
单词 麦子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bran〕The outer layers of the grain of cereals such as wheat, removed during the process of milling and used as a source of dietary fiber.糠:麦子等谷类植物种子的外壳,在加工过程中脱去,用作食物纤维的来源美国传统〔clear〕Wheat cleared rapidly.麦子很快就卖完了。英汉大词典〔grind to〕The wheat is ground to flour at the mill.麦子在磨坊被磨成粉。21世纪英汉〔grind〕Most of the wheat will be ground into flour.大多数麦子将磨成面粉。21世纪英汉〔grind〕This wheat grinds well.这种麦子易磨成粉。21世纪英汉〔plough up〕It would pay farmers to plough up the scrub and plant wheat.它会出钱雇农民开垦这块低矮丛林来种植麦子柯林斯高阶〔raise〕The old farmer raised four mu of wheat last year.这位老农去年种了四亩麦子21世纪英汉〔scour〕To clean (wheat) before the milling process.清除:在磨粉过程前把(麦子)清除干净美国传统〔shell〕The wheat will shell after a few days.麦子已熟透,再过几天就会脱落了。21世纪英汉〔spring up〕The wheat is springing up now.这会儿正是麦子迅速生长的时期。21世纪英汉〔under〕The main fields are under wheat.主要的农田都种了麦子剑桥高阶〔unsold〕The wheat remained unsold.麦子还未卖掉。英汉大词典The main fields are under wheat.主要耕田种麦子剑桥国际Wheat was planted in two of the fields and the remaining land was dug over and left bare.麦子种在两块地里,剩下的土地被翻土,留荒了。剑桥国际

