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例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENTER〕After the incident at the country club, Chuck was banned for life. 在乡村俱乐部发生这一事件之后,查克被终生禁止入内朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕Children under 17 will not be admitted. 17岁以下的少年儿童不得入内朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕Much of the palace is off limits to the public. 这座宫殿的大部分地方禁止公众入内朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕The Prime Minister has offered Stroud a position in the cabinet. 首相请斯特劳德加入内阁。朗文写作活用〔LESS〕Children under 16 will not be admitted without an adult. 16岁以下的儿童无大人陪同不得入内朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Children under 17 will only be admitted in the company of a parent or adult guardian. 17岁以下的儿童须由一名家长或成年监护人陪同才可入内朗文写作活用〔SAY〕It is laid down in the club rules that guests are not allowed in unless they are accompanied by a club member. 俱乐部规则里写明,宾客若无会员陪同不得入内朗文写作活用〔accredited〕Only accredited journalists were allowed entry.只有正式认可的记者才获准入内牛津高阶〔admission〕There's a notice outside the building that says "No admission before twelve noon".楼外有张告示,写着“中午12点以前禁止入内”。剑桥高阶〔admittance〕The sign said 'no admittance'.告示牌上写着“禁止入内”。外研社新世纪〔adult〕Adults pay an admission charge but children get in free.成年人买票入内,儿童免费。剑桥高阶〔adult〕This film is for adults only. Minors are not admitted.这部影片仅限成年人观看。未成年人不得入内韦氏高阶〔age〕All ages admitted.老幼均可入内牛津高阶〔allow〕Cats and dogs are not allowed.猫狗不准入内21世纪英汉〔allow〕Dogs are not allowed.狗不准入内英汉大词典〔allow〕No dogs allowed(= you cannot bring them in).不准携狗入内牛津高阶〔allow〕No pets are allowed inside.宠物不准入内美国传统〔allow〕They don't allow dogs.他们不准狗入内外研社新世纪〔bound〕The auditorium is out of bounds for/to students during the renovations.礼堂翻修期间禁止学生入内韦氏高阶〔bow〕I bowed myself in [out].我鞠躬入内[退出]。文馨英汉〔campus〕Private automobiles are not allowed on campus.大学校园不许私人汽车入内柯林斯高阶〔carry〕He had the ruthless streak necessary to carry him into the Cabinet.他具备进入内阁所必需的冷酷个性。外研社新世纪〔carry〕He had the ruthless streak necessary to carry him into the Cabinet.他具有进入内阁所必需的冷酷性格。柯林斯高阶〔concern〕There is some concern that the country may slide into civil war.有些人担心这个国家可能会陷入内战。麦克米伦高阶〔danger〕Danger! Keep Out! 危险!请勿入内牛津高阶〔drill〕The batter drilled a single through the infield.击球员单枪匹马直入内美国传统〔elevate〕The Prime Minister is known to favour the elevation of more women to the Cabinet.人所共知首相希望提拔更多女性进入内阁。柯林斯高阶〔entrance〕Entrance is by way of the side door.入内须经边门。英汉大词典〔entrance〕The management reserve the right to refuse entrance.管理部门保留拒绝他人入内的权利。剑桥高阶〔entry〕I can't go down that street - there's a "No entry" sign.我不能走那条街——那儿有“禁止入内”的标志。剑桥高阶〔entry〕No Entry(= for example, on a sign) 禁止入内牛津高阶〔entry〕The sign on the gates read 'No Unauthorized Entry'.大门上挂着“未经批准,禁止入内”的标志牌。牛津搭配〔exception〕Guide dogs are the one exception to the store's ban on dogs.这家商店禁止带狗入内,但导盲犬除外。牛津搭配〔footsie〕Eden's game was to play footsie with Chamberlain and Halifax so as to get back into the Cabinet.