
单词 techniques
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Antonello da Messina〕Italian painter who studied Flemish techniques and reputedly introduced oil paints to Italy.安托内洛·德·马西纳:研究法兰德斯技法并以将油画介绍到意大利而享誉的意大利画家美国传统〔BABY〕New medical techniques provide hope for infertile couples. 医学新技术给没有生育能力的夫妇带来了希望。朗文写作活用〔BUILD/BUILDING〕It was the invention of pre-stressed concrete that really transformed building techniques. 是预应力混凝土的发明使建筑技术得以彻底改变。朗文写作活用〔CAN/CAN'T〕A trainee with normal aptitude can learn these techniques in a few months. 具有正常能力的受训者能在几个月内学会这些技术。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Japanese industry is changing to alternative marketing techniques. 日本工业正转而运用非传统的营销技术。朗文写作活用〔EFFECTIVE/NOT EFFECTIVE〕Our training programme covers a range of effective management techniques. 我们的培训计划包括一系列有效的管理技巧。朗文写作活用〔FIND〕Techniques for the location of tumours have improved greatly over the last twenty years. 20年来探明肿瘤位置的技术已经大大提高。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕He pioneered techniques for photographing moving objects. 他为拍摄移动物体开创了新技术。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕He bought a book on relaxation techniques but it wasn't very helpful. 他买了一本讲各种放松方法的书,但不是很有用。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕The talk was about symbolism in art -- Len missed the point and thought it was about painting techniques. 讲座是有关艺术中的象征主义——莱恩没听懂主要意思,还以为讲的是绘画技巧。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕The library profession is merging new techniques with old to produce an unbeatable combination of management skills. 图书馆专业把新式的与传统的技术相结合,形成了一种无与伦比的管理技巧。朗文写作活用〔MODERN〕The operation will be performed using the very latest microsurgery techniques. 这次手术将采用最先进的显微外科技术。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕There are several basic techniques to learn, but they are uncomplicated enough to be mastered in one session. 有几个基本的技巧要学习,但是并不难,一节课就能掌握。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕Brainwashing techniques include preventing the person from sleeping and depriving them of any human contact. 对人进行洗脑的伎俩包括不让人睡觉,而且不让他们与任何人接触。朗文写作活用〔USEFUL〕Contact with Western medical techniques proved invaluable, and the student doctors have benefited greatly. 与西方医学技术接触证明非常有价值,实习医生大大受益。朗文写作活用〔USE〕New techniques for recycling plastics are being introduced. 正在引进回收塑料的新技术。朗文写作活用〔USE〕These new techniques are already being used to produce special effects in films. 这些新技术已经用于制作电影的特技效果。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕Chapter 6 describes useful techniques for creating on-screen filing systems that really work. 第六章描述确实可行的建立屏幕存档系统的实用技巧。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕More and more heart patients are surviving thanks to improved surgical techniques. 由于外科技术的改进,越来越多的心脏病患者存活下来。朗文写作活用〔Williams〕American jazz trumpeter noted for his inventive muting techniques. He spent the majority of his career with the Duke Ellington Orchestra.威廉斯,查尔斯·麦温:美国爵士小号手,以其发明的消音技巧而闻名。大半职业生涯都在艾灵顿公爵管弦乐团度过美国传统〔accuracy〕Digital techniques achieve exceptionally high accuracy.数码技术可达到异常高的精确度。牛津搭配〔action painting〕A style of abstract painting that uses techniques such as the dribbling or splashing of paint to achieve a spontaneous effect.动作画派,抽象画派:一种抽象派绘画,通过运用滴洒或喷溅颜料的技巧以取得自然的效果美国传统〔adjust〕To treat disorders of (the spine) by correcting slight dislocations between vertebrae using chiropractic techniques.