
单词 名牌服装
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔designer〕He wears designer clothes and drives a Porsche.他穿着由著名设计师设计的名牌服装, 开着保时捷汽车。外研社新世纪〔glamour〕Designer clothes are not a passport to instant glamour.名牌服装并不能让你倾刻间身价倍增。朗文当代〔label〕He'll only wear clothes with a designer label.他只穿名牌服装牛津高阶〔mix up〕I like to mix up designer clothes.我喜欢将名牌服装混搭在一起穿。外研社新世纪〔mix up〕I like to mix up designer clothes.我喜欢把各种名牌服装混搭在一起。柯林斯高阶〔penchant〕I do have a penchant for designer clothes.我确实特别热衷名牌服装外研社新世纪〔pose〕It's the sort of place where people go to pose in their designer labels.这是那种人们都穿着名牌服装招摇过市的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔splash〕He splashed out hundreds of pounds on designer clothes.他花了几百英镑买名牌服装牛津高阶〔status symbol〕Among young people, this brand of designer clothing is the ultimate status symbol.在年轻人当中,这种名牌服装是最高的身份象征。剑桥高阶〔the grey market〕The store sells designer clothes and shoes sourced from the grey market.这家商店出售从灰色市场进货的名牌服装和鞋子。剑桥高阶〔turn sb's stomach〕The amount of money she spends on designer clothes really turns my stomach.她大把大把地花钱购买名牌服装,让我很反感。剑桥高阶〔unsuspecting〕Fake designer clothes are being sold to an unsuspecting public.有假冒的名牌服装正在向毫不知情的大众出售。朗文当代C2DE men have a fairly strong interest in designer clothing.社会中下层的男性对名牌服装兴趣浓厚。牛津商务Cheaply made goods were passed off as designer clothes.廉价商品被充作名牌服装牛津商务Customers no longer want to pay highly inflated prices for designer clothes.顾客不再愿意为名牌服装支付太高的价格。牛津商务It's a (big) fiddle-- people think they are getting designer clothes cheaply but they're just copies.这是个(大)骗局,人们以为他们便宜地买下了名牌服装,但那些只是仿制品。剑桥国际She has all the accoutrements of the successful businesswoman--large car, designer clothes and a beautiful house.她拥有成功的女实业家应有的一切装备----大型轿车、名牌服装及一所漂亮的房子。剑桥国际We sell name-brand clothing at great prices.我们低价出售名牌服装牛津商务

