
单词 报纸文章
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cull〕She culled the information from newspaper articles.她从报纸文章中收集到这一信息。韦氏高阶〔paste〕He cut out the newspaper article and pasted it into a scrapbook.他把那篇报纸文章剪下来粘进剪贴簿里。韦氏高阶〔quotation mark〕Titles of newspaper articles should be placed/put in quotation marks.报纸文章的标题应当加引号。韦氏高阶〔quote〕Titles of newspaper articles should be placed/put in quotes.报纸文章的标题应当加引号。韦氏高阶〔rumble on〕The debate rumbled on through newspaper articles.这场通过报纸文章进行的辩论持续了很长时间。韦氏高阶He's always been very keen to expose other people's faults, so the newspaper article about his criminal connections was a clear case of the biter being bit.他一向喜好披露别人的不足,所以这篇有关他与罪犯牵连的报纸文章是一个很好的咬人者被咬的例子。剑桥国际In newspaper articles she consistently upbraided those in authority who overstepped their limits.在报纸文章中她一贯谴责那些逾越自己权限的掌权的人。剑桥国际Many people find that sort of newspaper article highly exceptionable.许多人发现那种报纸文章非常令人恼火。剑桥国际

