
单词 进修
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JUDGE〕Some students may judge that the benefits they receive from further education are less than the costs of that education. 有些学生也许会认为进修教育给他们带来的益处不及他们要支付的学费。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕While she was working her way up from dishwasher to chef, she was studying at night school to improve her grades. 她一边工作一边读夜校进修,慢慢地从一个洗碗工做到了厨师长的职位。朗文写作活用〔USAFI〕United States Armed Forces Institute.美国武装部队业余进修学院美国传统〔advance〕Studying for new qualifications is one way of advancing your career.为提高学历而进修是促进事业发展的一个办法。牛津高阶〔evening class〕I've been going to evening classes to improve my German.我一直在上夜校进修德语。剑桥高阶〔extension〕La Salle Extension University 拉萨尔大学进修牛津高阶〔further education〕She is now in further education with new career possibilities ahead of her.她正在进修,这给她的职业生涯带来新的机会。外研社新世纪〔further education〕She is now in further education with new career possibilities ahead of her.她现在正在进修,新的职业发展机会就摆在面前。柯林斯高阶〔further education〕She teaches at a college of further education.她在一所进修学院执教。剑桥高阶〔head start〕She took some extra classes to get a head start in/on her career.她进修了一些额外的课程以便在事业上具有起步优势。韦氏高阶〔infusion〕Further education badly needs the infusion of more resources.进修教育非常需要更多资源的注入。朗文当代〔luck〕He tried to get into teacher training college but with no luck.他想进教师进修学院,但未能如愿。剑桥高阶〔mandatory〕The Council has made it mandatory for all nurses to attend a refresher course every three years.理事会要求所有护士必须每三年参加一次进修课程。朗文当代〔night〕He was going to college at night, to become an accountant.为了当上会计师, 他晚上去大学进修外研社新世纪〔polish〕He's polishing up on his German.他在进修德语。英汉大词典〔refresher course〕The staff is required to take refresher courses every three years.员工每三年要参加一次进修班。韦氏高阶〔refresher〕After 15 months' service in the navy, he was called back for refresher training.他在海军服役15个月之后,被召回参加专业复习进修训练。英汉大词典〔refresher〕I went on a refresher course on new techniques in design to bring myself up to date.我参加了新设计技巧进修课程,以使自己跟上最新形势。剑桥高阶〔refresher〕Instruction that serves to reacquaint one with material previously studied or to bring one's knowledge or skills up to date.进修:使人熟悉以前学过的知识或使人的知识跟上时代节奏的教学美国传统〔refurbish〕He's going to Cairo to refurbish his Arabic.他准备去开罗进修阿拉伯语。英汉大词典〔run〕We've run a course for the local teachers.我们已为当地教师办了一个进修班。英汉大词典〔sharpen〕She's doing a course to sharpen her business skills.她正进修,以提高自己的业务技巧。牛津高阶〔smorgasbord〕Further Education colleges with a smorgasbord of academic and vocational courses.提供广泛的学科课程和职业培训课程的进修学院柯林斯高阶〔study〕The company allows its staff to take paid study leave.这家公司允许员工带薪脱产进修牛津搭配〔technique〕He went off to the Amsterdam Academy to improve his technique.他动身前往阿姆斯特丹学院去进修技艺。柯林斯高阶I went on a refresher course on new techniques in design to bring myself up to date.我去上新设计技术的进修课以使自己跟上潮流。剑桥国际I'm going on a course which I hope will help me sharpen my computer skills.我将进修一门课程,希望藉此来帮助提高我的电脑操作技术。剑桥国际Most airlines give pilots one-day refreshers (= courses to practise skills again after a period of not using them) every year.多数航空公司每年给飞行员上一天的复习进修课程。剑桥国际The course can be studied on a block-release basis.这种课程能以短期在职进修的方式学习。牛津商务

