
单词 大字标题
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔banner〕A headline spanning the width of a newspaper page.报纸的通栏大字标题美国传统〔banner〕China Daily bannered the news that the American president would visit China.《中国日报》头版以通栏大字标题发表美国总统将访华的消息。21世纪英汉〔banner〕To give a banner headline to (a story or an item) in a newspaper.以通栏大字标题在报纸上发表(某个故事或某条消息)美国传统〔blare〕Headlines blared his defeat.报刊以大字标题醒目地发表了他失败的消息。英汉大词典〔blare〕Headlines blared the Watergate.报刊以大字标题渲染水门丑闻。21世纪英汉〔blaze〕The news was blazed in headline of the newspaper.这家报纸把那条消息以大字标题宣扬出去。21世纪英汉〔headline〕She only had time to scan the headlines before she had to rush out the door.她在不得不冲出门之前,仅来得及浏览报纸的大字标题韦氏高阶〔headline〕The Daily Mail has the headline 'The Voice of Conscience'.《每日邮报》的大字标题是“良心的声音”。外研社新世纪〔headline〕The story of his arrest appeared beneath the headline “Caught!” 报纸在大字标题“落网啦!”下面刊出了他被捕的详情。韦氏高阶〔headline〕The title or caption of a newspaper article, usually set in large type.大字标题:通常用大号铅字排印的新闻报道的标题或题目美国传统〔headline〕These catchwords are headlined in the newspapers.这些时髦词语出现在报纸的大字标题中。英汉大词典〔headline〕To supply (a page or passage) with a headline.给(书页或文章)加印大字标题美国传统〔seize on/upon sth〕The story was seized on by the tabloid press, who printed it under huge headlines.那件事被小报揪住不放,并用大字标题刊载。剑桥高阶〔shock-horror〕The media is full of shock-horror headlines about under-age crime.媒体上充斥着关于未成年人犯罪的耸人听闻的大字标题外研社新世纪〔subheading〕The newspaper headline read “House burns down on Elm Street” with the subheading “Arson suspected.” 报纸的大字标题是“榆树街房子被烧毁”,副标题是“疑似人为纵火”。韦氏高阶〔trade-off〕The newspaper's headline indicates that there was a trade-off at the summit.报纸的大字标题表明峰会上大家作出了妥协。柯林斯高阶The story was seized on by the tabloid press who printed it under huge headlines.该条新闻被小报大肆渲染,将其用大字标题登载。剑桥国际