调节,正骨:使用按摩脊椎病疗法以纠正脊柱间的轻微变位从而治疗(脊骨)不适美国传统〔advanced〕The book explains both basic and advanced techniques.这本书阐释了基础和高级技术。韦氏高阶〔advancement〕This new method is a great advancement over past techniques.这个新方法比起过去的技术有很大的改进。韦氏高阶〔alike〕The techniques are being applied almost everywhere by big and small firms alike.无论在大公司还是小公司,这些技术的应用几乎无处不在。柯林斯高阶〔alike〕The techniques work with big and small firms alike.这些技术大小公司都适用。外研社新世纪〔amount〕You have a certain amount of freedom to explore new techniques.你有一定自由来钻研新技术。牛津搭配〔analytically〕All raw materials are subjected to our latest analytical techniques.所有的原材料都将用我们最新的分析技术进行解析。柯林斯高阶〔analytical〕All raw materials are subjected to our latest analytical techniques.所有的原材料都要用我们最新的分析技术进行化验。外研社新世纪〔analytical〕We still rely on archaic analytical techniques to test water for disease.我们仍然依赖过时的分析技术来检测水里是否含有病菌。外研社新世纪〔application〕He pioneered the application of scientific techniques to police work.他率先尝试将科学技术运用到警察工作上。麦克米伦高阶〔arsenal〕Managers use a full arsenal of motivational techniques to get employees to take risks.管理者运用各种激励措施使雇员勇于冒险。外研社新世纪〔arsenal〕Managers use a full arsenal of motivational techniques to get employees to take risks.管理者运用各种激励措施使雇员勇于冒险。柯林斯高阶〔art〕The Iraqi leader has mastered the art of survival through numerous techniques.这位伊拉克领导人通过很多方法掌握了生存的本领。外研社新世纪〔assimilate〕Picasso assimilated an amazing variety of techniques in his art.毕加索在他的画作中融合了大量不同的艺术技巧。麦克米伦高阶〔assimilation〕He attributed our success to our rapid assimilation of new techniques in industry.他将我们的成功归因于我们快速地将新的技术吸收于工业中。文馨英汉〔assisted reproduction〕The use of medical techniques, such as drug therapy, artificial insemination, or in vitro fertilization, to enhance fertility.生育辅助:使用医学技术,如药物治疗、人工受孕或体外受精来提高受孕率美国传统〔assumption〕We are working on the assumption that the techniques are safe.我们是在假定这些技术安全可靠的前提下工作的。牛津搭配〔audiolingual〕Audiovisual and audiolingual techniques of presentation have become commonplace.视听教学法与听说教学法已很普遍。英汉大词典〔automatic〕Practise the breathing techniques until they become automatic.练习这种呼吸方法直到成为无意识的动作。朗文当代〔avant-garde〕A group active in the invention and application of new techniques in a given field, especially in the arts.先锋派:在某一领域中,尤指艺术界,最先创造并应用某一新技术的活跃的团体美国传统〔avant-garde〕Some avant-gardists began experimenting with new film techniques.一些先锋人士开始尝试使用新的电影技术。韦氏高阶〔aversive〕Causing avoidance of an unpleasant or punishing stimulus, as in techniques of behavior modification.表示厌恶的:如行为疗法中所用的技巧,使之避开不愉悦的或打击性的刺激美国传统〔behavior modification〕The use of basic learning techniques, such as conditioning, biofeedback, reinforcement, or aversion therapy, to alter human behavior.行为矫正:指运用基本的学习技术,如条件作用、机能反馈疗法、加强疗法或排斥疗法来改变人的行为美国传统〔birth control〕Voluntary limitation or control of the number of children conceived, especially by planned use of contraceptive techniques.节育:对怀胎数量的有意的限制和控制,尤指有计划地采用避孕措施美国传统〔burlesque〕To use the methods or techniques of burlesque.讽刺,嘲弄:运用滑稽可笑的方法或技巧美国传统〔chalk〕He gave a chalk talk on the techniques of making a sale.他作了一个推销技巧的图示演讲。牛津搭配〔changeover〕A conversion to a different purpose or from one system to another, as in equipment or production techniques.大变更:改变目标或由一体系向另一体系的更换,如设备或生产技术的更换美国传统〔clearly〕Clearly, the early inhabitants of Australia had learnt complex techniques of navigation and mapping.显然, 澳大利亚的早期居民已学会复杂的航海和地图绘制技术。