
单词 strap
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACH〕One of the straps was pinned in place with two safety pins. 其中一根带子用两个安全别针别好。朗文写作活用〔HOLD〕People stood hanging on to the overhead straps of the swaying subway car. 人们站在摇摇晃晃的地铁车厢里,紧紧地抓着头顶上的拉手。朗文写作活用〔Mary Janes〕A trademark used for patent leather shoes for girls, usually having a low heel and a single strap that fastens at the side.玛丽·简女鞋:商标名,一种女孩穿的低跟皮鞋,鞋边有一根搭扣带美国传统〔RUB〕These days rucksacks are made with specially padded straps so that they do not rub against the shoulders. 如今背包的背带有特别衬垫,这样就不会擦痛肩膀。朗文写作活用〔Sam Browne belt〕A belt having a shoulder strap that runs diagonally across the chest, worn as part of a military or police uniform.山姆·布朗腰带,武装带:一种肩带胸前交叉的腰带,作为军队或欧洲警察制服的一部分美国传统〔TIGHT〕If the straps aren't tight enough, the saddle can slip. 如果带子不够紧,马鞍会滑下来。朗文写作活用〔TOUCH〕She fiddled nervously with her watch strap. 她紧张地拨弄着表带。朗文写作活用〔adjustable〕Is the strap on this helmet adjustable? 这顶头盔的扣带可以调节吗?剑桥高阶〔adjustable〕The straps are fully adjustable to fit any size.这些带子可以根据大小随意调整。牛津搭配〔adjustable〕The bag has an adjustable shoulder strap.这个包的肩带可以调整。外研社新世纪〔adjustable〕The bags have adjustable shoulder straps.这些包的肩带可以调整。柯林斯高阶〔adjust〕She stopped to adjust the strap on her sandal.她停下来整了整凉鞋上的搭扣带。麦克米伦高阶〔adrift〕One of the straps on her dress came adrift.她连衣裙上的一根带子脱落了。韦氏高阶〔backpack〕It's a frame backpack with a belt and padded shoulder straps.这是一款带有支架的背包,配有可束在腰间的带子,肩带衬了软垫。剑桥高阶〔barb〕The leather strap was studded with sharp metal barbs.皮带上镶有尖尖的金属刺。外研社新世纪〔becket〕A device, such as a looped rope, hook and eye, strap, or grommet, used to hold or fasten loose ropes, spars, or oars in position.环索:一种类似于绳圈、钩子和线圈、皮带或金属索眼的装置,用于把松了的绳索、桅杆或桨保持或紧固在其位置上美国传统〔billet〕A loop or pocket for securing the end of a buckled harness strap.为弄紧紧扣的皮带末端的环或口袋美国传统〔billet〕The part of a harness strap that passes through a buckle.扣环的皮带:穿过皮带扣环的皮带的一部分美国传统〔blackjack〕A leather-covered bludgeon with a short, flexible shaft or strap, used as a hand weapon.包皮铅头棍棒:包皮铅头的棍棒,带有短而可活动的棍柄和扣带,作为手中武器使用美国传统〔bother〕The camera strap bothers my shoulder.相机带子勒得我肩膀疼。韦氏高阶〔breeching〕The strap of a harness that passes behind a draft animal's haunches.(役畜的)尻带:穿过役畜后腿的鞍具的带子美国传统〔buckle〕A clasp for fastening two ends, as of straps or a belt, in which a device attached to one of the ends is fitted or coupled to the other.搭扣,搭钩,扣子:用来扣住皮带的两端美国传统〔buckle〕Buckle the strap tighter.把皮带扣得更紧些。21世纪英汉〔cane〕The boys would be beaten by staff members across their buttocks with a strap or a cane.男孩子会被教职工用皮带或者笞杖打屁股。外研社新世纪〔car seat〕A small removable seat, usually equipped with safety straps, that fastens to the seat of a vehicle and is used for securing young children.可移动的小座位:一种可移动的小座位,通常配备有拴在车座上用以确保小孩安全的安全带美国传统〔catch〕She tried to stand up, but her foot was caught in the strap.她努力想站起身来,但一只脚被鞋襻儿绊住了。