统〔attractor〕Physics A set of physical properties toward which a system tends to evolve, regardless of the starting conditions of the system.【物理学】 吸引子:不管系统初始状态,系统趋向进展的物理特性美国传统〔beating〕Physics The periodic variation in amplitude of a wave produced by the superposition of two waves of different frequencies.【物理学】 波震动:由两种不同频率的波叠加在一起而产生的波在某一区域内的周期振动美国传统〔beat〕Physics A pulsation produced by beating.【物理学】 振动:敲击产生的振动美国传统〔beat〕Physics To cause beating by superposing waves of different frequencies.【物理学】 振动:叠加不同频率的波以产生拍差,拍音美国传统〔beyond〕Physics is completely beyond me.恐怕我根本就学不会物理。剑桥高阶〔biophysics〕The science that deals with the application of physics to biological processes and phenomena.生物物理学:有关应用物理学对生物过程和现象的学科美国传统〔burn〕Physics To cause to undergo nuclear fission or fusion.【物理学】 使裂变或聚变:使遭受核裂变或聚变美国传统〔capture〕Physics The phenomenon in which an atom or a nucleus absorbs a subatomic particle, often with the subsequent emission of radiation.【物理学】 俘获:一种原子或原子核吸收亚原子粒子的现象,随后常伴有辐射现象美国传统〔change〕He wanted to change from Physics to Chemistry.他想从学物理转学化学。21世纪英汉〔chemistry〕She studied chemistry and physics at college.她在大学学的是化学和物理。剑桥高阶〔clash〕In the new timetable, there's a clash between history and physics.新课程表中,历史课和物理课时间上冲突了。剑桥高阶〔class〕He graduated with a second-class honours degree in physics.他以物理学二等优秀学位毕业。剑桥高阶〔clever〕Fiona is very clever at physics.菲奥纳很擅长物理。剑桥高阶〔closed book〕I'm afraid physics will always be a closed book to me.恐怕我对物理永远是一窍不通了。剑桥高阶〔coherence〕Physics The property of being coherent, as of waves.【物理学】 相干性:相干的性质,如波的美国传统〔coherent〕Physics Of, relating to, or having waves with similar direction, amplitude, and phase that are capable of exhibiting interference.【物理学】 相干的:能表现干涉性的,方向、幅度和相位均相似的波的,与其有关的,具有这种波的美国传统〔cohesion〕Physics The intermolecular attraction by which the elements of a body are held together.【物理学】 分子的凝聚力:使物体各部分聚合在一起的分子间相互的吸引力美国传统〔color〕Physics A quantum characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction.【物理学】 颜色:确定夸克在强烈反应中作用的量的属性美国传统〔comprehension〕His comprehension of physics is amazing.他对物理学的了解是惊人的。英汉大词典〔comprehensive〕He has a comprehensive knowledge of physics.他有广博的物理学知识。文馨英汉〔conductor〕Physics A substance or medium that conducts heat, light, sound, or especially an electric charge.【物理学】 导体:传导热、光、声或特别是电荷的物质或介质美国传统〔conservation of mass〕A principle in classical physics stating that the total mass of an isolated system is unchanged by interaction of its parts.质量守恒:经典物理学上认为一个隔离系统的质量总量不受其局部相互作用的改变的基本原理美国传统〔correspondence principle〕The principle that predictions of quantum theory approach those of classical physics in the limit of large quantum numbers.对应原理:在大量子的数目极限方面,量子理论的预言与古典物理的预言接近的一种原理美国传统〔couple〕Physics A pair of forces of equal magnitude acting in parallel but opposite directions, capable of causing rotation but not translation.【物理学】 力偶:具有相等磁性的两个力,平衡作用但反向,能导致旋转但不能造成平移美国传统〔covariant theory〕The principle that the laws of physics have the same form regardless of the system of coordinates in which they are expressed.协变论:认为不论物理学的规律无论是在什么样的坐标中表达的都具有相同的形式的原理美国传统〔c〕He got a C in physics.他物理得丙。文馨英汉〔daughter〕Physics The immediate product of the radioactive decay of an element.