外研社新世纪〔close〕He had observed President Roosevelt at close quarters and absorbed many of his techniques.在近处;近距离地麦克米伦高阶〔cognitive therapy〕A form of psychotherapy using imagery, self-instruction, and related techniques to alter distorted attitudes and perceptions.认知治疗:用想象、自我指导、以及相关的技术来改变扭曲的态度和看法的心理治疗形式美国传统〔comparison〕We have made a systematic comparison of the techniques used by the different players.我们对不同运动员运用的技巧作了系统的比较。麦克米伦高阶〔concern〕The techniques of painting have never really concerned him.他从未对绘画技巧非常上心。外研社新世纪〔conversant〕We are conversant with the latest techniques.我们对最新的技术了如指掌。外研社新世纪〔culprit〕The main culprit in the current crisis seems to be modern farming techniques.当前这场危机的罪魁祸首好像是现代农业技术。牛津高阶〔culture〕Scientists have been refining techniques for the culture of living tissue.科学家们一直致力于改进活体组织的培养技术。韦氏高阶〔date〕Scientists use various techniques to date fossils.科学家们使用各种技术确定化石形成的年代。韦氏高阶〔de-stress〕She learnt relaxation techniques to de-stress both her mind and body.她学会了放松身心的方法。外研社新世纪〔demonstrate〕Several people will be demonstrating traditional farming techniques.几个人将演示传统的农耕技术。韦氏高阶〔demonstrate〕Various techniques will be demonstrated.有人将演示各种各样的技术。麦克米伦高阶〔demonstration〕I'll give a quick demonstration of some first-aid techniques.我将很快地示范一些急救技术。牛津搭配〔departure〕These new techniques are major/dramatic/radical departures from standard practices.这些新技术相对于标准做法而言是重大变革。韦氏高阶〔development〕Determination of the best techniques for applying a new device or process to production of goods or services.开发新技术:决定用最好的技术将新设备或新工序用于商品生产或服务美国传统〔differ〕The techniques used differ from company to company.各家公司使用的技术都不一样。麦克米伦高阶〔discern〕It is possible to discern a number of different techniques in her work.从她的作品中可以了解到许多不同的创作手法。牛津高阶〔drill〕Recruits are drilled in basic techniques over the five-day course.新兵接受为期五天的基本技能训练。牛津高阶〔edge〕Through superior production techniques they were able to gain the competitive edge.凭借先进的生产技术, 他们得以占据竞争优势。外研社新世纪〔edge〕Through superior production techniques they were able to gain the competitive edge.凭借先进的生产技术,他们得以占据竞争优势。柯林斯高阶〔ego〕Professionals need to check their egos (= be less egoistic) and change their techniques.专业人员需要保持谦逊,同时改进技术。牛津搭配〔electroanalysis〕Chemical analysis using electrolytic techniques.电解分析:以电解法进行的化学分析美国传统〔empirically〕Empirically, it is now widely accepted that acupuncture techniques can achieve spectacular medical results.经过实证, 现在人们普遍认为, 针灸法能带来惊人的医疗效果。外研社新世纪〔equally〕All these techniques are equally effective.所有这些技术都同样有效。柯林斯高阶〔equally〕All these techniques are equally effective.这些技巧都同样有效。外研社新世纪〔exploit〕The architect has cleverly exploited new materials and building techniques.这位建筑师巧妙地利用了新的材料和建筑技术。牛津搭配〔forum〕The movie show was followed by an open forum on editing techniques.电影放映后举行了一个有关剪辑技术的公开讨论会。牛津搭配〔free rein〕The young film-makers were given free rein to experiment with new themes and techniques.年轻的电影制片者们对新主题和新技巧可以自由尝试。剑桥高阶〔graphic arts〕The fine or applied visual arts and associated techniques in which images are produced from blocks, plates, or type, as in engraving and lithography.版画:精美的或应用的视觉艺术及与其相联系的技术,其中图象由印版、铅版或印模制得,如在雕刻和石版印刷术中那样美国传统〔graphic arts〕The fine or applied visual arts and associated techniques involving the application of lines and strokes to a two-dimensional surface.平面造型艺术,美术,印刷术:精美的或实用的视觉艺术以及与其相联系的包括使用线条和条纹来形成二维表面的技术美国传统〔ground〕The company has maintained its reputation as the developing ground for new techniques.公司一直享有新技术开发基地的美誉。