
单词 预备
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXAGGERATE〕The importance of strict hygiene in the preparation of food cannot be overemphasized. 预备食物时严格注意卫生的重要性无论怎样强调都不过分。朗文写作活用〔INTERRUPT〕Comedians usually have a few ready comments for members of the audience that come to heckle. 对那些起哄的观众,喜剧演员通常都预备了几句应对的评语。!朗文写作活用〔On your mark〕On your mark, get set, go! 各就各位,预备,跑!韦氏高阶〔SLEEP〕Mary Ellen always had to set the fire for the next morning before retiring to bed. 玛丽·埃伦总是得先把第二天早上使用的炉火预备好,然后才上床睡觉。朗文写作活用〔SOON〕Dinner won't be long. 晚饭快预备好了。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕In Japan, entrance exams are very important, and many children go to extra classes to prepare for them. 在日本,入学考试是非常重要的,许多儿童都去参加补习班来预备考试。朗文写作活用〔Wave〕A member of the women's reserve of the U.S. Navy, organized during World War II, but now no longer a separate branch.志愿紧急服役妇女队:美国海军妇女预备队成员,二战期间组建,但现在不再是独立的分支美国传统〔activate〕The President has activated the reserves.总统已经派出了预备役部队。韦氏高阶〔activation〕President Bush has authorized the activation of an additional 170,000 US military reservists.布什总统已经批准了另外170,000名美国预备役军人转入现役。外研社新世纪〔armory〕A building for storing arms and military equipment, especially one serving as headquarters for military reserve personnel.军事建筑:存放武器和军事装备的大楼,尤指作为预备役人员司令部的建筑美国传统〔begin〕He always begins his lessons with a warm-up exercise.他讲课前总是先让学生做预备练习题。牛津高阶〔briefing〕The act or procedure of giving or receiving concise preparatory instructions, information, or advice.简介:给予或接受简洁的预备性的指令、信息或忠告的行为或步骤美国传统〔buckle down〕He has buckled down to work in the reserves.他已经安心在预备役部队服役。柯林斯高阶〔buffet〕They prepared a buffet for the party.他们预备了自助餐给参加聚会的人吃。牛津同义词〔cache〕A hiding place used especially for storing provisions.贮藏处,暗窖:一个隐秘的空间,尤指用于贮存的预备货物美国传统〔call up〕The United States has called up some 150,000 military reservists.美国已经征召了约15万名预备役军人。柯林斯高阶〔call up〕The United States has called up some 150,000 military reservists.美国征召了大约15万预备役人员。外研社新世纪〔call-up〕The call-up of National Guard and reserve units began in late August.国民警卫队和预备役部队已于8月下旬开始征召。外研社新世纪〔call-up〕The call-up of National Guard and reserve units begun in late August.国民警卫队和预备役的征兵工作8月下旬开始。柯林斯高阶〔cartoon〕A preliminary sketch similar in size to the work, such as a fresco, that is to be copied from it.草图:在尺寸上与成作如一幅壁画近似的预备性素描,成作要从此草图临摩下来美国传统〔catering〕Who's doing the catering for the party? 谁来预备聚会的餐饮?牛津搭配〔caucus〕Democrats/Republicans caucused last week to choose their candidates.民主党/共和党上周召开了党内预备会议推选候选人。韦氏高阶〔come up〕He is one of the reservists who will plead not guilty when their cases come up.案件开庭审理的时候,这些预备役军人不会认罪,他就是其中一个。柯林斯高阶〔cram school〕A school especially in Japan that prepares its students for university entrance examinations by way of an accelerated curriculum.强化学校:尤指日本的一种通过强化课程而使预备学生参加大学入学考试的学校美国传统〔develop〕Our business will develop next year.我们的生意明年预备扩展。牛津同义词〔discussion〕Preliminary discussions between the two leaders are now underway.双方领导人的预备会谈目前正在进行之中。麦克米伦高阶〔duty〕Many reserve troops were called into active duty.许多预备役部队被转为现役。韦氏高阶〔en garde〕Used to warn a fencer to assume the position preparatory to a match.预备姿势:用于击剑比赛中提醒击剑者采取好准备比赛的姿势美国传统〔equipped〕The country did not possess the modern guns to equip the reserve army properly.该国没有现代枪炮来给预备役部队提供适当装备。柯林斯高阶〔ex-service〕Some of them are ex-service, still on the reserve list.