
单词 内布拉
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Brulé〕A Native American people constituting a subdivision of the Teton Sioux, inhabiting northwest Nebraska and southwest South Dakota.布鲁列人:美洲印第安人的一支,包括提顿-苏族的分支,居位在内布拉斯加州西北部和南达科他州西南部美国传统〔CLAP〕Three cheers for the next Governor of Nebraska! 为内布拉斯加州下任州长欢呼三声!朗文写作活用〔Iowa〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of Iowa and southwest Minnesota, with present-day descendants in Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma.艾奥瓦人:美洲土著居民的一支,过去居住在衣阿华州的部分地区和明尼苏达州的西南,其后裔今天居住在内布拉斯加州,堪萨斯州,和俄克拉荷马州美国传统〔Nebraskan〕A native or resident of Nebraska.内布拉斯加州的本地人或居民美国传统〔Nebraskan〕Of or relating to Nebraska.内布拉斯加的:属于或关于内布拉斯加的美国传统〔SEND〕Terry's just heard he's been posted as liaison officer on the USS Nebraska. 特里刚得知他要调到美国军舰内布拉斯加号上当联络官。朗文写作活用〔Winnebago〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting the Green Bay area of Wisconsin, with present-day populations in Wisconsin and Nebraska.温内贝戈人:原本居住在美国威斯康星州格林贝地区的美洲土著人,现在人口聚集在威斯康星州和内布拉斯加州美国传统〔forgive〕The new program would forgive state loans to new graduates who teach in Nebraska.在一个新的项目中,前往内布拉斯加教书的大学毕业生可免还政府贷款。剑桥高阶〔ice〕Nebraska iced Kentucky 55 to 16.内布拉斯加队以55比16的比分大胜肯塔基队。英汉大词典〔map〕It's a small place in Nebraska. Right off the map.这是内布拉斯加州的一个小地方,很偏远。朗文当代〔raise〕He raised cattle in Nebraska when he was young.他年轻时在内布拉斯加州养过牛。朗文当代〔room〕At college he rooms with this guy from Nebraska.在大学里他和这个来自内布拉斯加州的小伙子是室友。剑桥高阶At college he rooms with this guy from Nebraska.在大学里,他与这个来自内布拉斯加州的家伙住在一起。剑桥国际When he was a young man he farmed 2500 acres of Nebraska prairie.他年轻的时候耕种了2 500英亩的内布拉斯加州大草原。剑桥国际