外研社新世纪〔ground〕The company has maintained its reputation as the developing ground for new techniques.该公司一直享有新技术研发基地的美誉。柯林斯高阶〔guineapig〕Dealers used their clients as guinea pigs for their untried techniques.经销商把客户当成了他们那些未经验证的技术的实验对象。牛津搭配〔gunnery〕The science dealing with the techniques and procedures of operating guns.火炮制造与射击学:研究枪枝技术和操作程序的科学美国传统〔harness〕Techniques harnessing the energy of the sun are being developed.目前正在开发利用太阳能的技术。外研社新世纪〔haute école〕The art, techniques, or practice of expert equestrianship.高级花式骑术:专业驭马的艺术、技术或练习美国传统〔hedge fund〕An investment company that uses high-risk techniques, such as borrowing money and selling short, in an effort to make extraordinary capital gains.投机性投资公司:使用高风险方法的投资公司,比如借钱倒卖紧俏物资,借以牟取超额利润美国传统〔high-pressure〕I refuse to be intimidated by high-pressure sales techniques.我不会受强行推销术胁迫买东西。剑桥高阶〔hip〕Teresa is hip to all the latest cosmetic techniques.特雷莎对所有的最新化妆技巧了如指掌。外研社新世纪〔hypnoanalysis〕The use of hypnosis in conjunction with psychoanalytic techniques.催眠分析:和心理分析技巧相结合的催眠术的使用美国传统〔illusionism〕The use of illusionary techniques and devices in art or decoration.错觉艺术手法:在美术和装饰中使用的造成幻觉效果的技术或方法美国传统〔immunofluorescence〕Any of various techniques that use antibodies chemically linked to a fluorescent dye to identify or quantify antigens in a tissue sample.抗体荧光染色:使用与荧光染色结合的化学抗体确认或定量在组织样品中的抗原的技术美国传统〔improve〕Our techniques are already far advanced and being improved on daily.我们的技术已远远领先,而且正日臻完美。英汉大词典〔increasingly〕Marketing techniques are becoming increasingly sophisticated.市场营销技巧越来越先进。朗文当代〔instruction〕Students were given little instruction on the techniques of taking notes.学生们很少受到记笔记技巧方面的指导。麦克米伦高阶〔instruct〕He instructed family members in nursing techniques.他教给家人护理技巧。外研社新世纪〔instruct〕He instructed family members in nursing techniques.他教给家人护理技巧。柯林斯高阶〔integrate〕The new techniques had to integrate with existing conventional software.新技术必须与现有的传统软件兼容。麦克米伦高阶〔isolate〕Genetic engineering techniques can isolate the gene that is responsible.基因工程技术可以离析出相关的基因。外研社新世纪〔isolate〕We can use genetic engineering techniques to isolate the gene that is responsible.我们可以使用基因工程技术把相关基因分离出来。柯林斯高阶〔jazz dance〕Any of various dances characterized by the use of improvisation and influenced by rhythms and techniques of jazz music.爵士舞:任何不同种类的舞蹈其特征为使用即兴演奏并受爵士乐的旋律及技巧所影响美国传统〔labour-intensive〕A lot of farming techniques have been abandoned because they were too labour-intensive.很多耕作方式因其劳动过于密集而被淘汰。剑桥高阶〔lean production〕Japanese-style lean production techniques.日式精益生产的技术柯林斯高阶〔limitation〕His research demonstrated the limitations of intelligence testing techniques.他的研究证明了智力测试方法的缺陷。麦克米伦高阶〔limit〕Most people limit themselves to a few techniques that work best for them.绝大部分人只掌握几种对自己最适用的技巧。麦克米伦高阶〔logic〕Apart from criminal investigation techniques, students learn forensic medicine, philosophy and logic.除罪案调查技巧外,学生们还要学习法医学、哲学和逻辑学。柯林斯高阶〔look〕I think it's time to take a fresh look at our sales techniques.我想现在该是重新审视一下我们的销售技巧的时候了。牛津搭配〔mass production〕The manufacture of goods in large quantities, often using standardized designs and assembly-line techniques.大规模生产,大量货物的生产:常指使用标准化设计或流水作业技术进行的大批量生产美国传统〔mass-produce〕To manufacture in large quantities often by or as if by assembly-line techniques.大批量生产制造,大规模生产制造:指通常用或象用流水作业的技术大批量生产制造美国传统〔meditation〕Techniques of deep meditation help people under stress.冥想法有助于缓解压力。