
单词 谨言慎行
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔better〕The better the day, the better the deed.较好的日子就得有较好的行为(用于指责未遵守安息日应谨言慎行的人)。文馨英汉〔circumspectly〕You seem to be implying, in your usual circumspect manner, that perhaps it might not be a wonderful idea.你好像正以你一贯谨言慎行的方式暗示,那个主意也许不怎么样。柯林斯高阶〔imagine〕We tend to imagine that the Victorians were very prim and proper.我们往往认为维多利亚时代的人们都一本正经,谨言慎行柯林斯高阶〔pussyfoot〕Now you have to pussyfoot around in case you end up offending someone.现在你该谨言慎行了, 以免得罪别人。外研社新世纪〔secret〕Dependably discreet.谨言慎行的:可靠谨慎的美国传统I have to mind my p's and q's when I'm with my grandmother.和我祖母在一起的时候,我必须谨言慎行剑桥国际