艾登的计划是暗中勾结张伯伦和哈利法克斯, 以期重新进入内阁。外研社新世纪〔forbidden〕The Great Mosque is forbidden to Christians.大清真寺禁止基督教徒入内朗文当代〔guilt complex〕She has a guilt complex about inheriting so much money.她得到这么一大笔遗产,一下子陷入内疚情结之中。剑桥高阶〔improper〕If you are improperly dressed, you will not be admitted.衣着不当,就会被拒入内朗文当代〔input〕Check your input and make sure you have selected only one item.检查输入内容,确保你只选择了一项。牛津搭配〔input〕It may be beyond the capability of the hardware to process the input.处理这些输入内容可能超出了该硬件的功能范围。牛津搭配〔inquire〕If you need help, inquire within.如需帮助, 请入内询问。外研社新世纪〔instruction〕We had instructions not to admit anyone.我们接到的命令是任何人不得入内韦氏高阶〔keep (sb/sth) out〕Building work in progress. Keep out! 正在施工,请勿入内剑桥高阶〔keep out〕The sign on the door said “Keep out!” 门上写着“禁止入内!”。韦氏高阶〔keep〕Private property. Keep out.私人产业,不得入内英汉大词典〔limit〕She explained it was her room and it was off limits.她解释说那是她的房间,禁止入内牛津搭配〔limit〕The evacuated areas remained off limits to the public.被撤空的这些地区依然禁止公众入内麦克米伦高阶〔limit〕This bar is off limits to all soldiers.这家酒吧禁止任何军人入内英汉大词典〔loader〕A program that transfers data from off-line memory into internal storage.装入程序:把数据从离线存储器调入内存的程序美国传统〔mortal〕The police officers guarding the door let in the celebrities, but they prevented us lesser/mere mortals from going inside.把守大门的警官让名人们进去,但不让我们这些普通人入内剑桥高阶〔no〕No unauthorized entry after dark.天黑后未经许可不得入内英汉大词典〔no〕She had completely ignored the ‘No Entry' sign.她完全没有在意“禁止入内”的告示牌。麦克米伦高阶〔off-limits〕The basement and garage will be off-limits during the renovations.重新装修期间,地下室和车库将禁止入内韦氏高阶〔only〕The sign on the door says “Employees Only.” 门上的标牌写着“只限工作人员入内”。韦氏高阶〔other than〕No one may enter other than by special permission.除非有特殊的许可,否则任何人都不得入内韦氏高阶〔otocyst〕The structure formed by invagination of the embryonic ectodermal tissue that develops into the inner ear.听泡,听囊:由于发育入内耳的未成熟胚层组织套叠所形成的结构美国传统〔out-of-bounds〕These workshops are out-of-bounds to everyone except research men.这些工场除研究人员外他人一律不得入内英汉大词典〔placard〕A placard on the door says “No Admittance”.门上的一块牌子上写着“不准入内”。英汉大词典〔plunge into〕The country may be plunged into civil war.国家可能会陷入内战。外研社新世纪〔premise〕Keep off the premises.禁止入内英汉大词典〔process〕He was processed through the security network before being allowed in.他经安全系统检查后方被准许入内英汉大词典〔production〕Entrance is permitted only on production of a ticket.出示票子才准入内英汉大词典〔property〕The sign said ‘Private Property, Keep Out'.标牌上写着“私人领地,请勿入内”。麦克米伦高阶〔rank〕Ministers of cabinet rank receive a higher salary than other ministers.进入内阁的部长比其他部长的工资高。剑桥高阶〔re-entry〕The house has been barred and bolted to prevent re-entry.房子已经被封了,门被闩上,防止有人入内柯林斯高阶〔read〕A sign on the outer door read: 'No Entry'.外边的门上有一块牌子写着“禁止入内”。朗文当代〔read〕At the entrance there is a sign which reads:“No Admittance —keep out!”在入口处有一个牌子,上面写着“严禁入内!”21世纪英汉〔read〕The sign read ‘No admittance’.告示牌上写着“禁止入内”。牛津高阶〔restricted〕This is on the restricted list, but not really secret.这是收入内部情报一览表的,但并非绝密。