
单词 路线
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕She gave me directions to the hotel, but they were, shall we say, somewhat imprecise. 她告诉我去酒店的路线,但是可以说有点不准确。朗文写作活用〔INTRODUCE〕There are 45 tours, each prefaced with a historical overview of the area. 共有45条旅游路线,每一条都先有对该地区历史的概况介绍。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕The whip's job is to persuade members of his party to support the party line on issues that come before Congress. 党鞭的任务是说服本党党员在提交国会的问题上支持党的路线朗文写作活用〔alternate〕His group was forced to turn back and take an alternate route.他的小组被迫返回并选择另一条路线外研社新世纪〔apron〕A covering or structure along a shoreline for protection against erosion.铁路遮蔽物:一种沿短程铁路线的遮蔽物或结构,可起保护作用以防止侵蚀美国传统〔beeline〕A direct, straight course.直线:直接的、不绕行的路线美国传统〔branch〕The train line splits at Crianlarich, one branch going to Oban and the other to Fort William.这条铁路线在克林拉里克一分为二, 一条支线通往奥本, 另一条通往威廉堡。外研社新世纪〔bypass〕To avoid (an obstacle) by using an alternative channel, passage, or route.疏通:用替代的通道、管道或路线来避免(阻塞)美国传统〔centrism〕The political philosophy of avoiding the extremes of right and left by taking a moderate position.中间路线主义:一种采取中间立场避免走向左右极端的政治哲学美国传统〔course〕We set course for Vancouver Island.我们确定了去温哥华岛的路线牛津搭配〔deviate〕From very early on he believed a military revolution was necessary and he has never deviated from that ideological path.他一早就认为军事革命是必要的, 而且从未背离过这一思想路线外研社新世纪〔deviate〕From very early on he believed a military revolution was necessary and he has never deviated from that ideological path.他一早就认为军事革命是必要的,并且从未背离过这一思想路线柯林斯高阶〔direct〕Which is the most direct route to London? 哪条是到伦敦最直接的路线朗文当代〔diversionist〕One engaged in diversionary, disruptive, or subversive activities.背离既定路线者;阴谋破坏者:采用不同路线,进行分裂或从事破坏活动的人美国传统〔drag strip〕A short, straight course or track for drag racing.加速汽车速度的跑道:加速汽车赛的短而笔直的跑道或路线美国传统〔drive〕I drive on/along this route every day.我每天开车都走这条路线韦氏高阶〔eccentric〕Deviating from a circular form or path, as in an elliptical orbit.偏离轨道运行的:偏离圆周轨道或路线,如椭圆轨道美国传统〔electrifying〕The west-coast line was electrified as long ago as 1974.西海岸铁路线早在1974年就实现了电气化。柯林斯高阶〔escapement〕A means or way of escape.逃跑方式:逃跑工具或逃跑路线美国传统〔escape〕Make sure you are aware of possible escape routes from your hotel room.你一定要知道宾馆房间的逃生路线麦克米伦高阶〔excursion〕Our ship offers 13 different excursions.我们的船提供 13 种不同的旅游路线牛津搭配〔fetch〕To take an indirect route.绕道:不走直接的路线美国传统〔flight plan〕A detailed statement of the schedule and expected route of an aircraft or spacecraft.飞行计划:飞机或太空载具详细的行程及预定路线说明美国传统〔follow〕Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods.我们的路线沿着太平洋海岸, 穿过人口稠密的街区。外研社新世纪〔follow〕Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods.我们的路线沿着太平洋海岸,途经人口稠密的街区。柯林斯高阶〔good〕What's the best way to get to the motorway from here? 从这里上高速公路的最佳路线怎么走?麦克米伦高阶〔guidepost〕Something that serves as a guide or an example; a guideline.准则:作为指导或榜样的东西;指导路线美国传统〔inflection〕A turning or bending away from a course or position of alignment.偏离:从一条路线或队列中一位置上离开美国传统〔itinerary〕A route or proposed route of a journey.旅程,路线:旅行路线,或旅行预定的路线美国传统〔keep〕Will the train keep on the line? 这条路线火车照常开行吗? 英汉大词典〔line out〕He lined out the route for the sightseers.他给游客们画出了路线图。21世纪英汉〔line〕A passenger or cargo system of public or private transportation, as by ship, aircraft, or bus, usually over a definite route.