
单词 蹄子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adapted〕The camel's feet, well adapted for dry sand, are useless on mud.骆驼的蹄子虽然很适合在干沙上行走, 但在泥里却毫无用处。外研社新世纪〔adapted〕The camel's feet, well adapted for dry sand, are useless on mud.骆驼的蹄子虽然非常适合于在干沙上行走,碰到泥泞时却无计可施。柯林斯高阶〔bisulcate〕Cleft or cloven, as a hoof.裂开的,分趾的:如蹄子裂开的或分趾的美国传统〔cloven hoof〕Evil or Satan, often depicted as a figure with cleft hoofs.恶魔标志:魔鬼或撒旦,通常用分开的蹄子的图形来描述美国传统〔ground〕The horse pawed the ground impatiently.那匹马焦躁地用蹄子刨地。牛津搭配〔kick〕The horse kicked out at the dog.那匹马扬起蹄子踢踹那条狗。牛津搭配〔kick〕This horse kicks.这匹马有踢蹄子的习惯。英汉大词典〔lamina〕Zoology A thin scalelike or platelike structure, as one of the thin layers of sensitive vascular tissue in the hoof of a horse.【动物学】 蹄叶:一种细小的鳞状或片状结构,如马蹄子上敏感的管状组织的细小薄片美国传统〔paw〕Madigan's horse pawed the ground.马迪根的马用蹄子刨着地面。外研社新世纪〔paw〕Madigan's horse pawed the ground.马迪根的马用蹄子扒着地面。柯林斯高阶〔paw〕The bull was pawing the dirt/ground.牛用蹄子在刨土/刨地。韦氏高阶〔paw〕The horse pawed the dust of the street.这匹马用蹄子刨街上的尘土。21世纪英汉〔paw〕The horses pawed the dust of the street.那些马用蹄子刨街上的尘土。英汉大词典〔rack〕A fast, flashy, four-beat gait of a horse in which each foot touches the ground separately and at equal intervals.小步跑:马的快速、有气派的、四拍的步法,每只蹄子以相同的间隔时间分别接触地面美国传统〔shaped〕Donkeys' hoofs are shaped differently from horses'.驴蹄子和马蹄子形状不同。牛津搭配〔shoe boil〕A growth over the elbow of a horse, caused by repeated bruising by the hoof or the rough floor when lying down and leading to lameness.肘软肿:马肘部出现的肿块,由于卧地时不断被蹄子或粗糙的地板擦伤而引起,可以导致跛腿美国传统〔snort〕I could hear the snort and stamp of a horse.我能听见马打响鼻儿、跺蹄子的声音。牛津高阶〔snort〕The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently.那匹马不耐烦地又打响鼻又跺蹄子朗文当代Horses have hooves and a long flowing mane and tail.马有蹄子以及飘扬的鬃毛和尾巴。剑桥国际