牛津搭配〔meditative〕Yogis trained in Eastern meditative techniques can change their heart rate.经过东方冥想训练的瑜伽修行者能改变自己的心率。外研社新世纪〔midwifery〕The techniques and practice of a midwife.助产学,产科学:助产士的技术及工作美国传统〔modern〕These techniques are not used in modern medicine.这些技术在现代医学中已不再使用。麦克米伦高阶〔mutation〕Mutations were introduced in the region using various techniques.人们运用各种技术把变种引入这个地区。牛津搭配〔numerical analysis〕The study of approximation techniques for solving mathematical problems, taking into account the extent of possible errors.数值分析:用近似值技巧解决数学问题的研究,并考虑可能错误的范围美国传统〔oceanographer〕The latest techniques in oceanography are now available to many more scientists.更多的科学家现在能够接触到海洋学的最新技术。柯林斯高阶〔operation〕Cheaper energy conservation techniques have been put into operation in the developed world.更经济的节能技术在发达国家已经投入使用。柯林斯高阶〔operation〕Cheaper energy-conservation techniques have been put into operation in the developed world.更经济的节能技术已经在发达国家投入使用。外研社新世纪〔optimization〕The procedure or procedures used to make a system or design as effective or functional as possible, especially the mathematical techniques involved.最佳化:使一个系统或一项设计尽可能有效或有用的方法或步骤,尤指包含有复杂的数学技术美国传统〔overhaul〕It did need to overhaul techniques.那的确需要革新技术。21世纪英汉〔overhaul〕The company needs to overhaul its techniques and methods.那家公司需要彻底革新技术和方法。英汉大词典〔pace〕Training techniques had not kept pace with the times.训练技术没有与时俱进。外研社新世纪〔paragon〕The company is a paragon of modern manufacturing techniques.这家公司是现代制造技术的典范。韦氏高阶〔parajournalism〕Subjective journalism that uses some of the techniques or license of fiction.非常规新闻写作:运用了一些小说的写作技巧和原则的主观性很强的新闻作品美国传统〔perfect〕I removed the fibroid tumours, using the techniques that I have perfected.我用完善后的技术摘掉了纤维瘤。柯林斯高阶〔performance〕The new management techniques aim to improve performance.新的管理技术旨在提高效率。牛津高阶〔pitch〕Expertise in these techniques was already at a high pitch.对这些技术的掌握已经达到了很高的水准。麦克米伦高阶〔pop art〕A form of art that depicts objects or scenes from everyday life and employs techniques of commercial art and popular illustration.通俗艺术:以商业艺术及通俗插图艺术之技巧来描绘来自日常生活的物体或景观的一种艺术形式美国传统〔present〕These two techniques are presented for illustration only.这两项技术仅供举例说明。牛津搭配〔principle〕In principle, there is no reason why the same cloning techniques should not work on human cells.从理论上讲,把相同的克隆技术运用在人体细胞上未尝不可。麦克米伦高阶〔proof〕The fortress was proof against the techniques of attack then in use.堡垒能抵御当时所使用的各种进攻手段。外研社新世纪〔proof〕The fortress was proof against the techniques of attack then in use.该防御工事能抵御当时所使用的各种进攻手段。柯林斯高阶〔realism〕The director used handheld camera techniques to add to the gritty realism of the film.导演运用了手提式摄像机实拍手法,增加了影片的真实感。剑桥高阶〔realization〕Various textile techniques will be explored to realise design possibilities.将尝试和探索纺织技巧来把这些设计变为现实。柯林斯高阶〔recognition〕There is general recognition that the study techniques of many students are weak.人们普遍认识到很多学生学习技能薄弱。朗文当代〔refine〕Modern medical techniques refine on those of the past.现代医疗技术比过去的医疗技术要优越。英汉大词典〔refine〕Surgical techniques are constantly being refined.外科手术的技术不断得到完善。外研社新世纪〔refine〕Surgical techniques are constantly being refined.外科手术的技术不断得到完善。柯林斯高阶〔refresher〕I went on a refresher course on new techniques in design to bring myself up to date.我参加了新设计技巧进修课程,以使自己跟上最新形势。剑桥高阶〔relaxation〕Relaxation techniques are taught in hospitals in order to help all sorts of conditions.医院里教人学习放松技巧以应对各种各样的病情。柯林斯高阶〔reliance〕They believe that modern farming techniques encourage an excessive reliance on harmful chemicals.