他们中有几人是退役的,仍列在预备役名单中。英汉大词典〔fit〕Our school fits students for college.我们的学校给学生预备进大学。文馨英汉〔fusion〕His final reform was the fusion of regular and reserve forces.他最后的一项改革是把常规军和预备役部队合为一体。柯林斯高阶〔go〕On your marks, get set, go! (起跑等的口令)各就各位,预备,开始!英汉大词典〔go〕The preparations have been completed and we're ready to go.预备工作已经完成,我们准备开始。朗文当代〔into〕Reservists are being pressed into service to help clean up after the storm.预备役军人被投入暴风雨之后的清理工作中。麦克米伦高阶〔juku〕A Japanese school that prepares students for entrance exams, as for admission to a university, and is attended in addition to public school.预备学校,补习学校:培养学生准备入学考试(如为考取大学)的公立学校以外的日本学校美国传统〔kettle〕Playing for the reserve team is a different kettle of fish altogether.在预备队里打比赛完全是另外一回事。外研社新世纪〔mark〕On your marks, get set, go! 各就位,预备,跑!麦克米伦高阶〔mark〕On your marks—get set—go! 各就各位!预备!跑!柯林斯高阶〔militia〕A military force that is not part of a regular army and is subject to call for service in an emergency.预备役部队:不作为正规军的一部分,准备在紧急情况下服役的武装力量美国传统〔miniconvention〕A convention limited in size or extent, especially a political convention preliminary to a larger or national convention.小型会议:在规模或范围上都有限制的会议,尤指在大型或全国会议前的政治预备会议美国传统〔miss〕Prepare food in advance to ensure you don't miss out on the fun! 事先预备好食物确保你不会错过好玩的机会!朗文当代〔officinal〕Readily available in pharmacies; not requiring special preparation.药房常备的:不需特殊准备的;药房常预备美国传统〔preface〕A preliminary statement or essay introducing a book that explains its scope, intention, or background and is usually written by the author.序言:介绍一本书的预备性陈述或散文,用以解释其范围、意图或背景,通常由作者撰写美国传统〔preface〕To introduce by or provide with a preliminary statement or essay.作序:以预备性陈述或散文来介绍或给…提供预备性陈述或散文的美国传统〔preliminary〕An academic test or examination that is preparatory to one that is longer, more complex, or more important.初试:为更长、更复杂或更重要的考试而进行的预备性学术测试或考试美国传统〔preliminary〕It had taken about ten minutes to cover the preliminaries.完成预备活动大约花了十分钟。外研社新世纪〔preliminary〕Prior to or preparing for the main matter, action, or business; introductory or prefatory.开头的,初步的:先于主要事件、行动或业务的或为其作准备的;预备性的或前面的美国传统〔prep school〕Their children are all at prep school.他们的孩子都在上预备学校。外研社新世纪〔preparative〕Serving or tending to prepare or make ready; preliminary.准备性的:用作或易于准备的;预备性的美国传统〔preparative〕Something that prepares for or acts as a preliminary to something following.预备:为随后的事作准备或作为其开端的事物美国传统〔preparatory〕The partners held several meetings preparatory to signing the agreement.合伙人在签订协议之前举行了几次预备性会议。朗文当代〔preprofessional〕Preparatory to the practice of a profession or to its specialized field of study.预备:就职前的准备,或专业学习之前的准备美国传统〔prep〕Chiefly British The preparing of lessons; homework.【多用于英国】 预备功课;家庭作业美国传统〔prep〕Informal A preparatory school.【非正式用语】 预备学校美国传统〔prep〕My little sister is still prepping.我妹妹还在预备学校学习。21世纪英汉〔prep〕They went to high schools instead of prepping.他们不上预备学校而上了中学。英汉大词典〔prep〕To be enrolled in and attend a preparatory school.进入预备学校:被录取并参加预备学校美国传统〔prep〕To prepare (someone) for a medical examination or surgical procedure.使预备好:使(某人)为医学考试或外科手术程序作准备美国传统〔prep〕To study or train in preparation for something.预备…:学习或训练以为某事作准备美国传统〔presentation〕Ecclesiastical The act or right of naming a cleric to a benefice.【基督教会】 (圣职的)推荐:提名预备修士担任圣职的权利或行为美国传统〔present〕Ecclesiastical To recommend (a cleric) for a benefice.