(固定路线的)运输系统:通常有固定路线的公有或私有贷运或客运系统,如船运、空运或汽运美国传统〔line〕The trail follows a disused railroad line along the edge of the valley.这条小路沿着山谷边缘一条废弃的铁路线延伸。朗文当代〔loop〕Something having a shape, order, or path of motion that is circular or curved over on itself.环状物:形状、顺序或运动路线为环形或自身弯曲的某物美国传统〔misroute〕The box was misrouted on the railways.箱子由铁路发送时路线错了。21世纪英汉〔navigate〕Only the best-trained captains could safely navigate these routes.只有最为训练有素的船长才能在这些路线上安全地航行。牛津搭配〔nose〕Just follow your nose and in about five minutes you're at the old railway.径直往前开,大约5分钟就能到旧铁路线柯林斯高阶〔overground〕The new railway line will run overground.新铁路线将铺在地面上。牛津高阶〔overland〕The overland route is across some really tough mountains.这条陆上路线要跨越一些非常险峻的大山。外研社新世纪〔party〕She refused to follow the party line (= the official view of the party).她拒绝遵循党的路线牛津搭配〔pathfinder〕One that discovers a new course or way, especially through or into unexplored regions.开拓者,探路者:发现新的路线或路径的人,尤指通往或进入未探索的地区的路径美国传统〔pioneer〕They pioneered a new route to the coast.他们开辟了一条通往海岸的新路线21世纪英汉〔plot〕Have you plotted the route for your trip yet? 你标出你的旅行路线了吗?韦氏高阶〔plot〕The prisoners plotted an escape route.囚犯画出了逃跑路线21世纪英汉〔predict〕Newton's theories allow us to predict the flight of a ball.牛顿的理论让我们可以预测球体的飞行路线牛津搭配〔prick〕I pricked the map with a pin to show our route.我用大头针在地图上刺孔标出我们的路线英汉大词典〔processional〕There was tight security along the processional route.队伍行进的路线上布置了严密的安全措施。剑桥高阶〔question〕Which route is better remains an open question(= it is not decided).哪条路线较好还没有定论。牛津高阶〔ram〕Railway lines are dangerous places and it is up to parents to ram home the dangers to their children.铁路线上很危险, 家长有责任向孩子说清楚。外研社新世纪〔randomize〕The wheel is designed with obstacles in the ball's path to randomise its movement.设计轮盘时在小球的行进路线上设置了障碍, 以使其运动随机化。外研社新世纪〔randomize〕The wheel is designed with obstacles in the ball's path to randomise its movement.设计轮盘时在小球的行进路线上设置了障碍,以使其运动随机化。柯林斯高阶〔range〕Spectators were ranged along the whole route of the procession.旁观者排列在整个游行路线的两侧。牛津高阶〔refresh〕I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the route.我看地图帮助自己回忆这条路线朗文当代〔relay〕He set up an escape route with relays of horses, supplies and money.他设立了一条逃生路线, 并准备了替换的马匹、补给和钱。外研社新世纪〔ridership〕Ridership on city bus routes has increased twofold in the last five years.在过去五年市公车各路线的乘客人数倍增。文馨英汉〔road map〕He also raised doubts about the American road map to a peace settlement.他对美国达成和平协议的路线图也提出了质疑。柯林斯高阶〔road〕The gendarmes would be watching the opium roads.宪兵将对各条鸦片走私路线加以监视。英汉大词典〔router〕One that routes, especially one who prepares shipments for distribution and delivery.规定路线的人:尤指为分发和装送设备而规定运送路线的人美国传统〔route〕It's a good idea to plan your route before you leave.在出发之前,最好先计划好你的行进路线麦克米伦高阶〔route〕Our route lay straight ahead and downhill.我们的路线就在正前方,是下山路。牛津搭配〔route〕We retraced our route in an attempt to get back on the right path.我们沿原路返回,想回到正确的路线上。牛津搭配〔scenic〕It was even marked on the map as a scenic route.它甚至还作为观光路线标在了地图上。柯林斯高阶〔secure〕A police escort secured the route of the American president.警察护卫队保卫美国总统行进路线的安全。麦克米伦高阶〔shuttle〕Regular travel back and forth over an established, often short route by a vehicle.短程穿梭般运行:通过运输工具在一条建立的通常短程的路线上定期往来美国传统〔slalom〕The act or sport of skiing in a zigzag course.弯道滑雪比赛:沿着曲折的路线滑雪的活动或运动美国传统〔soft line〕A moderate or flexible policy or position, as on a political issue.