
单词 借款
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORROW〕It took my parents nearly thirty years to pay off their mortgage. 我父母用了将近30年的时间才还清抵押借款朗文写作活用〔BORROW〕The fall in interest rates is bad news for savers but good news for borrowers. 利率下降对于存款者来说是坏消息,但对于借款者来说却是好消息。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕Borrowings at the end of the year amounted to nearly $27 million. 年末借款总额将近2,700万美元。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕The company was now so large it could increase its borrowings to almost any figure it chose. 这家公司现在的规模已非常大,借款几乎要多少就可以有多少。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕The mortgage will be paid off over twenty-five years. 那笔抵押借款要在25年内还清。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕The bank says that they can extend the term of our mortgage. 银行说可以延长我们的抵押借款年期。朗文写作活用〔actual〕Interest is only charged on the actual amount borrowed.利息只按实际借款额收取。朗文当代〔arithmetic〕The budgetary arithmetic suggests that government borrowing is set to surge.预算数字表明政府借款将要大幅增加。柯林斯高阶〔avoid〕By borrowing from dozens of banks, he managed to avoid giving any of them an overall picture of what he was up to.他向许多银行借款,使得任何一家都搞不清楚他到底要做什么。柯林斯高阶〔back〕He refused to give back the borrowed money.他拒绝归还借款韦氏高阶〔bad〕It's a bad time to have to borrow money, with interest rates so high.现在借款真不是时候,利率这么高。朗文当代〔bank〕I had to take out a bank loan to start my own business.为了创办自己的公司我不得不从银行借款剑桥高阶〔borrower〕Each borrower's payments will vary according to the terms of the loan.每位借款者需要偿还的数额根据借贷条款而有所不同。韦氏高阶〔borrow〕Banks are encouraging new borrowers.银行在招徕新的借款人。剑桥高阶〔borrow〕We borrowed £20,000 to start up the business.我们借款20000英镑来创办企业。麦克米伦高阶〔borrow〕You can borrow money from the bank against your jewellery.你可以用珠宝手饰作抵押向银行借款英汉大词典〔burden〕They have burdened themselves with a high mortgage.他们负担了一笔很高的按揭借款牛津高阶〔cat〕The bank is poised to put the cat among the pigeons this morning by slashing the cost of borrowing.银行今晨大幅削减借款利率, 这势必会引起激烈争论。外研社新世纪〔clear〕My mother never seemed to get the mortgage clear.我母亲似乎老是还不清抵押借款英汉大词典〔commit〕Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan.借款人应当慎重考虑之后再行借贷。牛津高阶〔cost〕A rise in interest rates will increase the cost of borrowing.利率的提高会增加借款成本。麦克米伦高阶〔credit risk〕The system assesses the credit risk of new borrowers.系统对新借款者的信贷风险进行评估。剑桥高阶〔debtor〕The debtor bank must send instructions to the Federal Reserve Bank to debit its account there.借款银行在从其联邦储备银行的账户上提款之前, 必须告知联邦储备银行。外研社新世纪〔debt〕He had run up credit card debts of thousands of dollars.他积欠了数千元的信用卡借款牛津高阶〔default〕If the borrower defaults, the bank can take the house.如果借款人不履行债务,银行可以收走房子。韦氏高阶〔default〕More and more borrowers are in default.越来越多的借款人拖欠所借款项。外研社新世纪〔default〕Mortgage defaults have risen in the last year.按揭借款违约在近一年里呈上升趋势。牛津高阶〔default〕The company is in default on the loan.这家公司拖欠借款牛津高阶〔default〕The credit-card business is down, and more borrowers are defaulting on loans.信用卡行业低迷, 越来越多的借款人都在拖欠贷款。外研社新世纪〔down payment〕If you're borrowing money for the down payment, provide a copy of the entire loan agreement.如果要借款付首付, 请提供一份完整的贷款合同的复印件。外研社新世纪〔draw〕The government had to draw on reserves and borrow abroad.政府不得不动用储备并向国外借款英汉大词典〔equal〕Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property's purchase price.投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。