“think about”例句

单词 think about
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUSINESS〕I hope you'll think about my offer. I'm sure we can do business. 希望你能考虑一下我方的报价。我相信我们能做成这笔生意。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕If you are thinking about a change to a different part of the country you will need to use your vacation to look for accommodation. 如果想改变一下去别的地方生活,就得利用假期寻找住处。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕I'm thinking about changing careers, but I don't quite know how to go about it. 我在考虑换个行当,但不大清楚怎么做。朗文写作活用〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕Do you ever think about what those cigarettes must be doing to your lungs? 你有没有想过那些香烟会对你的肺造成多少伤害?朗文写作活用〔FORGET〕I've been trying not to think about her but my friends won't let me forget. 我一直努力不去想她,但我的朋友们不让我忘记。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕I've been thinking about Kevin a lot in the last few days. I wonder how he's getting on? 近几天我经常想到凯文,不知道他怎么样了?朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕I lay awake the whole night after I read the letter, thinking about what it could mean. 我看了信之后彻夜难眠,思索着这是什么意思。朗文写作活用〔a light bulb goes off/on〕After thinking about the problem for several days, a light bulb went off in her head, and she knew how to solve it.这个问题,她思考了几天之后突然想出了办法,知道该如何解决了。韦氏高阶〔ahead of〕I tried to think about all the problems that were ahead of me.我试图考虑一下摆在我面前的所有难题。外研社新世纪〔breeding〕The mild weather has started them thinking about nesting and breeding.温暖的天气已让它们开始考虑筑巢和繁殖。外研社新世纪〔challenge〕Every teacher ought to be challenging kids to think about current issues.每一位老师都应激励学生思考当前的问题。朗文当代〔choke up〕I get choked up even thinking about it.甚至只要一想起它, 我就激动得说不出话来。外研社新世纪〔chuck〕Almost half the British public think about chucking in their jobs and doing their own thing at least once a month.有将近一半的英国公众每月至少有一次考虑过辞去工作,去做自己想做的事。柯林斯高阶〔decision〕I need to think about it. It's a big decision .这事我需要考虑一下,这可是个重大的决定。朗文当代〔dismiss〕The suggestion should not be dismissed out of hand(= without thinking about it).这建议不应当直接就被摒弃。牛津高阶〔diversify〕They have to think about how to diversify their investments at this stage, because this will bring a steady abundant income to them in the long run.在此阶段他们必须考虑如何实现投资多元化, 因为从长远来看这将给他们带来稳定而丰厚的收入。外研社新世纪〔escapism〕Thinking about the future is a form of escapism.幻想将来是一种逃避现实。文馨英汉〔fidelity〕Wanting fidelity implies you're thinking about a major relationship.要求忠诚意味着你想发展一段严肃认真的恋爱关系。柯林斯高阶〔future〕Jack went on holiday to think about his future.杰克为了思考自己的前途问题外出度假。麦克米伦高阶〔head〕Try to put the exams out of your head(= stop thinking about them)for tonight.今晚尽量别想考试的事了。牛津高阶〔isolation〕I can't think about it in isolation (= separately) - I need some examples of the problem.我无法孤立地考虑这个问题——我需要一些例子。剑桥高阶〔keep〕I keep thinking about Joe, all alone in that place.我老是想到乔,他独自一个人在那种地方。朗文当代〔leave〕I want to think about it. Can I leave it for now ? 我想考虑考虑,可以暂时留着吗?朗文当代〔long〕What do I think about it? How long have you got? 这事我是怎么想的?说来话长,你有时间听吗?牛津高阶〔mere〕The mere thought of it (= just thinking about it) makes me feel sick.一想起它就让我不舒服。剑桥高阶〔poll〕We're carrying out/conducting a poll to find out what people think about abortion.我们正在进行一项民意调查,了解人们对堕胎的看法。剑桥高阶〔practicality〕You need to think about comfort and practicality when choosing walking shoes.选购步行鞋时需要考虑舒适和实用。朗文当代〔questionnaire〕We conducted a survey (NOT a questionnaire) to find out what students think about sport.我们就学生对体育运动的看法进行了调查。朗文当代〔really〕What do you really think about it? 你到底对这事怎么看?牛津高阶〔self〕All he ever thinks about is self.他考虑的只有自己。麦克米伦高阶〔sex〕All he ever thinks about is sex.他一门心思想着性交。韦氏高阶〔stop〕He can't stop thinking about it.他没办法不再想这件事。外研社新世纪〔stop〕It's time we stopped to think about our next move.我们该停下来想一想下一步的行动了。朗文当代〔take your time〕I need to take my time and think about it for a while.我需要仔细考虑一段时间。韦氏高阶〔thing〕The thing is to get well, and then you can think about playing again.首先要恢复健康,然后再考虑重返赛场。韦氏高阶〔think〕Don't you ever think about other people? 难道你就从来没有考虑过别人?牛津高阶〔think〕They are thinking about moving.他们正考虑搬迁事宜美国传统〔time〕I haven't had much time to think about it.我没有多少时间去考虑这件事。韦氏高阶〔torture〕Don't torture yourself by thinking about the money.别再想着那笔钱折磨你自己了。麦克米伦高阶Thinking about her spending the day with another man gave him a sharp pang of jealousy.想到她今天和别的男人一起过,使他嫉妒万分。剑桥国际As a political party they are trying to effect a change in the way that we think about our environment.作为一个政治党派,他们试图使我们对环境的看法有所改变。剑桥国际He reached this logical conclusion on the basis of the postmarks on the letters he had received (= his decision was based on thinking about this information) .他根据所收到的一些信上的邮戳得出了合乎逻辑的结论。剑桥国际I get really annoyed when he airily (=without seriously thinking about it) dismisses anything I say as irrelevant.当他轻率地认为我说的任何话都毫不相干而不予考虑时,我真的恼火了。剑桥国际I'm going to put all that's happened behind me, and think about the future.我打算把发生过的事统统忘记,去想想未来。剑桥国际If someone (esp. Br) goes off at a tangent/(Am and Aus) goes off on a tangent/(Br and Aus) flies off at a tangent they suddenly change what they were talking or thinking about.突然离开原来的思路; 突然离题剑桥国际Just dismiss those thoughts from your mind -- they're crazy and not worth thinking about.就别理会你脑中的那些念头吧----都是些疯狂的想法,不值得考虑。剑桥国际Oh, Dominic, you look as if you're in another world (= you seem to be dreaming or thinking about something different to everyone else).多米尼克,出什么神哪(你好像是在另一个世界)。剑桥国际She doesn't give a toss what other people think about her clothes.她毫不介意其他人对她衣服的看法。剑桥国际The exams are so far off that I'm not even thinking about them yet.考试还很远,故而我甚至还未想到过它们。剑桥国际When preparing meals, you need to think about variety and taste as well as nutritional value.在做一顿饭时,不仅要考虑营养价值,还要考虑花样品种和味道。剑桥国际

