
单词 torah
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Holy Ark〕The cabinet in a synagogue in which the scrolls of the Torah are kept.圣柜:犹太教里的柜子,里边放着《圣经·旧约全书》开头五篇的卷轴美国传统〔Orthodox Judaism〕The branch of Judaism that is governed by adherence to the Torah as interpreted in the Talmud.正统犹太教:犹太教的一个分支,信奉犹太教法典中所解释的犹太教经文美国传统〔Tanakh〕The sacred book of Judaism, consisting of the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings; the Hebrew Scriptures.犹太教圣书,犹太圣典,希伯来圣经:犹太教的圣书,包含律法书、先知书和作品集;希伯来圣经美国传统〔code〕The Torah is the basis for all the Jewish laws and their moral code .托拉是所有犹太法律和道德规范的基础。朗文当代〔haphtarah〕A selection from the Prophets, read in synagogue services on the Sabbath following each lesson from the Torah.哈夫塔拉:在犹太教安息日或假日做礼拜时从先知书中选出诵读的部分美国传统〔penalty〕The Romans prohibited the teaching of the Torah on penalty of death.罗马人禁止讲授《摩西五经》,违者处死。牛津搭配Judaism is based on the Torah, which is the Old Testament of the Bible, and the Talmud.犹太教是在《律法书》,即《圣经旧约》和《塔木德经》的基础上建立的。剑桥国际The Jewish Pentecost celebrates the harvest of the first fruits and the gift of the Torah (= the holy book of the Jews) to Moses at Sinai.犹太人的五旬节庆祝第一批果实的收获和在西奈摩西获得律法这一恩赐。剑桥国际