【物理学】 继承元素:某种元素放射性衰变的直接产物美国传统〔decay〕Physics Radioactive decay.【物理学】 放射性的蜕变、衰变美国传统〔decouple〕Physics To decrease or eliminate airborne shock waves from (an explosion) by having it take place underground.【物理学】 减低震波:通过在地下爆炸来减弱或消除(爆炸)在空中的震波美国传统〔department〕Physics is a department of science.物理是自然科学的一门分科。外研社新世纪〔department〕Physics is a department of science.物理是自然科学的一门分科。英汉大词典〔despite〕She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring.尽管她认为物理枯燥无味,她却学得很好。牛津高阶〔dig at〕They are digging at physics.他们在钻研物理学。21世纪英汉〔dipole〕Physics A pair of electric charges or magnetic poles, of equal magnitude but of opposite sign or polarity, separated by a small distance.【物理学】 偶极子:一对电荷或磁极,符号或极性相反但数量相等,彼此隔一定距离美国传统〔disintegrate〕Chemistry Physics To decompose, decay, or undergo a nuclear transformation.【化学】 【物理学】 (核的)蜕变;衰变:分解、衰变或经历原子核的突变美国传统〔doctorate〕She has a doctorate in physics from Yale.她获得了耶鲁大学的物理学博士学位。剑桥高阶〔domain〕Physics used to be very much a male domain.物理学曾在很大程度上是男性占据的领域。牛津高阶〔door〕This book opens the door to some of the most exciting findings in solid-state physics.这本书介绍了固态物理中一些最激动人心的发现。柯林斯高阶〔do〕I'm doing physics, biology and chemistry.我在学物理、生物和化学。牛津高阶〔eccentricity〕Physics The distance between the center of an eccentric and its axis.【物理学】 偏心距:偏心圆的中心与圆轴间的距离美国传统〔effort〕Physics Force applied against inertia.【物理学】 作用力:对惯性施加的一种力美国传统〔elastic〕Physics Returning to or capable of returning to an initial form or state after deformation.【物理学】 弹回的:在形变以后恢复或能够恢复原来形状或状态的美国传统〔electrodynamics〕The physics of the relationship between electric current and magnetic or mechanical phenomena.电动力学:关于电流和磁铁或机械现象的关系的物理学美国传统〔electrostatics〕The physics of electrostatic phenomena.静电学:研究静电现象的物理学美国传统〔element〕We weren't even taught the elements of (= basic information about) physics at school.学校连基本的物理知识都没有教给我们。剑桥高阶〔embrace〕It embraces elements of chemistry, physics, and engineering.它包含了化学、物理学和工程学的基本原理。外研社新世纪〔energy〕Physics The capacity of a physical system to do work.【物理学】 能量,能:物理系统做功的容量能力美国传统〔enrich〕Physics To increase the amount of one or more radioactive isotopes in (a material, especially a nuclear fuel).【物理学】 添加元素:增加一种同位素或更具有放射性的核素的数量于(一种物质,尤其是核燃料)美国传统〔enrol〕He enrolled in the physics course.他注册学习物理课程。英汉大词典〔ether〕Physics An all-pervading, infinitely elastic, massless medium formerly postulated as the medium of propagation of electromagnetic waves.【物理学】 以太,能媒:一种在以前被假定为电磁波的传播媒质并具有绝对连续性、高度弹性的极其稀薄的媒体美国传统〔example〕It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics.将计算机科学与其他学科,如物理学,结合起来是可能的。牛津高阶〔exam〕I failed my physics exam, but I passed chemistry.我物理考试没及格,但化学考试通过了。剑桥高阶〔fellowship〕She applied for a research fellowship in physics.她申请了物理学研究奖学金。韦氏高阶〔field〕His field is physics.他的专业是物理。英汉大词典〔fine structure〕Physics The splitting of spectral lines caused by the magnetic moments of orbiting electrons in the atomic nucleus.【物理学】 精细结构:由于在原子核中环绕运行电子产生磁性瞬间而引起的光谱谱线的分裂美国传统〔fissile〕Physics Fissionable, especially by neutrons of all energies.【物理学】 可裂变的:尤指用全能的中子可分裂的美国传统〔flunk out〕The physics professor was pushing hard to flunk me out of college.这个物理教授极力想把我开除出学校。外研社新世纪〔force〕Physics A vector quantity that tends to produce an acceleration of a body in the direction of its application.