韦氏高阶〔cestus〕A covering for the hand made of leather straps weighted with iron or lead and worn by boxers in ancient Rome.古罗马拳击手套:古罗马拳击手戴的用皮条编制、常装有铁或铅块的手套美国传统〔chafe〕The straps of the backpack were beginning to chafe.背包的带子开始磨人。麦克米伦高阶〔chafe〕The baby's skin will chafe if the strap is too tight.如果带子太紧,婴儿的皮肤会被磨伤。韦氏高阶〔chafe〕When the strap is too tight, it chafes the baby's skin.带子太紧会擦伤婴儿的皮肤。韦氏高阶〔chin〕Fasten the chin strap or the helmet will fall off.把颏带系牢,不然头盔会掉下来。牛津搭配〔chin〕To keep the helmet in position, fasten the strap beneath the chin.将带子在颏下系紧以固定好头盔。剑桥高阶〔cross〕The straps cross over at the back and are tied at the waist.带子在背后交叉,然后系在腰部。牛津高阶〔crupper〕A leather strap looped under a horse's tail and attached to a harness or saddle to keep it from slipping forward.牵鞍兜带:穿过马尾下面的一皮革圈套,用来扣紧马具或马鞍以防止它向前滑动美国传统〔curb〕A chain or strap that passes under a horse's lower jaw and serves in conjunction with the bit to restrain the horse.马勒,马衔索:一条穿过马下颚的绳子或皮带,与马衔铁连接用来控制马美国传统〔down〕They had to strap the patient down to his bed.他们只得把病人绑在床上。韦氏高阶〔entangle〕She tried to get up, but her foot was entangled in the strap.她想站起来,但是脚被带子缠住了。韦氏高阶〔epaulet〕A shoulder ornament, especially a fringed strap worn on military uniforms.肩章:肩上的装饰物,尤为军服上有流苏的肩带美国传统〔fasten〕The straps fasten with Velcro.背带是用尼龙搭扣扣紧的。外研社新世纪〔fasten〕There were no instructions on how to fasten the carrying strap to the box.没有如何将背带系在盒子上的说明。柯林斯高阶〔feedbag〕He's always ready to strap on the feedbag when it's time for dinner.他总是一到饭点就急着要吃饭。韦氏高阶〔fit〕The shoe has a special strap to ensure a good fit.为了保证合脚,这种鞋特别配有一个搭扣。牛津搭配〔fret〕Constant use had fretted the sandal strap to the breaking point.凉鞋由于经常穿,鞋带快磨断了。21世纪英汉〔fret〕Constant use has fretted the sandal strap to the breaking point.由于经常穿,凉鞋带快磨断了。英汉大词典〔gall〕The rough strap galled the horse's skin.粗糙的皮带磨伤了马的皮肤。21世纪英汉〔garter〕A suspender strap with a fastener attached to a girdle or belt to hold up a woman's stocking.吊袜带:有系结物的一种吊带,连于腰带之上用来撑起女子的长统袜美国传统〔gasket〕Nautical A cord or canvas strap used to secure a furled sail to a yard boom or gaff.【航海】 束帆索:一种绳子或帆布带,用来把一个卷叠的帆置于一横木或斜桁上美国传统〔genuine〕The strap is genuine leather.这带子是真皮的。朗文当代〔girth〕A strap encircling an animal's body in order to secure a load or saddle on its back; a cinch.肚带:围在动物身上的带子以稳固它背上的负荷或马鞍;肚带美国传统〔glow〕The strap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark.皮带面上有一层荧光在黑暗中微微发光。牛津高阶〔half hitch〕A knot or hitch made by looping a rope or strap around an object and then back around itself, bringing the end of the rope through the loop.半挽结:一种绳结或缠结,用绳或带子绕过物体,再绕过这个绳圈,把绳的末端穿过绳圈美国传统〔halter〕A device made of rope or leather straps that fits around the head or neck of an animal and is used to lead or secure the animal.缰绳:用绳子或皮带条制的器具,套在动物的头或颈上以用来驱赶或驯服它美国传统〔hanger〕A loop or strap by which something is hung.悬挂工具:悬挂某物的箍或带子美国传统〔harness〕Something resembling such gear or tackle, as the arrangement of straps used to hold a parachute to the body.