
单词 我睡不着
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WET〕The air in the room was heavy and dank, and I couldn't sleep. 房间里的空气又闷又潮,我睡不着朗文写作活用〔chase〕I couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts were chasing through my mind.我睡不着。无数念头浮现于我的脑海。英汉大词典〔sleep〕I couldn't sleep because of all the noise next door.隔壁的噪音让我睡不着剑桥高阶〔sleep〕I couldn't sleep because of the noise.嘈杂声吵得我睡不着牛津高阶〔sleep〕I couldn't sleep so I got up and went downstairs.我睡不着,就起身下了楼。牛津搭配〔somehow〕I couldn't get to sleep, somehow.不知怎么的,我睡不着英汉大词典〔unable〕Unable to sleep, I got up and made myself a drink.我睡不着,于是起来给自己倒了杯酒。朗文当代〔uncomfortable〕I couldn't sleep because the bed was so uncomfortable.这床太不舒服了,我睡不着觉。牛津高阶〔want〕I don't want you coming in at two a.m., waking me up.我可不希望你凌晨两点来,吵得我睡不着觉。剑桥高阶〔whirl〕I couldn't sleep—my mind was whirling from all that had happened.我睡不着,所发生的一切一直在脑子里转来转去。牛津高阶I don't want a load of traffic going past my house all night, waking me up. 我不希望整个晚上一辆辆车从我家门口通过,吵得我睡不着觉。剑桥国际