【物理学】 力:一个矢量,它可使受力物体沿力的方向产生加速度美国传统〔framework〕Einstein's research provided much of the theoretical framework for particle physics.爱因斯坦的研究为粒子物理学提供了大部分理论框架。麦克米伦高阶〔frontier〕The scientists' work will push back the frontiers of physics.科学家的工作将拓展物理学领域。牛津搭配〔fusion〕Physics A nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy.【物理学】 核聚变:一种由原子核结合成更大的核,同时释放出能量的核反应美国传统〔giant〕He is a giant in nuclear physics.他是核物理学领域的巨擘。外研社新世纪〔govern〕The universe is governed by the laws of physics.宇宙受到物理法则的支配。朗文当代〔graduate〕Chris is a physics graduate.克里斯是物理专业的毕业生。剑桥高阶〔graduate〕He graduated in physics from Cambridge University.他是剑桥大学物理学专业毕业的。朗文当代〔half-life〕Physics The time required for half the nuclei in a sample of a specific isotopic species to undergo radioactive decay.【物理学】 半衰期:放射性样品的原子核经历一半放射性衰变所需要的时间美国传统〔handedness〕Chemistry Physics The property that distinguishes an asymmetric from its mirror image but not from a rotated object.【化学】 【物理学】 旋向性:一种从一个物体的镜像而不是从转动的物体中分辨其不对称性的特点美国传统〔heavy going〕I'm finding the advanced physics a bit heavy going.我觉得高等物理有些难懂。剑桥高阶〔heavy〕Physics Of or relating to an isotope with an atomic mass greater than the average mass of that element.【物理学】 重的:原子质量比该元素的平均原子质量重的同位素的或与之有关的美国传统〔hydrokinetics〕The branch of physics that deals with fluids in motion.流体动力学:物理中关于流动液体的分支美国传统〔impossibility〕Mathematical physics is an almost impossibly difficult subject.数学物理是一门难得超乎想象的学科。柯林斯高阶〔impossibly〕Mathematical physics is an almost impossibly difficult subject.数理物理学是一门难度大到几乎不可能掌握的学科。外研社新世纪〔inborn〕She seems to have an inborn talent for physics.她似乎有学物理的天资。剑桥高阶〔induct〕Physics To induce.【物理学】 感应美国传统〔interested〕I wasn't particularly interested in physics.我对物理不是特别感兴趣。外研社新世纪〔introduction〕On balance, the book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics.总而言之,这是一本通俗而务实的物理入门书。柯林斯高阶〔inviscid〕Chemistry Physics Of or relating to a fluid with no viscosity.【化学】 【物理学】 无粘性流体的:属于或关于没有粘滞性的流体的美国传统〔keen〕She likes Biology, but she's not too keen on Physics.她喜欢生物学,但不大喜欢物理。朗文当代〔knowledge〕Physics is a branch of knowledge.物理是一门学问。文馨英汉〔macrophysics〕The branch of physics that deals with objects and phenomena large enough to be measured and observed.宏观物理学:以能够测量和观察到的物体和现象为研究对象的一个物理学分支美国传统〔master〕He worked resolutely to master the intricacies of physics.他坚持不懈地工作, 以掌握物理学的奥妙。外研社新世纪〔mental〕He has a complete mental block(= difficulty in understanding or remembering)when it comes to physics.他对物理一窍不通。牛津高阶〔mind〕He is one of the finest minds in physics today.他是当今物理学方面最有才智的人之一。麦克米伦高阶〔modulus〕Physics A quantity that expresses the degree to which a substance possesses a property, such as elasticity.【物理学】 模数,模量:一种参数,表示一种物质具有一个特性之程度,如弹性美国传统〔molar〕Physics Of or relating to a body of matter as a whole, perceived apart from molecular or atomic properties.【物理学】 质量上的:属于或关于做为整体的物质的,而不作为分子或原子看待美国传统〔multiplier〕Physics A device, such as a phototube, used to enhance or increase an effect.【物理学】 扩(量)程器:一种用来加强或者增加效果的仪器,比如光电管美国传统〔natural science〕A science, such as biology, chemistry, or physics, that deals with the objects, phenomena, or laws of nature and the physical world.