
单词 找不出
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕The investigators worked meticulously through the evidence for several months, but found no real evidence to connect Murray with the crime. 那些调查员几个月来仔细研究了这些证据,但找不出实质性的证据能证明默里与此罪行有关联。朗文写作活用〔COME FROM〕The tank's losing water, but we can't find the source of the leak. 水箱在漏水,但是我们找不出是哪里漏。朗文写作活用〔CONSIST OF〕I can't find a pen that has any ink in it. 我找不出一支有墨水的钢笔。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕When we could not find out what was wrong with the car, Billy went off to find a phone. 我们找不出汽车故障出在哪里,比利就走开去找电话了。朗文写作活用〔afford〕These records afford no explanation.这些记录找不出任何解释。21世纪英汉〔bereaved〕She could find no words to comfort the bereaved family.她找不出话去安慰遗族。文馨英汉〔conclude〕The meeting will probably conclude without any solution of this problem.开完会可能也找不出任何解决这个问题的办法。英汉大词典〔excuse〕He had no excuse for being so late.他对自己迟到这么久找不出借口。牛津搭配〔fumble〕During the interview, she fumbled helplessly for words.面试时她支支吾吾找不出适当的话语。牛津高阶〔justify〕I can't really justify taking another day off work.我真的找不出理由再多休一天假了。剑桥高阶〔organic〕Doctors could find nothing organically wrong with her.医生找不出她的器官有什么毛病。牛津高阶〔pick out〕Steven describes himself as 'a regular guy — you couldn't pick me out of a crowd'.史蒂文形容自己是“一个普通人——放在人群中就找不出来的普通人”。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕I'd love to have a break, but I can't spare the time just now.我是想休息一下,可眼下找不出时间。牛津高阶〔stick〕For the first time ever, I was stuck for an answer.这是我有史以来第一次怎么也找不出问题的答案。外研社新世纪〔word〕He couldn't find the words to thank her enough.他找不出适当的话语来充分表达对她的感激之情。牛津高阶〔word〕She was having difficulty finding the right words to tell him.她找不出恰当的语言向他表达自己的意思。朗文当代〔wreckage〕Could nothing be rescued from the wreckage of her dreams? () 难道从她破灭的梦想中就找不出一丝希望了吗?牛津搭配〔wreckage〕Could nothing be rescued from the wreckage of her dreams? 难道从她那破灭的梦想中就找不出一丝希望了吗?牛津高阶〔wrong〕The doctor could find nothing wrong with him.医生找不出他有何毛病。牛津搭配Daniel couldn't fault (=could find nothing to criticize in) her / her arguments.丹尼尔找不出她的错/她的论点的毛病。剑桥国际He is so fine a man that it would be hard to find his peer. 他为人之好简直找不出第二个人。译典通The doctor checked my reflexes and could find nothing wrong. 医生检查了我的反应能力,找不出任何毛病。译典通We explored every avenue but could not find a good solution. 我们什么方法都试过了,但是找不出好的解决之道。译典通

