
单词 carrier
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SITUATION〕In some cases, mail carriers could not get to mailboxes surrounded by plowed snow. 有时候,邮筒周围都是扫起的雪堆,邮差没法走近。朗文写作活用〔VLCC〕Very large crude (oil) carrier.巨型油轮美国传统〔amplitude modulation〕The encoding of a carrier wave by variation of its amplitude in accordance with an input signal.调幅:根据输入信号改变振幅的强度对电载波进行调制美国传统〔astronomical〕It takes an astronomical amount of money to build an aircraft carrier.建造一般航空母舰需要金额庞大的钱。文馨英汉〔bam〕The plane bammed against the deck of the carrier.飞机嘭的一声撞在航空母舰甲板上。英汉大词典〔barb〕One of a breed of domestic pigeons that is similar to the carrier and has dark plumage.巴巴里家鸽:家鸽的一种,类似信鸽,有暗黑的羽毛美国传统〔base〕The U.S. squadron was based on the carrier.美国空军中队以这艘航空母舰为基地。21世纪英汉〔bear down on〕Our destroyers bore down on the enemy carrier.我方驱逐舰快速逼近敌人的航空母舰。21世纪英汉〔bill of lading〕A document issued by a carrier to a shipper, listing and acknowledging receipt of goods for transport and specifying terms of delivery.提货单:运货人向发货人出具的文件,列明并告知收到所运货物,并详细说明交货日期美国传统〔block〕Football Legal interference with an opposing player to clear the path of the ball carrier.【橄榄球】 阻挡:干扰对方队员为带球者开道的合乎规定的阻止美国传统〔bounce〕Radioed messages were bouncing off the aircraft carrier.无线电报正从航空母舰劈啪拍发。英汉大词典〔cannibalization〕They cannibalized three aircraft carriers and a number of warships to form a task force.他们抽调了三艘航空母舰和一些战舰组成一支特遣部队。21世纪英汉〔capital ship〕A warship of the largest class, such as a battleship or an aircraft carrier.主力舰:最大一级的军舰,如一艘战列舰或一艘航空母舰美国传统〔carrier bag〕She carried a basket of groceries in one hand and a bulging carrier bag in the other.她一只手拎着一篮食品杂货, 另一只手提着一个鼓鼓囊囊的购物袋。外研社新世纪〔carrier〕A carrier wave.载波美国传统〔carrier〕An aircraft carrier.航空母舰美国传统〔carrier〕Aquarius, the Water Carrier 宝瓶座牛津高阶〔carrier〕Deliveries are made by common carrier or van line.货物运输采用普通货车或厢式货车。柯林斯高阶〔carrier〕I put the pet carrier in the car.我把宠物箱放在了车里。韦氏高阶〔carrier〕Mosquitoes can be carriers of malaria.蚊子有可能携带疟疾病毒。韦氏高阶〔carrier〕Switzerland's national carrier, Swissair, has been having a hard time recently.瑞士国家航空公司“瑞士航空”近来一直在艰难运营。外研社新世纪〔carrier〕Switzerland's national carrier, Swissair, has been having a hard time recently.瑞士的国有航空公司——瑞士航空公司,最近日子很不好过。柯林斯高阶〔carrier〕The airline is the nation's largest carrier.这家航空公司是全国最大的承运机构。韦氏高阶〔carrier〕There are an estimated 1.5 million HIV carriers in the country.据估计,这个国家有150万艾滋病毒携带者。剑桥高阶〔carrier〕There were armoured personnel carriers and tanks on the streets.街上有装甲运兵车和坦克。柯林斯高阶〔carrier〕There were armoured personnel carriers and tanks on the streets.街道上有装甲运兵车和坦克。外研社新世纪〔carrier〕They are dispatched from our nursery by overnight carrier.它们由夜间运货车从我们的苗圃运走。外研社新世纪〔carrier〕Vaccination will not prevent an animal from becoming a carrier.疫苗接种并不能防止动物成为病原携带者。外研社新世纪〔carrier〕We switched to a different long-distance carrier to save money on our phone bill.为了节省电话费,我们换了一家长途电话公司。韦氏高阶〔catapult〕A mechanism for launching aircraft at a speed sufficient for flight, as from the deck of a carrier.弹射器:以适于飞行速度的发射航空器的一种机械装置,如从航空母舰的甲板上发射美国传统〔catapult〕On that type of aircraft carrier, a catapult was used to help launch aircraft.那种航空母舰利用弹射器弹射飞机升空。剑桥高阶〔catapult〕Six jet-fighters catapulted from the deck of the carrier.六架喷气式战斗机从航空母舰的甲板上弹射起飞。21世纪英汉〔catapult〕The plane catapulted from the carrier deck.飞机从航空母舰甲板上弹射起飞。英汉大词典〔claim〕They claimed on the carriers for the loss involved.他们向运输公司就有关损失提出赔偿要求。英汉大词典〔climb〕The airline faces an uphill climb to compete with top air carriers.这家航空公司面临着与顶级航空公司竞争的艰巨任务。牛津搭配〔cruise〕The aircraft carrier cruised in the Mediterranean.那艘航空母舰在地中海游弋。英汉大词典〔cutback〕A sharp reversal of direction, as of a ball carrier in football.