自然科学:一门科学,例如生物学、化学或物理学,研究物体,现象或自然界和物质世界的法则美国传统〔node〕Physics A point or region of virtually zero amplitude in a periodic system.【物理学】 波节:在一周期体系中实为零振幅的点或区域美国传统〔nucleus〕Physics The positively charged central region of an atom, composed of protons and neutrons and containing almost all of the mass of the atom.【物理学】 原子核:原子的正极中心部分,由质子和中子构成,几乎集中了原子的全部质量美国传统〔obey〕Molecules obey the laws of physics.分子按物理定律运动。麦克米伦高阶〔obey〕The planet we live on flatly refuses to obey the laws of physics.我们所生活的这个星球完全拒绝遵循物理学法则。外研社新世纪〔optoelectronics〕The branch of physics that deals with the interconversion of electricity and light.光电子学:研究光电转换的物理学分支美国传统〔order〕The physics teacher couldn't keep order in any class.这位物理教师根本就维持不好课堂秩序。朗文当代〔other〕Descartes received his stimulus from the new physics and astronomy of Copernicus, Galileo, and others.笛卡儿从哥白尼、伽利略等人的新物理学和天文学中得到启发。柯林斯高阶〔overlap〕Sometimes physics and chemistry overlap.有时很难区分出究竟是物理学还是化学。21世纪英汉〔particle physics〕The branch of physics that deals with subatomic particles.粒子物理学:研究亚原子粒子的物理学分支学科美国传统〔period〕Physics Astronomy The time interval between two successive occurrences of a recurrent event or phases of an event; a cycle.【物理学】 【天文学】 周期:两个连续出现或反复出现的现象或事件间的时间间隔;周期循环美国传统〔perturb〕Physics Astronomy To cause perturbation, as of a celestial orbit.【物理学】 【天文学】 摄动:引起摄动,如天空中轨道的美国传统〔physical〕Of or relating to matter and energy or the sciences dealing with them, especially physics.自然法则的:研究物体和能量的科学的,或与之有关的,尤指物理的美国传统〔physicist〕A scientist who specializes in physics.物理学家:专攻物理学的科学家美国传统〔physics〕She wanted to be a high-school physics teacher.她想成为一名高中物理教师。牛津搭配〔plus〕Physics Positive.【物理学】 正极的美国传统〔pole〕Physics A magnetic pole.【物理学】 磁极美国传统〔positive〕Physics A positive electric charge.【物理学】 正电:正电荷,阳电荷美国传统〔positive〕Physics Relating to or designating electric charge of a sign opposite to that of an electron.【物理学】 正电的:与电子所带电性相反的电荷的,表示正电的或阳性的美国传统〔postdoc〕She did a PhD and a postdoc in plasma physics.她拥有等离子物理学博士学位并做过博士后。剑桥高阶〔power〕Physics The rate at which work is done, expressed as the amount of work per unit time and commonly measured in units such as the watt and horsepower.【物理学】 功率:做功的速率,用每单位时间内所做的功的量来表示,通常用瓦特和马力为单位美国传统〔precept〕His high-school science course covered many of the basic precepts of modern physics.他在中学修的理科课程包含了许多现代物理学的基本规律。英汉大词典〔precession〕Physics The motion of the axis of a spinning body, such as the wobble of a spinning top, when there is an external force acting on the axis.【物理学】 进动:当受到外力作用时旋转体轴的运动,如旋转陀螺般的摇摆美国传统〔preference〕He studied chemistry in preference to physics at university.出于喜好,他大学里学的是化学而非物理。剑桥高阶〔presume〕The book presumes some familiarity with the basic principles of particle physics.该书假定人们对粒子物理的基本原则已经有所了解。麦克米伦高阶〔prize〕He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1985.他1985年获得诺贝尔物理学奖。外研社新世纪〔professor〕In 1886 he was appointed professor of physics at the Royal College of Science, London.1886年他被任命为伦敦皇家科学学院的物理学教授。麦克米伦高阶〔propagate〕Physics To cause (a wave, for example) to move in some direction or through a medium; transmit.【物理学】 传播:使(比如声波)向某个方向移动或通过媒介活动;传送美国传统〔propagate〕Physics To move through a medium.【物理学】 通过煤介传送美国传统〔pulse〕Physics To undergo a series of intermittent occurrences characterized by brief, sudden changes in a quantity.