
单词 道德上
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD〕It is morally wrong to punish someone for something they did not do. 惩罚一个受冤枉的人,这从道德上来说是错误的。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕Is it morally acceptable to kill animals for food? 把动物杀了吃在道德上是可以接受的吗?朗文写作活用〔Zeno of Citium〕Greek philosopher who founded the Stoic school, teaching that virtue is necessarily good and that objects of desire are morally ambiguous.芝诺:希腊哲学家,斯多葛哲学学派的创始人,教育人们美德是必要的善行而欲望的对象在道德上是模糊不清的美国传统〔absolute〕Right and wrong are, for her, moral absolutes.她认为,是与非是道德上的绝对准则。牛津高阶〔absolute〕She believed in the importance of moral absolutes.她认为道德上的绝对准则十分重要。朗文当代〔advance〕Recent advances in genetics have raised moral questions.遗传学的最新进展已引起道德上的争议。朗文当代〔argument〕Her main argument was a moral one.她的主要论据是道德上的。牛津高阶〔bad〕He wasn't really a bad man, just morally weak.他算不上一个坏人,只是道德上有缺陷。麦克米伦高阶〔bankrupt〕He thinks that European civilization is morally bankrupt.他认为欧洲文明已经在道德上破产。外研社新世纪〔blot〕To bring moral disgrace to.玷污,污名:使人蒙受道德上的耻辱美国传统〔censor〕A person authorized to examine books, films, or other material and to remove or suppress what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable.审查员:负责审查书籍、电影或其他材料并删去或削减其中被认为在道德上、政治上或其他方面有不宜内容的人美国传统〔choice〕Doctors have to make moral choices every day of their lives.医生的人生中每天都要作出道德上的抉择。牛津搭配〔corrupt〕To ruin morally; pervert.在道德上毁灭;使腐化美国传统〔countenance〕A look or expression indicative of encouragement or of moral support.赞同的表情,支持,鼓励:表现鼓励或道德上支持的表情美国传统〔debauch〕To corrupt morally.道德上腐败美国传统〔decency〕Social or moral proprieties.行为准则:社交上或道德上的规矩美国传统〔decent〕Morally upright; respectable.正派的:道德上正直的;值得尊敬的美国传统〔defensible〕Her reasons for acting are morally defensible.她这么做的理由在道德上是说得通的。外研社新世纪〔defensible〕Is abortion morally defensible? 堕胎从道德上讲合乎情理吗?牛津高阶〔dilemma〕I could see no way of resolving this moral dilemma.我想不出解决这种道德上的两难问题的办法。牛津搭配〔dilemma〕The issue raises a moral dilemma.这个问题引发了一个道德上的两难抉择。外研社新世纪〔dilemma〕The issue raises a moral dilemma.这个问题引发了一个道德上的两难抉择。柯林斯高阶〔dubious〕It sounds a morally dubious proposition.这听起来是一个道德上有问题的提议。牛津搭配〔elevated〕Morally or intellectually superior.高尚的:道德上或智力上高出于美国传统〔expurgate〕The moral offen-sive remarks in the book had to be expurgated before it could be printed.这本书在付印前必须删去道德上冲撞的话语。21世纪英汉〔graft〕Eighteenth-century England was a rip-roaring world of abject poverty, drunkenness, political graft, and loose sexual morals.18世纪的英格兰是一个满目赤贫、酒徒遍地的喧嚣社会, 政治上以权谋私, 道德上荒淫无耻。外研社新世纪〔grapple〕I grappled with this moral dilemma for weeks.有好几个星期我都在设法摆脱这个道德上的两难困境。外研社新世纪〔guidance〕Children need moral guidance.儿童需要道德上的引导。朗文当代〔ill-equipped〕He is ill-equipped emotionally, morally, and intellectually for the task.他在情感上、道德上以及学识上都不能胜任这个任务。外研社新世纪〔incubus〕Joyce regarded his US citizenship as a moral and political incubus.