他们认为现代农业技术鼓励过多使用有害的化学物质。牛津搭配〔repertoire〕We teach the full repertoire of programming techniques.我们教授全套的编程技巧。麦克米伦高阶〔requisite〕An understanding of accounting techniques is a major requisite for the work of the analysts.懂得会计知识是从事分析员工作的一个必要条件。柯林斯高阶〔result in〕Such techniques could result in disastrous ecological changes.这样一些技术可能导致灾难性生态变化。外研社新世纪〔revolutionize〕These time-saving techniques could revolutionize your working life.这些节省时间的技术可使你的职业生涯发生根本变化。英汉大词典〔revolve〕The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques.这场争论的焦点是具体的会计技术。柯林斯高阶〔ring〕He demonstrated his techniques for ringing birds.他演示了给鸟系脚环的技巧。外研社新世纪〔rock climbing〕The sport or activity of climbing sheer rock faces, especially by means of specialized techniques and equipment.攀岩:攀登陡峭岩面的运动或活动,尤指借助专业技巧和装备美国传统〔rocket sled〕A rocket-propelled sled that travels along rails and is used to study acceleration, deceleration, and crash survival techniques.火箭滑车,火箭滑橇:一种用于研究加速、减速及摔机保全技术的由火箭发动机推动而在轨道上滑跑的滑车美国传统〔scientism〕The application of quasi-scientific techniques or justifications to unsuitable subjects or topics.唯科学主义:准科学技术或理由被用于不合适的主题或题目美国传统〔smith〕Ancient smiths developed the techniques needed to make metal tools.古代铁匠开发出制作金属工具的技术。韦氏高阶〔solid〕The drama course gives students a solid grounding in the basic techniques of acting.戏剧课为学生们的表演基本功打下了扎实的基础。剑桥高阶〔stagecraft〕Skill in the techniques and devices of the theater.舞台技术,演出技术:在剧院技术或装置方面的技巧美国传统〔steal〕The advancement of concrete building techniques stole much of the market from the limestone industry.混凝土建筑技术的发展夺走了石灰工业的大片市场。英汉大词典〔stick〕I tended to stick to tried and tested techniques.我倾向于相信经实验证明可行的技术。牛津搭配〔stress management〕The treatment for people addicted to tranquillizers includes training in stress management and relaxation techniques.对镇静药成瘾的人的治疗方法,包括培训压力管理和放松技术。剑桥高阶〔stress〕The class teaches some basic techniques of stress management.压力调控麦克米伦高阶〔stress〕There are techniques that can help to reduce stress.有一些技巧能帮助缓解压力。外研社新世纪〔stroke〕You can use these techniques to improve your golf stroke.你可以用这些技巧来提高你的高尔夫球技。外研社新世纪〔structuralist〕There are two main structuralist techniques incorporated into critical social research.批判性社会研究中融入了两种主要的结构主义分析技巧。柯林斯高阶〔technique〕In mathematics, we use many techniques of problem-solving.在数学中,我们使用许多不同的解题方法。朗文当代〔technique〕Modern freezing techniques enable the chickens to be stored for weeks.现代冷冻技术可以使鸡肉储存数星期。牛津搭配〔technique〕The artist combines different techniques in the same painting.这位艺术家在同一幅画中把不同的画法结合在一起。牛津高阶〔technique〕There are various techniques for dealing with industrial pollution.处理工业污染有很多不同的技术。朗文当代〔technique〕They employ the latest techniques in farm management.他们采用最新的技术管理农场。牛津搭配〔technique〕We learned some techniques for relieving stress.我们学会了一些减压的技巧。韦氏高阶〔thermoluminescence〕Such new techniques as thermoluminescence are employed in the dating of pottery.诸如热发光之类的新技术被用于测定陶器的年代。英汉大词典〔thrust〕The main thrust of robot research in the '80s has been towards improving vision techniques.80年代机器人研究的主要方向已是改进视觉技术。英汉大词典〔time-tested〕The school uses old, time-tested techniques for teaching children to read.该校采用久经检验、行之有效的技巧来教授孩子们阅读。剑桥高阶〔time-worn〕These time-worn techniques are often very effective approaches to the illnesses of the present day.这些古老的疗法在治疗当今的疾病时往往非常有效。柯林斯高阶〔trial〕These techniques were trialled by teachers in 300 schools.这些方法经过了 300 所学校的老师的试用。