【物理学】 断续跳动:经历一系列以短促而突然的数量变化为特征的间歇性发作美国传统〔pump〕Physics Electromagnetic radiation used to raise atoms or molecules to a higher energy level.【物理学】 电磁辐射能:用来将原子或分子提升到较高能级的电磁辐射美国传统〔pump〕Physics To raise (atoms or molecules) to a higher energy level by exposing them to electromagnetic radiation at a resonant frequency.【物理学】 充能:把(离子或分子)暴露在一个共振频率的电磁辐射下使其提高到一个较高的能量等级美国传统〔quantum physics〕The branch of physics that uses quantum theory to describe and predict the properties of a physical system.量子物理学:物理学分支,用量子理论描述和预测物理系统的特性美国传统〔quantum system〕A physical or theoretical system that cannot be correctly described without the use of quantum physics.量子系统:使用量子物理学方能正确描述的物理系统或理论系统美国传统〔rank〕Cuvier wanted to turn natural history into a science that would rank with physics and chemistry.居维叶想把自然历史变成和物理化学一样重要的科学。朗文当代〔reaction〕Physics A nuclear reaction.【物理学】 核反应美国传统〔reaction〕Physics An equal and opposite force exerted by a body against a force acting upon it.【物理学】 反作用力:物体对于加在其上的力作出的大小相同,方向相反的力量美国传统〔reactive〕Chemistry Physics Tending to participate readily in reactions.【化学】 【物理学】 活性的,化学性质活泼的:容易参加化学反应的美国传统〔related〕Physics is closely related to mathematics.物理学与数学有密切的关系。文馨英汉〔repulsion〕Physics The tendency of particles or bodies of the same electric charge or magnetic polarity to separate.【物理学】 斥力:具有相同的电荷或磁极的粒子或物体相分离的倾向美国传统〔retentivity〕Physics The capacity for remaining magnetized after cessation of the magnetizing force.【物理学】 顽磁性:磁力消失后残存的磁通量美国传统〔revolutionize〕Newton's discoveries revolutionized physics.牛顿的发现使物理学发生了革命性剧变。剑桥高阶〔saturation〕Physics A state of a ferromagnetic substance in which an increase in applied magnetic field strength does not produce an increase in magnetic intensity.【物理学】 磁性饱和:在提高使用的磁场强度时不会使磁力密度升高的一种磁化饱状态美国传统〔scattering〕Physics The dispersal of a beam of particles or of radiation into a range of directions as a result of physical interactions.【物理学】 散射:由于相互的物理作用造成微粒束或辐射在一方向范围内分散开来美国传统〔scatter〕Physics To deflect (radiation or particles).【物理学】 散射:使(辐射或微粒)转向美国传统〔scintillation〕Physics A flash of light produced in a phosphor by absorption of an ionizing particle or photon.【物理学】 交光:磷光体通过吸引电离子或光子产生的闪光美国传统〔shear〕Physics To become deformed by forces tending to produce a shearing strain.【物理学】 切变:由于倾向于产生剪应变的力而变形美国传统〔situate〕How do we situate Christianity in the context of modern physics and psychology?我们怎样把基督教放在现代物理学和心理学的背景下来考虑呢?外研社新世纪〔source〕Physics The point or part of a system where energy or mass is added to the system.【物理学】 源:某系统加入能量或物质的那一点或部分美国传统〔sputter〕Physics To cause the atoms of a solid to be removed from the surface by bombardment with atoms in a discharge tube.【物理学】 排射:由排射试管中原子撞击而使固体原子从表面移开美国传统〔sputter〕Physics To coat (a solid surface) with metal atoms by sputtering.【物理学】 通过轰击把一个(固体表面)涂上金属原子美国传统〔stick〕He stuck at his physics homework until long after midnight.他做物理作业一直做到深更半夜。英汉大词典〔still〕Dan found biology difficult, and physics harder still.丹觉得生物很难,物理则更难。朗文当代〔strain〕Physics A deformation produced by stress.【物理学】 由压力引起的变形美国传统〔strange attractor〕Physics An attractor for which the approach to the final set of physical properties is chaotic.【物理学】 奇异吸引子:最后一组物理属性处于混沌状态的引道的吸引子美国传统〔take〕Mr Marshall takes us for (= teaches us) physics.