
单词 自然状态
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Heraclitus〕Greek philosopher who maintained that strife and change are natural conditions of the universe.赫拉克利特:希腊哲学家,他坚持斗争和变化是宇宙的自然状态的观点美国传统〔denaturalization〕They denaturalized the forest by building summer house.他们在森林中盖别墅,改变了森林的自然状态21世纪英汉〔distend〕From the size of a grain of sand in their natural state, they will distend to the size of a hazel nut.它们从自然状态的一粒沙子大小膨胀为榛子般大小。外研社新世纪〔everlasting〕In our natural state we hasten on to death everlasting.我们在自然状态下加速走向永恒的死亡。外研社新世纪〔food〕In its natural state all food is provided free by nature.在自然状态下, 所有食物都由自然界免费供给。外研社新世纪〔man〕Anxiety is modern man's natural state.焦虑是现代人的自然状态柯林斯高阶〔nature〕Theology Humankind's natural state as distinguished from the state of grace.【神学】 原始状态:和优雅的状态有别的人类的自然状态美国传统〔raw〕The guide took us out for a glimpse of lions-in-the-raw.导游带领我们出去一睹那些处在野生自然状态的狮子。英汉大词典〔state〕You can either varnish the wood or leave it in its natural state.你可以给木头涂上清漆,也可以让它保持自然状态牛津搭配〔thrillingly〕Our wildlife trips offer a thrilling encounter with wildlife in its natural state.野生动物园之旅使我们得以接触自然状态下的野生动物,让人感觉很刺激。柯林斯高阶〔thrilling〕Our wildlife trips offer a thrilling encounter with wildlife in its natural state.我们的野生动物园之旅让我们同自然状态的野生动物进行了令人兴奋的接触。外研社新世纪