朗文当代〔trickle feed〕Trickle-feed techniques allow continuous update of the data.滴流馈给技术允许连续更新数据。剑桥高阶〔trick〕It's all done using trick photography(= photography that uses clever techniques to show things that do not actually exist or are impossible).这都是利用特技摄影产生的假象。牛津高阶〔umbrella〕The umbrella term ‘computer-aided design' includes a wide range of different techniques.“计算机辅助设计”这一总称包括许多不同的技术。麦克米伦高阶〔urban dance〕Any of various dances influenced by the rhythms and techniques of funk and hip-hop music.街舞:受到乡土音乐和街舞音乐的韵律和技巧影响的多种舞蹈中的任何一种美国传统〔utilization〕Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings.音响师运用一系列技术来提高录音质量。柯林斯高阶〔vary〕New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success.引进新技术的成功程度不尽相同。牛津高阶〔viral marketing〕You can reach more potential customers by using viral marketing techniques.你们可以利用病毒行销方式获得更多潜在客户。朗文当代〔war〕The techniques and procedures of war; military science.军事学:战争的技巧或程序;军事科学美国传统Techniques were developed to hook many transistors into chips. 将许多电晶体联结到晶片上的技术已发展成了。译典通As a boy he was taught the techniques of carving (=the art of making patterns in, or objects from, esp. wood or stone) by his father.当他是个孩子时,他父亲教他雕刻的技巧。剑桥国际I went on a refresher course on new techniques in design to bring myself up to date.我去上新设计技术的进修课以使自己跟上潮流。剑桥国际Manufacturing techniques took centre stage at the conference.制造技术成了会议的中心议题。牛津商务Modern orthodontic techniques can have a dramatic effect on children's long-term dental health and facial appearance.现代的正牙技术会对孩子长期的牙齿健康和脸部长相起到巨大的作用。剑桥国际Modern surgical techniques require dexterity, not brute strength.现代的外科手术需要的是灵敏,而不是蛮力。剑桥国际Rembrandt House displays the range of techniques used in engraving.伦勃朗展览馆展现雕刻艺术中使用的各种技巧。剑桥国际She taught herself the techniques of narrative and dialogue. 她自学了叙事和对话的技巧。译典通She uses bias-cutting techniques to give the clothes grace and fluidity.她利用斜裁技术使衣服产生美感和飘逸感。剑桥国际Stress-management techniques such as biofeedback, massage therapy and self-hypnosis have been used with some success.压力调整放松法的运用,比如生物反馈法、按摩理疗法和自我催眠法,已经取得一些成功。剑桥国际The computer program uses statistical techniques to graph different financial scenarios.计算机程序使用统计技术图示不同的财务状况。牛津商务The drama course gives students a solid grounding in the basic techniques of acting.戏剧课为学生的基本表演技术打下了扎实的基础。剑桥国际The group are studying how men and women use different negotiation techniques.这个小组正在研究男女是如何使用不同谈判技巧的。牛津商务The high-pressure sales techniques used for selling financial services such as life insurance have been strongly criticized in a new report.在新的报告中,那种使用强行推销方式的金融服务,如人身保险,受到了强烈批评。剑桥国际The latest nose reshaping techniques allow treatment to be carried out internally, thus avoiding any possibility of external marks.最新的鼻子整形术可以在体内进行,因此避免了在外面留下痕迹的可能性。剑桥国际The new management techniques aim to improve performance.新管理技巧旨在提高业绩。牛津商务The treatment for people addicted to tranquillizers includes training in stress management and relaxation techniques.对镇定剂上瘾者的治疗方法包括压力疏解和放松的训练。剑桥国际The young film-makers were given free rein to experiment with new themes and techniques.年轻的电影制作人被允许自由去实验新的主题和手法。剑桥国际Their production techniques are positively antediluvian by modern standards.按现代标准来看,他们的生产技术确实是太陈旧了。剑桥国际They have done their utmost to learn the techniques of production. 他们尽了最大努力去学习生产技术。译典通They need to learn modern management techniques. 他们还得学习现代管理技术。译典通They run a two-day workshop on marketing techniques.他们开设有为期两天的营销技巧研讨会。牛津商务