急转:向相反方向急转,如橄榄球比赛中的持球球员的反切动作美国传统〔damage〕If goods are lost in transit, the carrier will be liable for damages.货物若在运输途中丢失,承运人有责任赔偿。牛津搭配〔demodulate〕To extract (information) from a modulated carrier wave.解调(信号等):从调制过的载波中分离出(信息)美国传统〔dive〕Football An offensive play in which the carrier of the ball plunges into the opposing line in order to gain short yardage.【橄榄球】 鱼跃:持球者扑向对面线以得到一短段,将球向前推进的距离的进攻行为美国传统〔dock〕Russian commanders docked a huge aircraft carrier in a Russian port.俄罗斯指挥官指挥一艘巨型航空母舰驶入一个俄罗斯港口。柯林斯高阶〔dock〕The aircraft carrier docked for repairs.航空母舰停在干船坞里等待维修。外研社新世纪〔dock〕The aircraft carrier has been docked there since last month.自上个月以来那艘航空母舰就一直停靠在那儿。柯林斯高阶〔electrode〕A collector or emitter of electric charge or of electric-charge carriers, as in a semiconducting device.电极:电荷或带电荷载流子的收集体或发送体,如在一半导体装置中的美国传统〔end run〕Football A play in which the ball carrier attempts to run around one end of the defensive line.【橄榄球】 线外侧迂回进攻:带球跑的队员试图绕着防御线的一端兜圈子前进的战术美国传统〔exciter〕Electronics An oscillator for generating the carrier frequency of a transmitter.【电子学】 主控振荡器:产生载波频率的振荡器美国传统〔flattop〕An aircraft carrier.航空母舰美国传统〔flight deck〕The upper deck of an aircraft carrier, used as a runway.飞行甲板:航空母舰上最上层的用作飞机起降区域的甲板美国传统〔free on board〕Without charge to the purchaser for delivery on board or into a carrier at a specified point or location.船上交货:货物免费由船载运并在指定时间或地点交给运输公司美国传统〔frequency modulation〕The encoding of a carrier wave by variation of its frequency in accordance with an input signal.调频:用输入信号对载波频率的调制美国传统〔goods〕All his worldly goods were packed into a neat checked carrier bag.他的所有家当都装在一个干净的方格图案手提袋里。柯林斯高阶〔hapten〕A substance that reacts with a specific antibody but cannot induce the formation of antibodies unless bound to a carrier protein or other molecule.半抗原,不全抗原:一种对某种特定的抗体起反应但除非被限制于蛋白质载体或其他分子之中, 否则不能导致抗体的构成的物质美国传统〔haulage〕The haulage company was a carrier of machine parts to Turkey.该公路货运公司负责将机械零件运往土耳其。柯林斯高阶〔interference〕Football The legal blocking of defensive tacklers to protect and make way for the ball carrier.【橄榄球】 掩护阻碍:为保护和给带球跑的运动员让路而正当阻挡防卫的拦截队员美国传统〔island〕The superstructure, as of an aircraft carrier.飞行甲板上层建筑:上层建筑,如一艘航空母舰的甲板上层建筑美国传统〔lake〕A pigment consisting of organic coloring matter with an inorganic, usually metallic base or carrier, used in dyes, inks, and paints.色淀:一种由有机颜料物质同无机的通常是金属的底基或载体合成的色素沉淀,用于制作染料、墨水和油漆美国传统〔less〕He had returned to England in an aircraft carrier no less.他竟然坐航空母舰回的英格兰。柯林斯高阶〔lethal〕Milk, improperly handled, is a lethal carrier of bacteria.牛奶若处理不当会成为危险的细菌载体。英汉大词典〔mailbag〕A bag suspended from the shoulder, used by letter carriers for carrying mail.邮递袋:挂在肩上的布袋,邮递员用它来发送信件美国传统〔mail〕The mail carrier didn't deliver the mail on Friday.邮递员周五没有送邮件。牛津搭配〔pet〕She bundled Daisy into her pet carrier.她把黛西放入宠物篮。牛津搭配〔phase modulation〕A type of electronic modulation in which the phase of a carrier wave is varied in order to transmit the information contained in the signal.相位调制,调相:一种电子调幅,为了传递包含在信号中的信息,而使载波的相位改变美国传统〔platform〕A vessel, such as a submarine or an aircraft carrier, from which weapons can be deployed.平台:能部署武器的船只,如潜水艇或航空母舰美国传统〔pusher〕He was accused of acting as a carrier for drug pushers.他被指控为一些毒贩运毒。柯林斯高阶〔pusher〕He was accused of acting as a carrier for drug pushers.他被指控为毒品贩子运毒。外研社新世纪〔rendezvous〕Aircraft carriers had sheltered in the secret rendezvous of the islands.一艘艘航空母舰隐蔽在岛群附近的秘密集结地。英汉大词典〔reuse〕To conserve resources, please reuse this carrier bag.为了节省资源,请重复利用本手提袋。剑桥高阶〔rolling stock〕The equipment available for use as transportation, as automotive vehicles, locomotives, or railroad cars, owned by a particular company or carrier.