
单词 蒲公英
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔clock〕Botany The downy flower head of a dandelion that has gone to seed.【植物学】 蒲公英的绒毛花:蒲公英的长茸的花头,吹散后可以播种美国传统〔dandelion〕Any of several similar or related plants.蒲公英植物:一种类似的或有关的植物美国传统〔dandelion〕The children took turns blowing the dandelion clock (= the mass of white threads to which the seeds are attached).孩子们轮流吹蒲公英的绒毛头。剑桥高阶〔dispersal〕Strong winds caused the widespread dispersal of dandelion seeds last year.去年,大风把蒲公英种子四处吹散。英汉大词典〔flower〕Dandelions were the flowers that grew best.蒲公英是长得最好的花。外研社新世纪〔fluff〕Light down or fuzz, as on a young bird or on a dandelion or milkweed seed.绒毛,软毛:如长在小鸟身上、蒲公英或马利筋属植物种子上的轻软绒毛美国传统〔monocephalic〕Bearing one flower head, as in the scape of a dandelion.具有单头状花序的,如蒲公英的花茎美国传统〔pappus〕A modified calyx, composed of scales, bristles, or featherlike hairs, in plants of the composite family, such as the dandelion and the thistle.冠毛:在例如蒲公英和蓟等菊科植物中的一种由鳞叶、刺毛或羽毛状茸毛形成的修饰性花萼美国传统〔puff away〕The wind puffed away the seeds of the dandelion.风吹散了蒲公英的种子。21世纪英汉〔puffball〕Informal The rounded head of a dandelion that has gone to seed.【非正式用语】 蒲公英成种子的圆形头部美国传统〔rank〕The dandelion ranks ahead of both broccoli and spinach in nutritional value.蒲公英的营养价值比花椰菜和菠菜都要高。牛津搭配〔rosette〕Botany A circular cluster of leaves that radiate from a center at or close to the ground, as in the dandelion.【植物学】 莲座型叶丛:如蒲公英的丛生叶等从靠近地面的中心处成辐射状向四周伸展的圆形丛生叶簇美国传统