乔伊斯认为他的美国公民身份在道德上和政治上是很大的负担。朗文当代〔indefensible〕It would be morally indefensible for her to desert her father now.她如果在这个时候遗弃自己的父亲,在道德上是不可原谅的。牛津搭配〔indefensible〕She described the new policy as 'morally indefensible'.她认为新政策“在道德上是站不住脚的”。柯林斯高阶〔indefensible〕She described the new policy as 'morally indefensible'.她认为新政策“在道德上站不住脚”。外研社新世纪〔indefensible〕The law is morally indefensible and in need of reform.这项法令在道德上不可原谅,需要改进。朗文当代〔individualize〕When moral dilemmas are individualized, one loses sight of the larger social frame.当单独考虑道德上的两难境地时, 人们就会忽视大的社会框架。外研社新世纪〔inofficious〕Contrary to natural affection or moral duty. Used of a will in which the testator disinherits the rightful heirs with insufficient reason.违反道德上义务的:违背正常感情或道义的。用于遗嘱,其中立遗嘱人没有充分理由就取消其合法继承人的继承权美国传统〔justifiable〕When, if ever, is it morally justifiable to allow a patient to die?什么时候——如果有那么一天的话——眼睁睁看着病人死亡在道德上是合情合理的呢?外研社新世纪〔legally〕There are reasons to doubt that a second trial is morally, legally or politically justified.有理由怀疑二审是否在道德上、法律上或政治上能够站得住脚。外研社新世纪〔moralize〕To think about or express moral judgments or reflections.说教:思考或表达道德上的判断或看法美国传统〔morally〕Denying health care to these people is morally unacceptable.拒绝给这些人提供医疗保健服务在道德上是无法接受的。麦克米伦高阶〔morally〕For a teacher to hit a child is not just morally wrong but also illegal.教师打孩子不仅在道德上是错误的,而且也是违法的。剑桥高阶〔morally〕His behavior cannot be morally justified.他的行为无法从道德上说明是正当的。韦氏高阶〔morally〕I hold you morally responsible for her death.我认为你对她的死亡负有道德上的责任。外研社新世纪〔morally〕It's morally wrong not to help those refugees.不帮助那些难民,在道德上是不对的。文馨英汉〔morally〕Morally, she seems impeccable.在道德上,她似乎没有瑕疵。文馨英汉〔morally〕She thinks she's morally superior to the rest of us.她认为自己在道德上比我们其他人高尚。剑桥高阶〔morally〕Such hypocrisy is morally indefensible.这样的虚伪在道德上是不可原谅的。朗文当代〔morally〕The Constitution is not morally neutral but is based on certain central values.宪法不是道德上的中立,而是以某些中心价值观为基础的。朗文当代〔morally〕There is a belief that village life is somehow morally superior to city life.有这样一种观点,认为乡村生活从某种程度上说在道德上要高于城市生活。朗文当代〔moral〕A man has a moral duty to obey the law.每个人都在道德上有义务遵守法律。朗文当代〔moral〕I'm in a moral dilemma.我处于道德上进退两难的困境。英汉大词典〔moral〕If we accept that certain babies should be allowed to die, we place doctors in a moral dilemma .如果我们同意应该让某些婴儿死去,我们就把医生置于道德上的两难境地了。朗文当代〔moral〕It is not part of a novelist's job to make a moral judgment.小说家并不需要作道德上的评判。剑桥高阶〔moral〕She feels responsible for the girl's moral welfare.她感到应对那位姑娘道德上的健康成长负责。英汉大词典〔obey〕People have a moral duty to obey the law.遵纪守法是人们道德上的义务。牛津搭配〔objectionable〕Such power is politically dangerous and morally objectionable.这样的权力政治上危险, 道德上也令人难以接受。外研社新世纪〔obligatory〕You may not see the action as morally necessary or obligatory.你或许不会将该行为视为道德上必要或者义不容辞。