马歇尔先生教我们物理。剑桥高阶〔teach〕She teaches physics.她教物理。外研社新世纪〔thermionics〕The physics of thermionic phenomena.热离子学:关于热离子现象的物理学美国传统〔to〕Does your interest in nuclear physics extend to nuclear weaponry? 你对核物理的兴趣是不是还包括核武器?朗文当代〔translate〕Physics To subject (a body) to translation.【物理学】 平移:使(身体)平移美国传统〔translation〕Physics Motion of a body in which every point of the body moves parallel to and the same distance as every other point of the body; nonrotational displacement.【物理学】 平移:一个物体的运动,指该物体的每个点都平行于另一个物体每一个点的移动,并且距离相同;非旋转性位移美国传统〔transmittance〕Physics The ratio of the radiant energy transmitted to the total radiant energy incident on a given body.【物理学】 透射:透过特定物体的辐射能量与射入这个物体的总辐射能量之比美国传统〔transmit〕Physics To cause (a disturbance) to propagate through a medium.【物理学】 传导:在通过一个媒质时产生的(振动)美国传统〔triplet〕Physics A multiplet with three components.【物理学】 三重态:任何具有三个状态的多重态美国传统〔undamped〕Physics Not tending toward a state of rest; not damped. Used of oscillations.【物理学】 无衰减的;未减弱的,用于振荡美国传统〔unreadable〕This physics textbook is unreadable.这本物理教材让人读不下去。韦氏高阶〔viscosity〕Physics Coefficient of viscosity.【物理学】 胶粘性;粘滞度美国传统〔vorticity〕Physics A measure of the rate of rotational spin in a fluid.【物理学】 涡旋测量:测量涡轮在液体中的旋转率美国传统Physics and chemistry are sciences, and history and literature are arts subjects.物理和化学是理科,而历史和文学是文科。剑桥国际Physics is thought of as a hard science because of its mathematical nature, but sociology is not.由于其数学本质,物理被认为是硬科学(自然科学),但社会学不是。剑桥国际Physics was his major. 物理是他的主修科目。译典通According to our present ideas of physics, nothing can travel faster than light. 根据我们现在物理学的概念,没有什么东西能超过光速。译典通Fiona is very clever at physics.菲奥纳擅长物理。剑桥国际He studies nuclear physics. 他研究原子物理。译典通He trusted the physic of his doctor. 他信任他医生的医术。译典通I failed my physics exam, but I passed chemistry.我物理没考及格,但化学及格了。剑桥国际I reckon I've passed the physics exam, but I'm sure I screwed chemistry up.我料想我通过了物理考试,但我确信化学考砸了。剑桥国际I was a bit of a duffer at physics.我在物理方面总是不行。剑桥国际I'm afraid physics will always be a closed book to me.恐怕我对物理一窍不通。剑桥国际I'm finding the advanced physics a bit heavy going.我发现高等物理课有点难理解。剑桥国际I'm hopeless at physics, and it's the same with chemistry --I get it all wrong.我的物理实在不行,化学也半斤八两----都是一团糟。剑桥国际If you are a poor mathematician/If you are poor at maths, you will find physics rather difficult.如果你数学不好,就会发现物理很难。剑桥国际Newton's discoveries revolutionized (= completely changed) physics.牛顿的发现使物理学发生了剧变。剑桥国际Quantum physics is a bit deep for me.量子物理学对我来说是有点深奥的。剑桥国际She flunked the physics examination. 她物理考试不及格。译典通She has an apparently inborn talent for physics.她有明显天生的学物理天资。剑桥国际She studied chemistry and physics at college.她在大学里学过化学和物理。剑桥国际The atomic bomb is the offspring of twentieth century physics. 原子弹是二十世纪物理学的产物。译典通The machine seemed to be working in defiance of (= against) every known law of physics.那种机器的运行似乎违背了每一条已知的物理定律。剑桥国际There's a clash in my timetable between history and physics, so I won't be able to study them both.在我的课程表上历史课和物理课时间冲突,所以我不可能两门课都学了。剑桥国际They believed that the physic could stop your diarrhea. 他们相信这药剂能够止泻。译典通We weren't even taught the elements of (= basic information about) physics at school.我们上学时连最基本的物理知识也没教过。剑桥国际