降落伞的皮带:如那些将降落伞系于身体的与马具或绳具相似的工具美国传统〔hobble〕A device, such as a rope or strap, used to hobble an animal.绳或皮带等用于缚住动物的装置美国传统〔holdback〕A strap or an iron between the shaft and the harness on a drawn wagon, allowing the horse to stop or back up.马车上辕和挽具之间用来控制马停或后退的皮套或铁板美国传统〔hook on〕They’re equipped with a strap that can be hooked on to your purse, backpack or belt for safe keeping.它们配有一条带子, 可挂在钱包、背包或腰带上以备保管。外研社新世纪〔irritation〕The strap had rubbed against his skin and caused irritation.皮带擦伤了他的皮肤引起了发炎。剑桥高阶〔jess〕A short strap fastened around the leg of a hawk or other bird used in falconry, to which a leash may be fastened.皮带扣:一种扣在鹰或其它鸟类腿上用于猎鹰训练的短皮带扣,用它可以扣紧皮带美国传统〔knapsack〕A bag made of sturdy material and furnished with shoulder straps, designed for carrying articles such as camping supplies on the back.背包:由结实的材料制成的有肩背带的背包,用于背如野营用品等物品美国传统〔latchet〕A leather thong or strap used to fasten a shoe or sandal on the foot.鞋带:用于把鞋或拖鞋系在脚上的皮制带子美国传统〔leash〕A chain, rope, or strap attached to the collar or harness of an animal, especially a dog, and used to lead it or hold it in check.皮带:一条系在一动物(尤指狗)项圈或头具上的链子、绳索或皮条,用于牵拉或控制美国传统〔leather〕Any of various articles or parts made of dressed or tanned hide, such as a boot or strap.皮制品:任一种由压平上光或鞣制过的皮制成的物品或部件美国传统〔leather〕Informal To beat with a strap made of hide.【非正式用语】 鞭打:用皮革制造的带子抽打美国传统〔loop〕He looped the strap over his shoulder.他把带子绕了一个圈挎在肩上。牛津高阶〔loose〕He loosed the straps that bound her arms.他松开了绑在她手臂上的带子。牛津高阶〔martingale〕A loose half belt or strap placed on the back of a garment, such as a coat or jacket.衣服(大衣、夹克)后面的松垂的半条腰带或带子美国传统〔martingale〕The strap of a horse's harness that connects the girth to the noseband and is designed to prevent the horse from throwing back its head.马颔缰:一种马具,连接马的肚带和鼻羁的绳带,用以防止马向后甩头美国传统〔may〕The bag has narrow straps, so it may be worn over the shoulder or carried in the hand.这个包配有细带子,可以肩挎,也可以手拎。柯林斯高阶〔mule〕A slipper that has no counter or strap to fit around the heel.拖鞋:脚跟处没有后帮或扳扣的拖鞋美国传统〔musette bag〕A small canvas or leather bag with a shoulder strap, as one used by soldiers or travelers.小行囊:就像士兵或者徒步旅行者使用的有背带的帆布袋或皮制小包美国传统〔nuisance〕This broken strap is a real nuisance.这条断带子真让人讨厌。外研社新世纪〔pad〕The shoulder straps are padded with foam.肩带加了泡沫塑料衬垫。牛津搭配〔pandy〕Chiefly British To strike on the open palm of the hand with a cane or strap for punishment at school.【多用于英国】 打手心:以藤条或皮条打手心的学校处罚美国传统〔paraphernalia〕Mountain climbing paraphernalia include(s) ropes, straps and climbing shoes.登山装备包括绳、带和登山鞋。英汉大词典〔pierce〕I need to pierce a new hole in my watch strap.我需要在我的表带上新穿一个洞。外研社新世纪〔pitch off〕A strap buckled his chest as a precaution against pitching off the bed.一条带子用搭扣扣在他的胸部, 以防他从床上掉下。外研社新世纪〔play with〕She stared at the floor, idly playing with the strap of her handbag.她盯着地板, 无所事事地摆弄着她手提包的带子。