外研社新世纪〔equal〕Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property's purchase price.投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。柯林斯高阶〔expenditure〕Capital expenditure can be financed by borrowing; operating expenditure should not.资本金可以靠借款,而运营费用不行。牛津搭配〔fault〕A few borrowers will find themselves in trouble with their repayments through no fault of their own.一些借款人会发现,他们还款遇到了麻烦,但根本不是由于自身的过失造成的。柯林斯高阶〔fund〕To convert into a long-term or floating debt with fixed interest payments.转为长期:转为有固定利息的长期借款或流动债务美国传统〔gift〕The money was a gift, not a loan.这钱是赠礼,不是借款韦氏高阶〔home-equity loan〕A loan or credit line that is secured by the equity the borrower has in a home.家产担保贷款:以借款者家中所有物为担保的贷款或是借款额度美国传统〔impact〕Higher mortgage rates have already had a major impact on spending.较高的抵押借款利率已经对消费产生了巨大的影响。朗文当代〔inhibit〕The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.借款的高成本抑制了企业对新设备的投资。柯林斯高阶〔insurance〕Your father took out insurance to cover the mortgage.你父亲买了份抵押借款保险。朗文当代〔jumble〕The bank scrambles all that money together, jumbles it all up and lends it out to hundreds and thousands of borrowers.银行匆忙地把所有的钱都杂乱地集中在一起,然后贷给成千上万的借款者。柯林斯高阶〔largely〕The fund is largely financed through government borrowing.该基金大致上由政府借款支持。柯林斯高阶〔level〕Mortgage rates were 10% above their current level.当时的抵押借款利率比现有水平高出 10%。牛津搭配〔misplaced〕Lenders rely on the misplaced loyalty of existing borrowers to make their profit.放款人依靠现有借款人的无谓忠诚来谋利。外研社新世纪〔mortgage〕He mortgaged his house in order to start a business.他将房子作抵押借款以开办一家商店。21世纪英汉〔mortgage〕He will have to mortgage his land for a loan.他得用土地抵押借款英汉大词典〔mortgage〕On my present salary I can't get a mortgage.靠目前的工资我得不到抵押借款麦克米伦高阶〔mortgage〕We can't get a mortgage.我们得不到抵押借款英汉大词典〔nick〕News of interest cuts came in the nick of time for borrowers.对借款人来说,减息的消息来得正是时候。柯林斯高阶〔nick〕News of interest cuts came in the nick of time for borrowers.降息的消息对借款人来说来得真是时候。外研社新世纪〔owe〕I still owe on the car.我还没还清买车的借款韦氏高阶〔payback〕The longer the payback period, the more it costs you in the end.偿还借款的期限越长,最终花费的费用越多。麦克米伦高阶〔pay〕If you can pay me on Wednesday, I'll loan you the money.如果你能在星期三把钱还我,那我就借款给你。英汉大词典〔pay〕We paid off our mortgage after fifteen years.我们历经十五年的时间还清了抵押借款牛津高阶〔penalize〕The system should ensure that borrowers are not penalized by sudden rises in mortgage rates.该计划应确保借款者不会因按揭贷款利率突然提高而陷入困境。剑桥高阶〔plunge〕The plunge in interest rates is good news for borrowers.利率的暴跌对于借款人是个好消息。外研社新世纪〔precarious〕Many borrowers now find themselves caught in a precarious financial position.许多借款人现在发现自己陷入了不稳定的财务状况。剑桥高阶〔reasonably〕He couldn't reasonably be expected to pay back the loan all at once.公平合理地讲,不可能指望他一下子归还全部借款牛津高阶〔redeem〕We have saved enough to redeem our mortgage.我们已积蓄了足够的钱去偿还我们的抵押借款英汉大词典〔repayment〕The loan is due for repayment by the end of the year.这笔借款要在年底还清。牛津高阶〔reschedule〕The President is also expected to request a rescheduling of loan repayments.预计总统还会要求延长借款偿还期限。柯林斯高阶〔sanction〕He seemed to be preparing to sanction an increase in public borrowing.他似乎正准备批准增加公共借款外研社新世纪〔single entry〕A system of bookkeeping in which a business keeps only a single account showing amounts due and amounts owed.单式记帐法:一种记帐制度,一个企业只有一个单独的帐户,标明企业的债款和出借款美国传统〔soar〕Borrowing is set to soar to an astonishing £60 billion.借款很有可能猛增至惊人的 600 亿英镑。牛津搭配〔solvency〕They reviewed financial records to measure the borrower's solvency.他们审核了财务记录,以评估借款人的偿债能力。韦氏高阶〔touch〕The act of approaching someone for a loan or handout.