
单词 过细
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ammonification〕Production of ammonia or ammonium compounds in the decomposition of organic matter, especially through the action of bacteria.分解成氨作用:尤指通过细菌作用产生氨或氨化物的有机物分解作用美国传统〔cell〕Embryos grow by cell division (=the splitting of cells) .胚胎通过细胞分裂而成长。朗文当代〔dermabrasion〕A surgical procedure designed to remove skin imperfections, such as scars, by abrading the surface of the skin with fine sandpaper or wire brushes.磨皮法:通过细沙纸或金属刷磨擦皮肤表面除去皮肤缺陷(例如疤痕)的一种外科治疗过程美国传统〔endocytosis〕A process of cellular ingestion by which the plasma membrane folds inward to bring substances into the cell.内噬作用:物质通过细胞厚浆膜向内折收的细胞吸摄过程而进入细胞美国传统〔examination〕On examination, it was found that the signature was not genuine.经过细查发现签名是假的。英汉大词典〔fiber optics〕The science or technology of light transmission through very fine, flexible glass or plastic fibers.纤维光学:通过细长而柔软的玻璃或塑料纤维来传导光信号的科学或技术美国传统〔finespun〕The emergency does not permit of finespun distinctions and long arguments.情况紧急,不允许再作过细的区分和长时间的争论。英汉大词典〔fuselage〕A close inspection revealed minute cracks in the aircraft's fuselage and wings.经过细致的检查,发现飞机的机身和机翼上都有细小的裂缝。剑桥高阶〔hormogonium〕A portion of a filament of a cyanobacterium that detaches and grows by cell division into a new filament.连锁体,藻殖段:一种青色细菌的菌丝之一部分,其从原菌丝上脱落下来后,通过细胞分裂而形成新的菌丝美国传统〔membrane〕The virus passes through the cell membrane.病毒穿过细胞膜。牛津搭配〔passive transport〕The movement of a chemical substance across a cell membrane without expenditure of energy by the cell, as in diffusion.被动运输:化学物质穿过细胞膜而不需消耗细胞能量的运动,如在扩散中美国传统〔peep〕To peer through a small aperture or from behind something.偷窥:透过细缝或从某物后面偷偷地看美国传统〔phagosome〕A membrane-bound vesicle found in a cell by an inward folding of the cell membrane to hold foreign matter taken into the cell by phagocytosis.吞噬体:细胞中发现的一种膜结构囊状物,通过细胞膜向内折回,再经吞噬作用将外物捕入细胞内美国传统〔plasmodesma〕A strand of cytoplasm that passes through openings in cell walls and connects the protoplasts of adjacent living plant cells.胞间连丝:穿过细胞壁开口与相邻活植物细胞的原生质体连接的细胞质链美国传统〔pump〕Physiology A molecular mechanism for the active transport of ions or molecules across a cell membrane.【生理学】 泵:使离子或分子主动穿过细胞膜的分子结构美国传统〔sfumato〕The blurring or softening of sharp outlines in painting by subtle and gradual blending of one tone into another.渲染层次:通过细致地把一个色调调和到另一个色调而使油画中生硬的轮廓变模糊或变柔和美国传统〔shade〕To pass from one quality, color, or thing to another by very slight changes or degrees.渐渐发生细微变化:从一种品质、色彩或事物通过细微变化过渡到另一种美国传统〔skip〕I suggest we skip over the details and get to the point.我建议我们略过细节,就谈要点。朗文当代〔smoke〕I've never smoked a panatela.我从来没有抽过细长的雪茄美国传统〔wiredraw〕To treat (a subject, for example) with great length, excessive detail, or overrefinement; spin out.使过分细致;使延长:把(如一个话题)拖得太长;使过分琐细;过细地琢磨;把…拉长美国传统