温和路线:一种温和或是有弹性的政策或立场,例如在政治议题上美国传统〔steeplechase〕A course of action containing many obstacles.障碍路线:有很多障碍物的行进路线美国传统〔steer〕In nearly all these issues the British steered a middle course.英国人几乎在所有这些问题上都选择了中间路线柯林斯高阶〔steer〕They tried to steer a middle course between overconfidence and undue pessimism.他们试图在自负与过分悲观之间选择一条中间路线麦克米伦高阶〔steer〕To follow or move in a set course.行进:沿某一路线跟随或移动美国传统〔swerve from〕Finally he returned to the official line from which he had swerved.他以前背离官方的路线,最终他还是回到这条路线上来了。21世纪英汉〔switch〕They must have switched ——otherwise would have we caught up with them up long ago.他们肯定改变路线了,不然我们早就赶上他们了。21世纪英汉〔tag〕Excited children tagged the circus parade to the end of its route.兴奋的孩子们紧跟在马戏团游行队伍后面直到游行路线的终点美国传统〔temper〕Archaic A middle course between extremes; a mean.【古语】 中庸:极端之间的中间路线;中庸美国传统〔toe〕He's one of the politicians that wouldn't toe the party line.他是不肯服从党的路线的几个政客之一。外研社新世纪〔toe〕He's one of the politicians that wouldn't toe the party line.他是不肯服从政党路线的几个政客之一。柯林斯高阶〔trace〕A way or route followed.路线:跟随的道路或路线美国传统〔tramway〕Chiefly British A streetcar line.【多用于英国】 市内有轨电车路线美国传统〔traverse〕A route or path across or over.横向路:横越或横跨的路线或道路美国传统〔traverse〕Nautical The zigzag route of a vessel forced by contrary winds to sail on different courses.【航海】 Z字形航路:由于逆风被迫沿一条不同的路线航行的船只的Z字形路线美国传统〔unprofitable〕Rural railway lines risk being axed because they are unprofitable.乡村铁路线有被取消的风险,因为无法盈利。剑桥高阶〔wander〕To proceed in an irregular course; meander.蜿蜒:以不规则的路线前进;曲折而行美国传统〔warp〕To turn from a correct or proper course; deflect.偏离:离开某一正确的或合适的路线;偏斜美国传统〔wherever〕By simply planning a route, you can explore at will and stop whenever and wherever you like.通过简单地规划一下路线,你可以随意探索,随时随地想停就停。柯林斯高阶〔wind〕To proceed on (one's way) with a curving or twisting course.蜿蜒:沿曲折、蜿蜒的路线进行(某人的道路)美国传统〔zigzag〕A line or course that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions.Z字型线条:在方向交替中,通过急转来继续的线或路线美国传统Air traffic controllers use radar to control the tracks of aircraft.空中交通管制人员用雷达来控制飞机的路线剑桥国际Due to wet leaves on the line, this train will arrive an hour late.由于铁路线上的湿叶子,火车将晚点一小时。剑桥国际It is a busy junction where many railway tracks criss-cross.这是一个许多铁路线交叉的繁忙枢纽。剑桥国际Motocross circuits include natural obstacles such as streams and hills.摩托车越野赛的路线包括溪流和山坡等自然障碍。剑桥国际Rail freight tonnage along the route has dropped 20% in the last year.去年,本路线的铁路货运总重量下降了 20%。牛津商务The bus line comes near the school. 这条公车路线一直延伸到那座学校附近。译典通The closure of the line resulted in the loss of a direct rail link between Cambridge and Oxford.关闭铁路导致剑桥和牛津之间失去直接相连的铁路线剑桥国际The critical path method is a key tool for managing project schedules.关键路线分析法是管理项目日程的一个重要工具。牛津商务The route we had planned took us right across the country.我们计划的路线使我们正好穿过乡村。剑桥国际The way in which the blood is carried round the body is shown in the above diagram (=one in a higher position on the same page).血液在身体内的循环路线如上图所示。剑桥国际There is ample capacity for freight on this railway line outside commuter peak times.在上下班乘客高峰时间之外,这条铁路线的货运能力是绰绰有余的。剑桥国际They've dropped the plan for a new railway line.他们放弃了建造新铁路线的计划。剑桥国际This railway line is used mainly by freight trains.这条铁路线主要用于货运。剑桥国际When they bought their house, they didn't realise that it was in / under the flight path to the airport.他们买房子时没有意识到房子是位于通往机场的飞行路线下边。剑桥国际

