
单词 脱光
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔gone〕His hair was nearly all gone.他的头发差不多全脱光了。英汉大词典〔husk〕He husked himself and took a hot shower.他脱光衣服,洗了一个热水澡。21世纪英汉〔monty〕They'll do the full monty(= take off all their clothes)if you pay them enough.如果你给足够的钱,她们会把所有的衣服脱光牛津高阶〔nakedize〕Mother nakedized her baby for a bath.妈妈给宝宝脱光衣服洗澡。21世纪英汉〔naked〕He stripped naked and got into the shower.脱光衣服麦克米伦高阶〔naked〕They stripped me naked.他们将我脱光了。外研社新世纪〔naked〕They stripped naked (= took off their clothes) and ran into the lake.他们脱光衣服,奔向湖泊。剑桥高阶〔plunge〕He stripped off and plunged into the sea.他脱光衣服跳入海中。朗文当代〔sea〕Jay stripped his clothes off and ran into the sea.杰伊脱光衣服奔入海里。朗文当代〔shed〕He shed all his clothes and jumped into the lake.他脱光衣服,跳进湖里。文馨英汉〔skin-search〕Prisoners have been skin-searched for weapons.在押犯都脱光了衣服被搜身,以检查是否携带武器。英汉大词典〔spot〕He tries to cover up the bald spot on his head.他尽量将脑袋上头发脱光的地方遮盖起来。韦氏高阶〔strip (down) to sth〕He was stripped to the waist.他被脱光了上衣。剑桥高阶〔strip down〕The doctor told him to strip down for a check.医生让他脱光衣服检查身体。21世纪英汉〔strip off〕The children were brazenly stripping off and leaping into the sea.孩子们肆无忌惮地脱光衣服, 跳进海里。外研社新世纪〔strip off〕The little boy stripped off and dived into the river naked.小男孩脱光衣服,光着身子跳进河中。21世纪英汉〔strip〕He had been stripped naked, beaten and robbed.他被脱光衣服,遭受殴打,东西还被抢了。剑桥高阶〔strip〕He stood there stripped to the waist(= he had no clothes on the upper part of his body).他脱光了上衣站在那里。牛津高阶〔strip〕He stripped to the waist and began to dig.他脱光上衣开始挖起来。牛津搭配〔strip〕Josh was stripped to the waist(=naked above the waist).乔希被脱光了上身的衣服。麦克米伦高阶〔strip〕One prisoner claimed he'd been dragged to a cell, stripped and beaten.一名犯人声称他曾被拖进一间牢房,全身被脱光并遭到毒打。柯林斯高阶〔strip〕The boy stripped himself to go swimming in the river.男孩脱光衣服去河里游泳。英汉大词典〔strip〕The children were brazenly stripping off and leaping into the sea.孩子们正无所顾忌地脱光衣服跳进海里。柯林斯高阶〔strip〕The men were ordered to strip.那些男人被命令把衣服脱光剑桥高阶〔strip〕The soldiers were forced to strip naked in freezing temperatures.战士们被迫在刺骨的低温下脱光衣服。麦克米伦高阶〔strip〕They all stripped and ran into the water.他们都脱光了衣服,跑进水里。麦克米伦高阶〔strip〕They stripped completely, and lay in the damp grass.他们脱光衣服,躺在潮湿的草地上。柯林斯高阶After he was interrogated, he was stripped naked and beaten with an electric cable.审问之后他被人脱光衣服用电缆毒打。剑桥国际Suddenly he (Br and Aus) stripped off/(Am and Aus) stripped (= removed all his clothes) and ran into the sea.他突然脱光衣服跳入海中。剑桥国际They stripped naked (= took off their clothes) and ran into the sea.他们脱光衣服,奔入大海。剑桥国际

