
单词 用薄
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Mousterian〕Designating or belonging to a Middle Paleolithic culture following the Acheulian and associated with Neanderthal man, characterized by the use of flaked tools.莫斯特文化:指或属于继阿舍利文化之后的、同尼安德特人有关的欧洲旧石器时代中期的文化,其文化特征为使用薄石片工具美国传统〔canister〕A box or can of thin metal or plastic used for holding dry cooking ingredients, such as flour, sugar, or tea.罐:用薄金属或塑料制成的装干食品的盒子或罐子,如面粉、糖或茶叶美国传统〔chassis〕The car's lightweight chassis is made from aluminium sheets.这种汽车的轻型底盘是用薄铝板制成的。剑桥高阶〔cigarette〕A small roll of finely cut tobacco for smoking, enclosed in a wrapper of thin paper.纸烟,香烟:用于吸烟的切好的小卷烟草,用薄纸包着美国传统〔divide〕His study is divided from the living-room by a thin wooden partition.他的书房是用薄壁板从起居室分隔而成的。英汉大词典〔fichu〕A woman's triangular scarf of lightweight fabric, worn over the shoulders and crossed or tied in a loose knot at the breast.披肩式三角形女用薄围巾:一种女用三角形薄围巾,围住肩膀并在胸前交叉松松地打一个结美国传统〔grout〕To fill or finish with a thin mortar or plaster.给灌浆;给涂薄胶泥:用薄灰浆或薄泥浆充填或粉饰美国传统〔laminate〕Consisting of, arranged in, or covered with laminae.用薄片组成的、排列的或是覆盖的美国传统〔laminate〕To cover with thin sheets.用薄片覆盖美国传统〔mint〕Garnish with mint sprigs.用薄荷枝装点。柯林斯高阶〔paper〕Dictionaries are usually printed on thin paper.字典通常用薄纸印刷。剑桥高阶〔plate〕Armor made of such pieces.铠甲:用薄金属片制成的铠甲美国传统〔sapsago〕A hard green cheese made from skim-milk curd, colored and flavored with sweet clover.萨普萨戈干酪:一种用薄层凝乳制成的绿色干酪,具有彩色和甜苜蓿调味美国传统〔splint〕My basket is woven from splints.我的篮子是用薄木条编成的。英汉大词典〔stovepipe〕A pipe, usually of thin sheet iron, used to conduct smoke or fumes from a stove into a chimney flue.火炉烟囱:通常用薄铁皮制成的管状物,用于将烟从火炉中导入烟囱通道口美国传统〔stuff〕The costumes were made of thin, gauzy stuff.这些服装是用薄纱料子做的。麦克米伦高阶〔swathe〕She swathed her enormous body in thin black fabrics.她用薄薄的黑色织物裹住了自己硕大的身躯。柯林斯高阶〔tissue〕The shop assistant wrapped the vase carefully in tissue paper.店员用薄纸将花瓶仔细地包好。剑桥高阶Gifts are wrapped in tissue paper.礼物用薄纸包裹着。牛津商务Her dress was of silk tissue. 她的连衫裙是用薄绸做成的。译典通The car's lightweight chassis is made from aluminium sheets.汽车轻型底盘是用薄铝板制成的。剑桥国际The shop assistant wrapped the glasses carefully in tissue (also tissue paper) in order to protect them.为了起到保护作用, 营业员用薄纸仔细地包好眼镜。剑桥国际