外研社新世纪〔paragon〕We don't expect candidates to be paragons of virtue.我们不指望候选人在道德上尽善尽美。柯林斯高阶〔philosophy〕Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline.对智慧的热爱与追求:通过智力途径和道德上的自律来达到对智慧的热爱与追求美国传统〔pollute〕To render impure or morally harmful; corrupt.腐败,不洁:使变得不纯洁或道德上有害的;败坏美国传统〔possible〕It is morally imperative to involve patients as much as possible in these considerations.在道德上有必要使病人尽可能多地参与这些事情的考虑中。外研社新世纪〔probable〕Theology Of or relating to opinions and actions in ethics and morals for whose lawfulness intrinsic reasons or extrinsic authority may be adduced.【神学】 可论证的:关于或属于伦理和道德上的观点和行动的,这些伦理和道德的合法性可援引内在的或外在的原因的美国传统〔regenerate〕Spiritually or morally reformed.再生的:在精神上和道德上再生的美国传统〔regenerate〕To reform spiritually or morally.使重生:进行精神上或道德上的改造美国传统〔repugnant〕Animal experiments are morally repugnant to many people.动物实验引起许多人道德上的反感。朗文当代〔right〕That which is just, morally good, legal, proper, or fitting.正确,正当,公正,正义:公正的、在道德上好的、合法的、合适的或恰当的东西美国传统〔rot〕To decay morally; become degenerate.堕落:道德上腐败;变得颓废美国传统〔ruin〕Total destruction or disintegration, either physical, moral, social, or economic.毁灭,灭亡:肉体上、道德上、社会上或经济上的完全毁坏或粉碎美国传统〔sanctify〕To give social or moral sanction to.给予社会或道德上的认可美国传统〔taint〕To corrupt morally.堕落:在道德上败坏美国传统〔transgression〕He was excommunicated from the church on a morals transgression 20 years ago.他在20年前因犯有道德上的过失被逐出教会。英汉大词典〔ugly〕Morally reprehensible; bad.道德败坏的:道德上应受指责的;坏的美国传统〔unjustifiable〕Poisoning the earth's atmosphere is ecologically and morally unjustifiable.污染地球的大气在生态上和道德上都是不能接受的。朗文当代〔unspotted〕Morally upright.道德上正直的美国传统〔virtue〕Moral excellence and righteousness; goodness.正直,善良:道德上的优点和正直;美德美国传统〔warp〕A mental or moral twist, aberration, or deviation.不正常:精神或道德上的扭曲、变态或歪曲美国传统〔wrong〕To go astray morally.堕落:道德上的堕落美国传统He is faced/confronted with the moral/ethical dilemma of whether to steal a drug he can't afford so that he can save his wife's life.有一种药可以救他妻子的命,但他无力购买,于是他面临一个道德上的难题:是否可以去偷?剑桥国际He refused the request on moral grounds. 基于道德上的考虑,他拒绝了这个请求。译典通It is not part of a novelist's job to make moral judgments.做道德上的判断不是一个小说家的工作。剑桥国际Lord Fletcher, said the Bishop, was a man of unimpeachable integrity and character.主教说道,弗莱彻爵士是一位刚正不阿,道德上无可指摘的人。剑桥国际She was the only politician to condemn the proposed law on moral grounds (= for moral reasons).她是唯一一个因为道德上的原因极力谴责那被提议的法律的政治家。剑桥国际The idea of cheating in an exam is morally repugnant to me.考试作弊的想法在道德上令我反感。剑桥国际They failed to offer sound moral justifications for treating sentient creatures as mere research tools.对于把有知觉的生物仅当作试验工具而言,他们无法给出令人信服的道德上的理由。剑桥国际This action is ethically questionable and borders on the obscene.这种行为道德上有问题,近乎淫秽。剑桥国际We are counting on your speech, bishop, to give some moral uplift to the delegates.主教, 我们正指望你的演讲对代表们在道德上有所促进。剑桥国际