外研社新世纪〔play〕She stared at the floor, idly playing with the strap of her handbag.她眼睛盯着地板,漫不经心地摆弄着手提包的带子。柯林斯高阶〔rein〕Often reins A long, narrow leather strap attached to each end of the bit of a bridle and used by a rider or driver to control a horse or other animal. 常作 reins 缰绳:附在马勒的马嚼子两端的长而细的皮绳,骑者或者车夫用来控制马匹或其他动物美国传统〔release〕He released his shoulder from the leather straps by which he had pulled the cart.他把拉车用的皮带套从肩膀上卸下。英汉大词典〔roof〕We can probably strap the cases to the roof of her car.我们也许可以把箱子捆在她的车顶上。朗文当代〔safety belt〕A strap or belt worn as a safety precaution by a person working at great heights.安全带:高空作业的人所佩带的作为安全预防措施的带子或腰带美国传统〔sandal〕A strap or band for fastening a low shoe or slipper on the foot.鞋袢:浅帮鞋或拖鞋的搭扣带或鞋带美国传统〔sandal〕A low-cut shoe fastened to the foot by an ankle strap.便鞋:浅帮的用踝部扣带系于脚上的鞋美国传统〔sandal〕A shoe consisting of a sole fastened to the foot by thongs or straps.凉鞋:用皮带或皮条绑缚于脚上的鞋美国传统〔satchel〕A small bag, often having a shoulder strap, used for carrying books or clothing.小背包:一种用来装书或衣物小包,通常有肩带美国传统〔securely〕He helped her close the cases up, and then he secured the canvas straps as tight as they would go.他帮她关上箱子,然后将帆布带子尽量系紧。柯林斯高阶〔shoulder bag〕An often large handbag carried by a strap that is looped over the shoulder.背包式手提包:一种通常由一可环套在肩膀上的皮带携带的较大的手提包美国传统〔shoulder strap〕A strap worn across the shoulder to support an item, such as a bag.背带:从肩头跨过的支持一物体的带子,如书包美国传统〔shoulder strap〕A strap, usually one of a pair, supporting a garment from the shoulder.背带:通常指从肩部支撑衣服的一对带子中的一根美国传统〔ski pole〕A lightweight pole with a handgrip, sometimes a wrist strap, and a sharp point encircled slightly above by a disk, used in pairs by snow skiers.滑雪杖:一种带有把手,有时是一个拳头套,以及被一个圆盘轻微围绕尖点的重量很轻的杖,成对地被滑雪者们使用美国传统〔slide〕The strap of her dress kept sliding down/off.她连衣裙的带子总是滑落。韦氏高阶〔slingback〕A shoe with a strap that wraps around the back of the heel.露跟女鞋:脚后跟用皮带系住的鞋子美国传统〔slingshot〕A Y-shaped stick having an elastic strap attached to the prongs, used for flinging small stones.弹弓:一种Y形的棍子,其叉子上系有一根有弹性的带子,用于投掷小石块美国传统〔sling〕A strap of a shoe that fits over the heel.鞋带:装于脚跟处的鞋带美国传统〔sling〕A strap used to carry a rifle over the shoulder.背带:用来背枪的带子美国传统〔sling〕A weapon consisting of a looped strap in which a stone is whirled and then let fly.投石器:一种武器,有一根环状的带子,其中放有一块石头,抡开后让石头飞出去美国传统〔slipdress〕A sleeveless dress with narrow shoulder straps, usually made from thin silky material.细带连衣裙:窄肩带的无袖连衣裙,通常用丝绸制成美国传统〔slip〕A woman's undergarment of dress length, suspended from shoulder straps.女用连身衬衣:妇女穿的内衣,长度及一条裙子,从肩部的带子垂下美国传统〔slip〕Tighten the straps so they won't slip off your shoulders.系紧带子,这样它们才不会从你的肩上滑下来。麦克米伦高阶〔spat〕A cloth or leather gaiter covering the shoe upper and the ankle and fastening under the shoe with a strap. Often used in the plural.鞋罩:布质的或皮质的覆盖鞋面和脚踝的鞋罩,它在鞋底用一根带子系紧。常用复数形式美国传统〔squirm〕He squirmed out of the straps of his backpack.他扭动身体,挣开背包的肩带。