
单词 股票经纪人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SIGN〕Stock brokers use roughly 300 hand signals on the trading floor. 股票经纪人在交易厅里大概使用300个手势。朗文写作活用〔boast〕He bragged that his father was the most successful stockbroker on Wall Street.他吹嘘他父亲是华尔街上最成功的股票经纪人美国传统〔broker〕A stockbroker.股票经纪人美国传统〔chuck〕Last summer, he chucked his 10-year career as a London stockbroker and headed for the mountains.去年夏天, 他辞掉在伦敦干了十年的股票经纪人工作, 走进了山区。外研社新世纪〔chuck〕Last summer, he chucked his 10-year career as a London stockbroker and headed for the mountains.去年夏天,他辞掉做了10年的伦敦股票经纪人的工作,去了山区。柯林斯高阶〔collusion〕Some stockbrokers, in collusion with bank officials, obtained large sums of money for speculation.一些股票经纪人和银行职员串通一气,通过炒买炒卖赚了不少钱。柯林斯高阶〔discount broker〕A stockbroker or brokerage house that gives a discount on commission fees.贴现票据商:对手续费打折扣的股票经纪人或经纪业办事处美国传统〔flooded〕Brokers expect the markets to be flooded with the shares.股票经纪人预计股市会充斥着这种股票。柯林斯高阶〔heart〕Several brokers have had a change of heart about prospects for the company.对于这家公司的前景, 好几个股票经纪人已经改变了态度。外研社新世纪〔homework〕Before you go near a stockbroker, do your homework.找股票经纪人之前,先要做好必要的准备工作。柯林斯高阶〔idol〕He looks more like a stockbroker than a teen idol.他看起来不像是青少年偶像,而更像个股票经纪人柯林斯高阶〔jobber〕Chiefly British A middleman in the exchange of stocks and securities among brokers.【多用于英国】 股票经纪人,证券交易商:在股票证券交易中的代理人中的中间人美国传统〔job〕They jobbed as a sideline.他们的副业是股票经纪人外研社新世纪〔offload〕The dealer had offloaded some of the shares onto a willing client.股票经纪人把其中一部分股票脱手给了一名乐意接盘的客户。朗文当代〔slide〕Shares slid 11p to 293p after brokers downgraded their profit estimates.股票经纪人降低了他们的利润预期之后,股价下跌了 11 便士至 293 便士。柯林斯高阶〔stock exchange〕He works as a stockbroker on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.他在纽约证券交易所大厅当股票经纪人韦氏高阶〔stockjobber〕A stock-exchange operator who deals only with brokers.股票经纪人:只与经纪人交易的股票操作者美国传统〔third market〕The market in stocks that are listed on an organized exchange but are traded outside of the exchange by brokers representing institutional investors.第三市场:上市证券的场外交易市场,主要透过代表投资者的股票经纪人在场外进行交易美国传统〔unemployment line〕Many white-collar workers, like stock brokers and investment bankers, find themselves in the unemployment lines.许多白领,像股票经纪人和投资银行家,发现自己也失业了。柯林斯高阶〔unemployment line〕Many white-collar workers, like stockbrokers and investment bankers, find themselves in the unemployment line.许多白领, 如股票经纪人和投资银行家, 发现自己身处失业者行列。外研社新世纪I need to call my jobber to sell some shares. 我需要给我的股票经纪人打电话卖些股票。译典通Jan works in the City as a stockbroker.简在伦敦商业区当股票经纪人剑桥国际The main business of stockbrokers who look after private clients is buying and selling individual shares.私人客户股票经纪人的主要业务是买卖个股。剑桥国际

