“thomas more”例句

单词 thomas more
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔shiver〕He still had the shivers when he passed the spot where his ancestor Sir Thomas More was decapitated in 1535.走过先祖托马斯·莫尔爵士于1535年被斩首之处时他仍会不寒而栗。英汉大词典〔wise〕Was it Thomas More who said that the wise man learns from the experience of others? 是托马斯‧莫尔说过聪明人会吸取别人的经验教训吗?剑桥高阶Sir Thomas More was a leading humanist (= a person who believes in humanism) of his time.托马斯·摩尔是他的时代的主要人文主义者。剑桥国际