全部车辆,全部货车:特定的公司或货运公司所拥的汽车、机车或有轨电车等可用作运输工具的装备美国传统〔scrap〕Two aircraft carriers are being scrapped this year.今年有两艘航空母舰要报废。朗文当代〔sideband〕Either of the two bands of frequencies, one just above and one just below a carrier frequency, that result from modulation of a carrier wave.边(频)带:两个频率带之中的任何一个,一个恰好高于且另一个恰好低于载体的频率,因载体的电波调制造成的美国传统〔site〕He became a hod carrier on a building site.他在建筑工地上当起了小工。柯林斯高阶〔site〕He became a hod carrier on a building site.他成了工地上的一名小工。外研社新世纪〔sit〕An aircraft carrier sits off the coast.一艘航空母舰停在海岸附近。英汉大词典〔stint〕He had a brief stint as a mail carrier.他曾经当过一阵邮差。韦氏高阶〔stooping〕He stooped to pick up the carrier bag of groceries.他俯下身去提装着食品杂货的购物袋。柯林斯高阶〔strike〕American aircraft carriers have launched several strikes .美国的航空母舰发动了数次袭击。朗文当代〔symptom〕Not all carriers of the disease develop symptoms.不是所有的染病者都会显现症状。牛津搭配〔touch football〕A variety of football played without protective clothing usually on an improvised field, in which ball carriers are downed by touching instead of tackling.触身式橄榄球:一种通常在临时场地上进行的不穿防护衣的橄榄球运动,其中不是用扭抱而是通过碰触带球者来阻止对方并自己得球美国传统〔tracer〕The enemy fired tracers at the aircraft carrier.敌人向航空母舰发射了曳光弹。韦氏高阶〔ubiquinone〕A quinone compound that serves as an electron carrier between flavoproteins and in cellular respiration.辅酶Q:一种苯醌衍生物,在黄素蛋白中以及细胞呼吸作用为成分携带者美国传统Because of the limited gliding distance on the deck, carriers have to use catapults to help warplanes fly into air. 因为甲板上滑行的距离有限,航空母舰必须使用弹射器将飞机弹入空中。译典通Dr Sewards estimates that as many as 1 in every 7 of the community is a carrier of the defective gene.苏厄德博士估计该社区每7人中有一人是缺陷基因的携带者。剑桥国际He works for a freight company / carrier / shipper.他为一家货运公司工作。剑桥国际He'd got a job as a hod carrier on a building site.他在建筑工地上找到了一个搬运工的工作。剑桥国际I applied for the job as a mail carrier. 我申请邮差的工作。译典通I've had enough of being a spear carrier for my boss--I want a job where I can actually have some responsibility.我已经当够了老板的跑腿----我要找一份能充分发挥自己职责的工作。剑桥国际Its European carrier business is expected to start insolvency proceedings soon.其欧洲的运输企业预计马上要启动破产程序。牛津商务Like an aircraft carrier, she is narrow at the waterline and much wider on the deck.像一艘航空母舰那样,它在水线处很窄,在甲板处宽出许多。剑桥国际Meat, improperly handled, is a lethal carrier of bacteria. 未经适当处理的肉是危险的带菌物。译典通On that type of aircraft carrier, a catapult was used to help launch aircraft.在那种航空母舰上,飞机由弹射器发射。剑桥国际Several major carriers admit their trans-Atlantic flights are now on schedule less than half the time.几个主要的运输公司承认他们横跨大西洋的飞行准时的现在不到一半。剑桥国际Small airlines have accused the national carrier of using dirty tricks to steal their customers.小航空公司谴责国有航空公司采用卑劣手段夺走它们的顾客。牛津商务The airline aims to become Europe's biggest carrier.航空公司的目标是成为欧洲最大的承运人。牛津商务The airline was described as a mega carrier.这家航空公司被形容为巨大的运输业者。剑桥国际The allies claim to have destroyed more than two-thirds of the enemy's armoured troop carriers.同盟国声称已经击毁了敌军三分之二以上的装甲运兵车。剑桥国际The commercial carrier is doing a lively business. 那家商务运输公司业务繁忙。译典通The military escort was made up of three tanks and two armoured personnel carriers.武装护送队由三辆坦克和两辆装甲兵员运输车组成。剑桥国际The missile was launched from the aircraft carrier. 飞弹是从航空母舰上发射的。译典通The scheme is intended to eradicate all tsetse flies, the carriers of sleeping sickness, in the area.这项计划打算根除这个地区的昏睡病传播源----所有的舌蝇。剑桥国际There is a lot of competition between carriers for the right to fly the route between London and New York.在获得伦敦至纽约航线的飞行权上,航空公司之间竞争激烈。剑桥国际To conserve resources please reuse this carrier bag.为了保护资源,请重复使用该购物袋。剑桥国际Two American carriers were anchored offshore.两艘美国航空母舰在近海停泊。剑桥国际