柯林斯高阶〔squirm〕He squirmed out of the straps of his backpack.他挣脱了背包的肩带。外研社新世纪〔store away〕The straps on the rucksack store away neatly.帆布背包的背带可以很整齐地收起来。外研社新世纪〔strain〕Tommy was straining against the straps of his car seat.汤米用劲绷紧他车座上的安全带。麦克米伦高阶〔strangle〕He was almost strangled by his parachute harness straps.他差点被自己的降落伞吊带勒死。外研社新世纪〔strangle〕He was almost strangled by his parachute harness straps.他差点被自己的降落伞吊带勒死。柯林斯高阶〔strap ... in〕Strap in, please,the plane's going to take off.请系紧安全带,飞机就要起飞了。21世纪英汉〔strap down〕She was squirming so violently they had to strap her down.她剧烈扭动身体, 他们不得不把她绑起来。外研社新世纪〔strap on〕Strap on your seat belt and sit back.系上安全带, 身体靠后坐好。外研社新世纪〔strap on〕Why not strap on a colourful watch?为什么不戴一块色彩鲜艳的手表呢?外研社新世纪〔strap up〕We will strap him up.我们会给他包扎伤口。外研社新世纪〔straphanger〕One who grips a hanging strap or similar device for support while riding as a passenger on a bus or subway.站客:在公共汽车上或地铁里乘车时拉着吊带相似的支持物站立着的人美国传统〔strapless〕A garment having no strap or straps.无带装:没有带的衣服美国传统〔strapless〕Having no strap or straps, as a dress or an undergarment.无带的:(衣服或内衣)没有带的美国传统〔strapping〕Straps considered as a group.系带的总称美国传统〔strapping〕Material for making straps.用来制带的材料美国传统〔strap〕Strap the bike on the back of the car.将自行车绑在汽车后面。外研社新世纪〔strap〕Strap yourselves in.系好安全带。英汉大词典〔strap〕Brian pulled the straps through the buckles of his suitcase.布赖恩将带子穿过自己手提箱的带扣。柯林斯高阶〔strap〕Brian pulled the straps through the buckles of his suitcase.布赖恩把带子穿过手提箱的搭扣进行捆绑。外研社新世纪〔strap〕Could you help me fasten this strap around my suitcase? 你能帮我用这条带子把手提箱系紧吗?剑桥高阶〔strap〕Fasten the straps round the case.用带子把箱子捆牢。英汉大词典〔strap〕He clipped on his safety strap.他扣上了安全带。牛津搭配〔strap〕He gave us both the strap.他把我们两人都鞭打了一顿。英汉大词典〔strap〕He unbuckled the strap and lifted the lid.他解开带子后揭开了盖子。麦克米伦高阶〔strap〕His binoculars were on a strap around his neck.他的望远镜用带子挂在脖子上。牛津搭配〔strap〕I really only started to hit my straps when I moved three years ago.我三年前调走时才真正开始进入巅峰状态。外研社新世纪〔strap〕I undid my watch strap.我解开了表带。柯林斯高阶〔strap〕I unstrapped the straps, and opened the case.我解开箱带,打开箱子。英汉大词典〔strap〕She had a wide leather strap around her wrist.她手腕上系了一条宽皮带。牛津搭配〔strap〕She pulled the strap of her nightgown onto her shoulder.她将自己睡袍的吊带拉到肩膀上。柯林斯高阶〔strap〕Snug as a foot in a shoe, the pilot straps into his sailplane.飞行员像伸足入履一样舒适地缚在滑翔机中。英汉大词典〔strap〕The strap of my bag is broken.我包上的带子断了。朗文当代〔strap〕The bag comes with a removable shoulder strap.这只包配有可拆卸的肩带。牛津搭配〔strap〕The bag was hanging on the chair by its strap.这个包挂在椅子上。麦克米伦高阶〔strap〕The camera was fitted with a strap.这部照相机装有一条挂绳。牛津搭配〔strap〕Through the basement window I saw him strap on his pink cycling helmet.透过地下室的窗户,我看到他正在把他那粉色的自行车头盔系在头上。柯林斯高阶〔strap〕To beat with a strap.鞭笞:用皮鞭抽打美国传统〔strap〕To fasten or secure with a strap.系住:用带系住…或固定住…美国传统〔strap〕You can strap the baby to your front or back and carry him with you.你可以将婴儿绑在胸前或背后带着走。