英汉大词典〔ring-fence〕All employees can access the parts of the Intranet that are not ring-fenced.所有雇员都可进入内联网中无使用权限制的部份。牛津高阶〔safety island〕An area marked off within a roadway from which traffic is banned, especially to provide pedestrian safety.安全岛:道路上供行人安全而划出的地带,不允许车辆入内美国传统〔say〕The notice said ‘Keep Out’.告示上写着“禁止入内”。牛津高阶〔secret〕We entered through a secret passage.我们经由一暗道入内英汉大词典〔seeing〕Seeing that you're already at the door, I suppose I must invite you inside.鉴于你已到了门口,我想我必须邀请你入内美国传统〔tinderbox〕The area is a tinderbox that could again plunge the country into civil war.这地区是个火药桶,很可能再次使国家陷入内战。朗文当代〔type in〕You type things in, and it responds.你输入内容, 它就会作出反馈。外研社新世纪〔unaccompanied〕Unaccompanied children are not allowed in the store.那家商店不允许无成人带领的儿童入内韦氏高阶〔unaccompanied〕Unaccompanied children are not allowed on the premises.儿童无成人陪伴不得入内朗文当代〔unambitious〕This was not by any means a daring expedition into the outback, it was a very unambitious exploration.这绝不是什么冒险深入内地的远征,只是一次平淡无奇的探险而已。柯林斯高阶〔unauthorized〕No access for unauthorized personnel.未经允许不得入内牛津高阶〔unauthorized〕Unauthorized personnel are not allowed on the premises.未经允许不得入内朗文当代〔unlawfully〕A pushed-in window indicated unlawful entry.往里推开的窗户表明有人非法入内柯林斯高阶〔virtual〕The country was sliding into a state of virtual civil war.这个国家实际上正逐渐进入内战状态。牛津高阶〔within〕Baby rabbits for sale. Enquire within.幼兔出售,请入内洽询。朗文当代〔write〕You should write-protect all disks that you do not usually need to write to.你应该对你通常不需要写入内容的磁盘进行写保护。柯林斯高阶All employees can access the parts of the Intranet that are not ring-fenced.所有员工均可进入内部网的开放区。牛津商务Although the resistance groups do not show great military prowess they frequently penetrate deep into the interior.尽管抵抗组织并没有显示出很强的军事能力,他们却频繁地深入内地。剑桥国际In spite of the civilian misery, the United Nations was reluctant to get its forces embroiled (in civil war).尽管平民痛苦不堪,联合国仍然不愿使其部队卷入内战。剑桥国际It's clearly laid down that no one is allowed in without a permit.未经允许,任何人不准入内,这一点是明确规定的。剑桥国际Keep off the premises. 禁止入内译典通No one but ticket-holders was admitted. 只有持票者方可入内译典通That road sign said ‘No Entry’.路牌上写着‘禁止入内’。剑桥国际The park superintendent has agreed to put up a fence around the children's play area to keep dogs out.公园管理人同意在儿童乐园周围树起篱笆以防狗入内剑桥国际The people without a ticket are denied entry. 没有票的人不许入内译典通The piano's on wheels, so we can roll it into the room.这架钢琴有轮子,因此我们可以用它滚着入内剑桥国际The playing fields were off limits to the school-children during the winter months.运动场冬天禁止学生入内剑桥国际The sign over the door said “Private. No entry.” 门上的标记写着“独用。不准入内。”剑桥国际The sign read‘ Private--no admittance’ .牌子上写着“私人住宅----禁止入内”。剑桥国际The storm over Queensland was caused by a depression moving inland from the Gulf of Carpentaria.席卷昆士兰的暴风雨是由一股从卡彭特里海湾移入内陆的低气压造成的。剑桥国际There are guards on the door to keep out the undesirables.门口有卫兵防止不良分子入内剑桥国际There's a notice outside the building which says‘No admission before 12 noon’ .大楼外面有张告示,上面写着“中午12点以前禁止入内”。剑桥国际

