
单词 combative
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agonistic〕Striving to overcome in argument; combative.好争议的:努力争取在争论中获胜的;好战的美国传统〔chip〕A habitually hostile or combative attitude.习惯性敌对或好斗的态度美国传统〔combativeness〕He conducted the meeting in his usual combative style, refusing to admit any mistakes.他主持会议的时候仍旧显示出一贯的好辩作风,拒绝承认任何错误。柯林斯高阶〔combative〕Congress is in a combative mood.国会上下一片斗志昂扬。朗文当代〔combative〕He conducted the meeting in his usual combative style, refusing to admit any mistakes.他主持会议时显示出一贯的强硬风格, 拒绝承认任何错误。外研社新世纪〔combative〕He displayed a most unpleasant, combative attitude.他表露了极不愉快而好斗的态度。文馨英汉〔combative〕The prime minister was in a combative mood, twice accusing the opposition of gross incompetence.首相斗志旺盛,两次指责反对党极端无能。剑桥高阶〔combative〕When the police tried to arrest him, he became combative.警方试图逮捕他时,他变得好斗起来。韦氏高阶〔hawk〕One who demonstrates an actively aggressive or combative attitude, as in an argument.鹰派人物:如在争论中显示出一种积极好战的或有侵略性态度的人美国传统〔polemical〕Daniels is at his best when he's cool and direct, rather than combative and polemical.丹尼尔斯冷静、坦率时状态最佳, 而好斗、爱辩时则不然。外研社新世纪〔polemical〕Daniels is at his best when he's cool and direct, rather than combative and polemical.丹尼尔斯冷静、坦率时状态最佳;而好斗、爱辩时则不然。柯林斯高阶〔vilely〕He is hugely combative and has written some vilely offensive remarks.他极其好斗, 写过一些令人反感的冒犯性话语。外研社新世纪The prime minister was in a combative mood and made several verbal attacks on the opposition.首相正处在好斗的情绪中,对反对党进行了好几次口头攻击。剑桥国际

