
单词 不忠行为
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔disloyalty〕A disloyal act.不忠行为美国传统〔gossip〕His infidelities were common gossip.他的不忠行为成了人们飞短流长的题材。英汉大词典〔ground〕Her husband's infidelity was grounds for divorce.她丈夫的不忠行为是离婚的原因。韦氏高阶〔infidelity〕George ignored his partner's infidelities.乔治对伴侣的不忠行为视而不见。柯林斯高阶〔infidelity〕She could not forgive his infidelities.她无法原谅他的不忠行为牛津高阶〔infidelity〕She could not forgive his many infidelities.她不能原谅他的诸多不忠行为剑桥高阶〔infidelity〕She was convinced that her husband was guilty of infidelity.她确信丈夫有不忠行为韦氏高阶〔narrow〕To this moment, toward which four decades narrowed, I have never been unfaithful to my wife.到此时此刻,我40年如一日,从来没有对妻子有过不忠行为英汉大词典〔sabotage〕Treacherous action to defeat or hinder a cause or an endeavor; deliberate subversion.暗中破坏:为击败或阻碍一项目标或努力而进行的不忠行为;故意捣乱美国传统〔unfaithful〕Have you ever been unfaithful to him? 你对他是否有过不忠行为牛津高阶〔wittol〕A man who knows of and tolerates his wife's infidelity.知道并容忍妻子不忠行为的人美国传统Chris divorced Pat for infidelity.克里斯因帕特的不忠行为而与她离婚。剑桥国际His regret was for his disloyalty to one who had saved the lives of every member of his family. 他悔恨的是他对那个曾经救了他全家生命的人的不忠行为译典通She could not forgive his many infidelities.她不会原谅他的许多不忠行为剑桥国际