向某人借款,要求施舍:接近某人以获得贷款或施舍的行为美国传统〔work〕The mortgage works out at about £360 a month.抵押借款每月约合360英镑。麦克米伦高阶A mortgage is one of the best tax-efficient investments you can have.抵押借款是纳税最低的投资形式之一。牛津商务An early cut in Germany's interest rates would enable a reduction in British mortgage rates before next January.德国的利率早日削减,会使明年一月份以前英国抵押借款费率的降低成为可能。剑桥国际As a lender we need to differentiate between high and low risk borrowers.作为放款人,我们必须区分高风险借款人和低风险借款人。牛津商务By offering an equity kicker they can borrow at lower rates of interest.通过提供股权附带,他们能够以较低的利率借款牛津商务Freed from the fetters of a mortgage, she could once again spend her money as she pleased.从抵押借款的束缚中解脱出来,她又能随自己的意花钱了。剑桥国际He has paid off the mortgage. 他已归还抵押借款译典通Her bank loan is secured against some shares that she inherited from her aunt.她向银行的借款是以从姑妈那儿继承的股票为抵押的。剑桥国际If it's cheap for people to borrow, borrowing and spending will increase.如果借款便宜,借贷和消费将会增加。牛津商务If you wanted to borrow more than $5 000, the bank would only be able to offer you a secured loan.如果你的借款额超过5 000美元,那么银行只能向你提供抵押贷款。剑桥国际In a recession banks tend to foreclose on businesses that are in financial difficulty.在经济衰退时期,银行往往采用没收抵押财产充当借款的方式对待财政困难的企业。剑桥国际Many borrowers now find themselves caught in a precarious financial position.许多借款人现在发现他们处在危险的财务状况之中。剑桥国际Many people take out a loan to buy a new car.许多人借款购买新车。牛津商务Methods of financing include borrowing from banks and issuing loan stock.筹资方式包括从银行借款和发行借贷股票。牛津商务Mr Clarke's insurance company had issued a summons for unpaid mortgage repayments.克拉克先生的保险公司就尚未偿付抵押借款的付款人发出通知。剑桥国际New consumer borrowing reached €1.53 billion in October.十月份新办理的消费借款达 15.3 亿欧元。牛津商务Public borrowing has increased in recent years.公共借款近年来增加了。剑桥国际She repaid her mother the loan./She repaid the loan to her mother.她把借款还给她母亲。剑桥国际Some of the bank's lending operations come under/within the purview of the deputy manager, and some are handled directly by the manager.有些银行借款运作属于副经理的权限范围,而另一些则由经理直接管理。剑桥国际That mortgage has been like a millstone round my neck. 那笔抵押借款像是套在我脖子上的沉重负担。译典通The Bank of England has introduced sterner measures to control public borrowing.英格兰银行在控制公众借款上采取了严格的措施。剑桥国际The Fed has to closely monitor discount window borrowing.联邦储备局必须密切监控贴现窗口借款牛津商务The acquisition was funded by a mixture of shares, loan notes and cash.这项收购的资金来自股票、借款凭证和现金。牛津商务The amount of money that people are borrowing against their homes reached a very high level. 人们用房屋作抵押来借款的数额已达到很高的水平。牛津商务The bank has lost a lot of money from lending to high-risk borrowers.银行已因为将钱贷给高风险的借款人损失了大笔金钱。牛津商务The company is highly geared, with borrowings of €1.5 million compared with physical assets of €3 million.这家公司背负着大量债务,与 300 万欧元的实物资产相比,借款额就有 150 万欧元。牛津商务The group has borrowed €4 billion from banks.集团已向银行借款 40 亿欧元。牛津商务The interest rate charged reflects the credit risk of the borrower.所收取的利率反映借款人的信用风险。牛津商务The managers manipulate borrowers into paying higher interest rates.经理们操控借款人使他们支付更高的利息。牛津商务The scheme offers home buyers the option to overpay their mortgage by amounts of £50 to £500 a month.这个计划提供给房屋买主一个选择,即以每月50至500英镑的数额多支付他们的抵押借款剑桥国际They had to rent out the upstairs to make mortgage payments. 他们不得不将二楼租出去以偿付抵押借款译典通We have been able to cut our net borrowings by $125 million.我们已经能够削减 1.25 亿元的借款净额。牛津商务We offer the same rates of interest to new and existing borrowers.我们向新的和现有的借款人提供相同的利率。牛津商务

