
单词 试运气
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISADVANTAGE〕Most people who go into casinos know the odds are stacked heavily against them, but it doesn't stop them from trying. 大部分进赌场的人都很清楚自己的赢面很小,但这并不能阻止他们进去试一试运气朗文写作活用〔luck〕After the war my father went to Canada to try his luck at farming there.战后,我父亲去了加拿大,到那里经营农场试试运气朗文当代〔luck〕He's trying his luck at starting his own restaurant.他想试试运气,自己开个餐馆。韦氏高阶〔luck〕I decided to try my luck at the roulette wheel.我决定到轮盘赌那儿试试运气牛津搭配〔luck〕To risk one's good fortune, often by acting overconfidently.试试运气,冒险去做:拿自己的好运冒险,通常为过于自信之举动美国传统〔pot luck〕If you haven't made an appointment, take pot luck and knock on the door.如果没有预约, 那就敲门试试运气吧。外研社新世纪〔potluck〕The scheduled flight was canceled and passengers had to take potluck on the other airlines.原定航班被取消了,乘客们只能在其他航线上试试运气美国传统〔pot〕If you haven't made an appointment, take pot luck and knock on the door.如果你没有预约,就敲门试试运气吧。柯林斯高阶〔try your luck〕He'd always wanted to act and in 1959 came to London to try his luck on the stage.他一直想从事表演,于是在1959年来到伦敦,想在舞台上试试运气剑桥高阶

