
单词 种果
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARTIFICIAL〕The juice contains no artificial coloring or flavors. 这种果汁不含人工色素或香精。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕For babies, dilute the fruit juice with at least the same amount of water. 喂婴儿的话,要加入至少相同量的水稀释这种果汁。朗文写作活用〔add〕The juice contains no added sugar.这种果汁没有加糖。牛津高阶〔alpha-hydroxy acid〕Any of various fruit acids that are capable of trapping moisture in the skin and initiating the formation of collagen.α羟酸:任一种果酸,能够锁住皮肤内的水份并开始形成胶原美国传统〔aroma〕The wine has a fruity aroma.这种酒有一种果香味。韦氏高阶〔atemoya〕The tree producing this fruit, a hybrid between the cherimoya and the sweetsop.杂交番荔枝树:结这种果实的树,由番荔枝和南美番荔枝杂交所得美国传统〔bur〕A plant producing such husks or coverings.刺果植物:生有这种果的植物美国传统〔cobnut〕The plant bearing this fruit.大榛子:具有此种果实的植物美国传统〔gourd〕The dried and hollowed-out shell of one of these fruits, often used as a drinking utensil.葫芦瓠:把这种果实掏空晾干以后的外壳,经常用作喝水的容器美国传统〔hybrid〕The garden strawberry is a large-fruited hybrid.人工栽培的草莓是一种果实较大的杂交品种。剑桥高阶〔kick〕Watch out for the fruit punch, it has a real kick.小心这种果汁潘趣酒,它很有劲。剑桥高阶〔mango〕The ovoid fruit of this tree, having a smooth rind, sweet juicy flesh, and a flat one-seeded stone. It is eaten ripe or pickled when green.芒果:这种乔木的卵形的果实,壳平滑、果肉甜且多汁,中间有一个平的单种果核。成熟时可食用,也可在青绿时加工美国传统〔pectate〕A salt or an ester of pectic acid.果胶酸盐:一种果胶酸的盐或酯美国传统〔plant〕He plans to plant fruit trees and vegetables.他打算种果树和蔬菜。外研社新世纪〔plum〕The fruit of any of these trees.李子:这些树的任一种果美国传统〔preservative〕The juice contains no artificial preservatives.这种果汁不含人工防腐剂。牛津高阶〔punch〕A beverage of fruit juices and sometimes carbonated water or soda, often spiced and mixed with a wine or liquor base.潘趣洒:一种果汁饮料,有时加碳酸水或苏打水,通常调味后在底部混有葡萄酒或蒸馏酒美国传统〔rather〕The fruit is rather like a sweet chestnut.这种果实颇似甜栗子。柯林斯高阶〔snake eggplant〕A variety of eggplant having long, slender fruits that are curled at one end.蛇形茄子:一种果实细长,果实顶端呈曲线的茄子美国传统〔sugar〕This juice contains no added sugar.这种果汁没有加糖。牛津高阶Watch out for the fruit punch, it's got a real kick.小心这种果酒,它很有劲儿。剑桥国际