【基督教会】 推荐(预备修士)任圣职美国传统〔pretrial〕A proceeding held before an official trial, especially to clarify points of law and facts.审前预备会议:在正式审判之前举行的会议,尤指为弄明白法律条文和事实的会议美国传统〔pretrial〕Of or relating to a pretrial.审前预备会议的:审前预备会议的,和审前预备会议有关的美国传统〔probable〕Before Saturday's football team is chosen, there will be a match between the probables and the possibles.在星期六的足球队选拔之前,将先进行一场预备及候补队员间的比赛。英汉大词典〔propaedeutic〕Preparatory instruction.预备学科美国传统〔propaedeutic〕Providing introductory instruction.预备的,基本的:提供介绍性的教学的美国传统〔protocol〕A preliminary draft or record of a transaction.条约草案:合约的预备性的草案或纪录美国传统〔provide〕Archaic To make ready ahead of time; prepare.【古语】 作准备:提前准备好;预备美国传统〔put out〕He always put out a bowl of candy for the grandchildren.他总是预备好一碗糖果给孙辈们吃。韦氏高阶〔put〕Have you put out clean towels for the guests? 你为客人预备好干净毛巾没有?牛津高阶〔readiness〕We prepared a room and meal in readiness for their arrival.我们预备了房间和饭菜,就等他们到来。麦克米伦高阶〔ready〕Get ready! Get set (或 Steady)! Go! (赛跑口令)各就各位!预备——跑! 英汉大词典〔ready〕Ready! Present! Fire! 预备——放!英汉大词典〔reserve〕He is a member of the reserves.他是预备役军人。韦氏高阶〔reserve〕The division went into reserve after several weeks of hard fighting.这个师在几星期的激战后转为预备队。英汉大词典〔reservist〕A member of a military reserve.预备役军人美国传统〔scout〕One that is dispatched from a main body to gather information, especially in preparation for military action.侦察者:离开大部队去搜寻信息的人,尤指在军事行动的预备美国传统〔set〕At the start of the race, the starter said "On your marks, get set, go".发令者在起跑时常说:“各就位,预备,跑。”剑桥高阶〔set〕On your marks, get set, go! 各就位,预备,跑!麦克米伦高阶〔set〕On your marks, get set, go!各就位, 预备, 跑!外研社新世纪〔staging post〕Privatisation is a necessary staging post to an open market.私有化是通向公开市场的一个必要的预备阶段。柯林斯高阶〔standing〕Israel has a relatively small standing army and its strength is based on its reserves.以色列的常备军规模相对较小,其军事实力主要在于它的预备役部队。柯林斯高阶〔steady〕Ready, steady, go! 各就各位,预备,跑!英汉大词典〔tentatively〕Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month.政治领导人已就下个月举行预备会议达成初步协定。柯林斯高阶〔throw ... out〕The general threw out his reserves into the woods.将军派遣预备队进入森林。21世纪英汉〔trial〕A preliminary competition or test to determine qualifications, as in a sport.预赛,选拔赛:确定比赛资格的预备竞赛或测试,如在体育运动中美国传统〔understudy〕A performer who understudies.替角,预备演员:当替角的演员美国传统〔wait〕Get ready … not yet … wait for it … now go!预备…还不到时候…听命令…开始!外研社新世纪〔warning〕A warning bell rang before classes started.预备铃在上课前响起。韦氏高阶At the beginning of a race, the starter often says “On your marks, get set, go” or “Ready, get set, go”.发令者在起跑时常说“各就各位,预备,跑”。剑桥国际Her son is studying in a preparatory school. 她儿子正在一所大学预备学校学习。译典通In preliminary discussions, American officials rejected the requests.在预备讨论中,美国官员拒绝了这项要求。剑桥国际In the quarter just ended, the company made a $21 m tax provision.在刚刚过去的这个季度,公司预备了 2 100 万元的纳税准备金。牛津商务People should provide for their own retirement and not expect to be supported by the public purse.人们应当为他们自己的退休做好预备,不应当指望国家的经济支持。剑桥国际Police say two men have appeared in a preliminary court hearing.警方说已有两人出席了预备听证会。剑桥国际The auxiliary units are called in only when the main force has been overtaxed. 只有在主力军承受过重压力时才会召来预备部队。译典通The station always has a filler ready in case the speech / ceremony / tennis match ends earlier than expected.电(视)台总是预备着一些补白用的(音乐或谈话)节目以防演说/仪式/网球比赛比预计时间提前结束。剑桥国际This money is destined for a new house. 这笔钱预备作购买新房之用。译典通We had two reserves in case anyone was injured.我们有两名预备队员,以防有人受伤。剑桥国际