外研社新世纪〔strop〕A strap, especially a short rope whose ends are spliced together to make a ring.皮带:尤指两头可系起形成环结的皮带美国传统〔suspender〕An often elastic strap worn over the shoulders to support trousers. Often used in the plural.背带:穿在肩膀上用以挂住裤子的可伸展的带子。常用复数形式美国传统〔swing〕Her purse swings from her shoulder on a long strap.长皮带的钱包从她肩上垂下。美国传统〔tangle〕The straps are all tangled up together.带子全缠在一起了。麦克米伦高阶〔tank suit〕A simply designed one-piece swimsuit with shoulder straps.连身泳装:一种用一块布料做成设计简单并带有肩带的泳装美国传统〔tank top〕A sleeveless, tight-fitting, usually knit shirt with wide shoulder straps and no front opening.紧身短背心:一种带有很宽的肩带而胸前没有开口的无袖紧身且通常编织而成的衬衣美国传统〔throatlatch〕A strap passing under the neck of a horse for holding a bridle or halter in place.喉勒:穿过马颈下用于固定马笼头或缰绳位置的皮带美国传统〔tighten〕Tighten the straps so they don't rub.把带子拉紧,这样它们就不会相互磨擦了。剑桥高阶〔toggle〕A pin, rod, or crosspiece fitted or inserted into a loop in a rope, chain, or strap to prevent slipping, to tighten, or to hold an attached object.连接:一种装入或插入绳子,链子或带子,在上面绕成一个环的钉子、杆或横档用于防止滑动或固定一个连接的物体美国传统〔trace〕One of two side straps or chains connecting a harnessed draft animal to a vehicle or whiffletree.挽绳:将套以挽具的牵引动物与一车辆或横杠连接起来的两条边带或链子中的一根美国传统〔trench coat〕A belted raincoat in a military style, having straps on the shoulders and deep pockets.胶布雨衣:一种有腰带的军式雨衣,肩头上有背带,并有很深的口袋美国传统〔tug〕A rope, chain, or strap used in hauling, especially a harness trace.绳索链条:尤指在马车赛中用的拖绳、拖链或拖带美国传统〔tumpline〕A strap slung across the forehead or the chest to support a load carried on the back.背带:一种吊带,套在额头上或胸前,用于背负重物美国传统〔unfasten〕He unfastened the straps on the cases.他解开了手提箱上的带子。外研社新世纪〔unitard〕A one-piece tight-fitting leotard and tights combination, sometimes with foot straps.强力全身紧身衣:一件上下连身的紧置紧身衣和紧身衣裤的结合,有时有脚带美国传统〔unstrap〕To loosen or remove a strap on or from.松开;取下:把…上的束带松开取下;从…上把束带松开或取下美国传统〔wearer〕The straps can be adjusted to suit the wearer.这些背带可进行调整以适合使用者。牛津高阶〔whip〕To punish or chastise by repeated striking with a strap or rod; flog.鞭笞抽打:用皮带或棍棒持续击打而惩罚或惩戒;鞭打美国传统〔whip〕To strike with repeated strokes, as with a strap or rod; lash.抽打:重复地抽打,如用皮带或棍子;鞭笞美国传统〔work〕The strap of one of her sandals had worked itself loose.她一只凉鞋的带子已经逐渐松了。麦克米伦高阶He shut the case and fastened the straps. 他关上箱子并系牢带子。译典通I got the shoes with the ankle straps.我买了双在脚踝处有搭扣的鞋。剑桥国际I need a new watch strap.我要根新表带。剑桥国际I want to buy a large rucksack with padded shoulder straps.我想买一个带衬垫背带的大帆布背包。剑桥国际Our teacher never used the strap. 我们的老师从不用皮条打学生。译典通She held onto a strap to steady herself. 她抓住拉手吊带以便站稳。译典通The barber sharpened his razor on a strap. 理发师在磨刀皮带上磨剃刀。译典通The rubbing of the strap against the skin had caused irritation.皮肤与皮带摩擦引起了疼痛。剑桥国际Tighten the straps so they don't rub.把皮带拉紧,别让它们打滑。剑桥国际To keep the safety helmet in position, fasten the strap beneath your chin.为把安全头盔固定好,把带子在你的下巴下系紧。剑桥国际We got the strap. 我们被鞭打了一顿。译典通

