
单词 价廉
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTENTION〕In spite of the inattentive servers and the bad decor, it's worth eating at Leon's for the great cheap food. 尽管利昂餐馆侍者服务不周,装潢欠佳,但是食品价廉物美,值得一尝。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕Window locks are a cheap and effective deterrent. 窗户锁是一种价廉、有效的防盗手段。朗文写作活用〔bargain basement〕He offered high-quality electrical goods at bargain basement prices.他提供的电器物美价廉外研社新世纪〔brassy〕Cheap and showy; flashy.浮华的:价廉而炫耀的;浮华的美国传统〔byword〕Their products are a byword for good value.他们的产品是物美价廉的代名词。剑桥高阶〔cheap〕It's not the best place you'll ever eat at, but it's cheap and cheerful.这算不上最好的吃饭的地方,但却价廉物美。麦克米伦高阶〔cheap〕The bag looks cheap and nasty.这包看起来价廉质劣。牛津搭配〔cheap〕The furniture looked cheap and nasty .这家具看上去价廉质次。朗文当代〔cheap〕There's a restaurant round the corner that serves cheap and cheerful food.街角处有家饭店,那里的饭菜价廉物美。剑桥高阶〔choice〕The car is a choice buy.这辆车挑得好,价廉物美。英汉大词典〔commitment〕The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.这家公司保证供货质优价廉的承诺对它的成功起了决定性的作用。牛津高阶〔corruptly〕Some of the finer typefaces are corrupted by cheap, popular computer printers.有些比较优美的字体经过价廉、通用的电脑打印机处理后就面目全非了。柯林斯高阶〔downmarket〕The company wanted to break away from its traditional, down-market image.这家公司想要摆脱其传统的、价廉质低的形象。朗文当代〔eye〕I'm keeping my eye out for a good cheap used car.我在求购一辆物美价廉的二手车。韦氏高阶〔flivver〕An automobile, especially one that is small, inexpensive, and old.廉价小汽车:小的,价廉的,老旧的汽车美国传统〔food〕The restaurant serves good food at affordable prices.那家餐厅物美价廉朗文当代〔hash house〕A cheap restaurant.一种价廉的饭馆美国传统〔imagination〕With a little imagination , you can find great inexpensive Christmas gifts.稍微动点脑筋,你就会找到物美价廉的圣诞礼物。朗文当代〔inferior〕It was a cheap and inferior product.这是一种价廉质次的产品。外研社新世纪〔market〕The market was flooded with cheap foreign goods.价廉质劣的外国货充斥市场。牛津搭配〔necessarily〕The fact that something is cheap doesn't necessarily mean it's of low quality.价廉未必物不美。剑桥高阶〔off-brand〕Of or being a product sold inexpensively under a relatively unfamiliar brand name and often considered inferior to better known brands.不知名品牌的:价廉商品的或是价廉商品的,其品牌较陌生且质量通常被认为较知名品牌差美国传统〔performer〕The computer is a good performer at a reasonable price.这台电脑物美价廉韦氏高阶〔purpose〕You acted to good purpose when you bought that car; it was both good and cheap.你买那辆车算是做了件得计的事,因为那车价廉物美。英汉大词典〔rock bottom〕What they do offer is a good product at a rock-bottom price.他们提供的确实是物美价廉的产品。柯林斯高阶〔snip〕The beautifully made briefcase is a snip at £74.25.这个做工精美的公文包售价才 74.25 英镑,可谓物美价廉柯林斯高阶〔supersaver〕An airline ticket, purchased typically well ahead of the departure date, that affords the purchaser considerable savings over regular fare.特廉(国内)飞机票价:在动身日期很早以前购买的、比常规票价廉得多的飞机票美国传统〔where〕He tells me where to shop for the best bargains.他告诉我去哪里能买到最物美价廉的东西。韦氏高阶Good value for money is what the housewife (= women in general, esp. those who take care of the house) wants.价廉物美的东西是家庭主妇所想要的。剑桥国际The 17-inch monitor is a good buy (= is worth the money you pay for it). 这部 17 英寸的显示器物美价廉牛津商务The brand offers high value at low prices.这品牌价廉物美。牛津商务The company's commitment to providing quality at low prices has been vital to its success.这家公司提供质优价廉产品的承诺对其成功起了决定性的作用。牛津商务The fact that something is cheap doesn't necessarily mean it's of low quality.价廉未必物不美。剑桥国际The goods were produced using mass-production methods to ensure both cheapness and quality.货物是成批生产的,以保证其价廉物美。剑桥国际The government has promised to provide cheap housing (= houses) for poor people.政府许诺为穷人提供价廉的住房。剑桥国际There are cheap, efficient computers to collate the information on symptoms, side-effects and cures.有价廉高效的电脑来分析和比较症状、副作用和疗法方面的信息。剑桥国际We are aiming to provide better quality at keener prices. 我们的目标是提供物美价廉的产品。牛津商务We emphasize quality at popular prices.我们强调物美价廉牛津商务

